
Any Mass Effect fans here?

Is your Shepard female or male?  

31 members have voted

  1. 1. Is your Shepard female or male?

    • Female
    • Male

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Save Ashley or Kaidan?

Usually Ashley. I simply can't handle the fact that he is Carth. He needs to die and stay in KOTOR (for me anyways)



Council lives or dies?


I don't save them. Should have listened, those bastards!





Udina or Anderson for council?


Udina is such a bastard. Anderson every time

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Save Ashley or Kaidan?

Depends on what character I'm playing.


Council lives or dies?

Generally dies, even if I'm otherwise Paragon. From my character's non-omniscient POV, risking the fate of the entire battle to save an incompetent group of VIPs is stupid.


Udina or Anderson for council?

Anderson, of course. Why reward being wrong?


I'll just throw in that I liked Pinnacle Station. Probably because the first time I tried it, I was lucky and went there with what seems like precisely the levels and equipment to make it /barely/ beatable, so I had a fun time with the challenge. Later on, when I knew better what I was doing, it was easier and less fun, though I still enjoyed going there on subsequent playthroughs.

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Yeah I too would like to let em' die, but as I said, I already did and I just don't like the whole galaxy hating you for-it. Plus the new council is just as stupid as the first... if not more. Besides, Kalisha Bint Al Jilanhi is just so easy to Paragon screw if you saved the council :D

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She upsets me so, no signing for the bug. Crush 'em all. Anyway, if I recall, you don't get 'em permanently as war assets...

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I loved the Mako- although this love might have been heightened from my hatred of the Hammerhead. I swear, the Feros playthrough was more fun in my recent Renegade game. I hate having to save every single last colonist which usually means putting my teammates on ice and running forwards alone to prevent misfire. The Rachni Queen is awesome, I've always quite liked her which means I'm not too upset to take the Paragon point hit upcoming.


Oh, if someone knows a mod to make all armours in Mass Effect look like Heavy Armour I would really appreciate it.


I save Kaidan, I swear it has nothing to do with the fact I thought Carth Onasi was great. But in a few playthroughs Ashley pulls through. She is a good character in her own right and a lot of people give her a hard time. I wish quite honestly I could have both of them and leave Liara on Virmire. How ironic is it that the only way to kill her is to do a Mass Effect 3 fail playthrough? Considering how stringent the requirements are to save Miranda. Anderson, always because Udina's a politician and they make me squeamish. I've just never been able to leave the Council for dead. Not only from a it's completely heartless to me it was a key divergence from other cycles to preserve galactic government.  


I've never gotten Pinnacle Station and so far, I've been uninterested. I own all the other story DLCs in PC except for Mass Effect 3's (Partially as at the moment it is a big download) and in 360, I have all story based DLCs except for Pinnacle Station. The combat in Mass Effect One, mostly to maximize experience yields and complete all vital carry over states gets repetitive. I'm almost three-quarters through the Soldier playthrough I created to unlock all the weapons and that class is worse for the boredom factor. I love the story, I just get a little sick of the Thresher Maws. 

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Just imported my level 60 Adept Paragon Female Shepard for my first ever ME2 playthrough


I already installed all the free DLC, but when should I install all the paid DLC?  Should I have it all in place before the first mission?


In other words, when should I play the DLC missions within the context of the main storyline?

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Heheh, love 'em maws. I always make a point to finish 'em with my handgun, and not the mako...

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Milestails: it doesn't matter when you install the DLC's. You can even do them after the suicide mission and still get the effects in your ME 3 playthrough. One unfixed bug to be aware, though: get Samara and Thane before starting the Shadow Broker mission. The reason is that the terminal Liara leaves you is bugged and you may end-up losing all those precious hours you put into making the perfect playthrough. Take a look at this thread for further informations:

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Thanks for the heads up.  From what I've been hearing, it seems that I should play Lair of the Shadow Broker and Arrival after the main storyline since it makes more sense that way.

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Maybe, but I would not do that for LotSB, especially if you are a completionnist. Mainly because of the content you can't get all in one time. The broker terminal yields some random item once per actual day (including one upgrade for each weapon). Also, you have to come back for the "funding" terminal and put a mission between you starting the funded stuff and the report you get.

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Just discovered this thanks to your link. Maybe I'll finally break down and buy the PC copy of ME3 since I've been hesitating all of this time due to news of how bad/ poorly designed its ending is.

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I'm glad it could motivate you to. ME3 was a great game in my opinion, but this is the cherry on top. Now if they could only make a compatibility list... :P

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Looks like the changelog is here


According to it, there are a couple of changes with the soundtrack (though still no way to get the original "vanilla" ME3 ending one)

and a couple of added e-mails and animation tweaks. Also apparently there are new improved ending videos and a somewhat ominous secret addition as well..

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Well, if you do, be sure you get a save before

  Reveal hidden contents

. That way you'll be able to get a better ending.

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The mod really is required imo. The feeling of despair is completly gone with MEHEM, I'd never play the base ending or EC again.

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I don't have mass effect myself. But my brother bought all the games for the ps3 for 20€ during the recent PSN sale. It does look cool, and maybe I should get it for PC. I know there's EA classic versions and the trilogy, should I get the trilogy or the EA classic versions? He completed ME1 and now he's at nr. 2.

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The one with most DLC's the best. Otherwise, you may miss out on some content. The only DLC I did not quite enjoy and did not really help in the end was Pinnacle for ME 1. Aesthetic aren't required either. But weapons mods... I'd take 'em ;)

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