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Hassat Hunter

Calling out all Red Eclipse Players!

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Well, if you guys want to gain some affection with your companions while we quest I say we split in groups of two and join forces for the heroics and flashpoints (and warzones, if you want to do those). There's not much need for healers while doing your normal quests, even less when you're in group with another tank or DPS, so I'll say two healers are enough.

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You know, this thing won't work unless there's communication between us.

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Yeah, I'm still on the fleet, waiting for any of you guys to say when we you want to play :)


Hassat, about roles/classes, we've got:

VP, Jedi Knight, DPS.

Mandalore, Smuggler, DPS.

Gua, Trooper, Healer.

Sith Holocron, Jedi Consluar, DPS?

Me, Trooper, Tank.


I suggest you roll either a tank or a healer, of any class.

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Suppose healer it is then, probably gonna suck though.

Trooper evolves into healer, right? (and consular, but don't want a consular again)

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Knight/Warrior - > Sentinel/Marauder (DPS) OR Guardian/Juggernaut (DPS/Tank)

Consular/Inquisitor - > Sage/Sorcerer (DPS/Heals) OR Shadow/Assassin (DPS/Tank)

Trooper/Bounty Hunter - > Commando/Mercenary (DPS/Heals) OR Vanguard/Powertech(DPS/Tank)

Smuggler/Imperial Agent - > Gunslinger/Sniper (DPS) OR Scoundrel/Operative (DPS/Heals)




Thought this might help ya'll out.



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Both my wife and I have finally had our characters make it to the fleet so we'll probably be joining you in a few days. (I work the next two nights.)


I have a few suggestions of things we can together as a group besides Operations that might assist us all. I have mentioned at least one of these before.


1) Hunt down all of the World Bosses


2) Going on a Lore Object hunt: To make sure you have them all. For example, have you acquired the Lore Object on Ilum at the south end of the map that was hosting the Gray Secant event? It's right in the middle of the abandoned base in the middle of the map.


3) Collecting all of the Datacrons: Having a consular with the Rescue force power will help out a great deal. And when I say all the datacrons, I do include the really tough ones on the Republic Fleet that give +10 to all stats. I've yet to hear anyone that I know personally that's done it.


4) Band together when one of the "events" (like the Rakghoul Plague and Gree's Gray Secant) come around. This will also tie into both (1) and (2)


Now a personal request: could you guys PM me your Red Eclipse names so my wife and I may add you when next we log on to Red Eclipse? Thanks!

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From the way you say it you'll think that we'll hit 50 in less than a week. I really hope you're not suggesting to spacebar everything except class quests and skip heroics.

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I really hope you're not suggesting to spacebar everything except class quests and skip heroics.

In fact, I'm suggesting we do as much as possible - and NOT skip the items folks tend to miss.
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I do include the really tough ones on the Republic Fleet that give +10 to all stats. I've yet to hear anyone that I know personally that's done it.

I got it.

Then again got aid from a guildie who was already at some proper places, so all I had to do was wait for him to assist and bam, at the Holocron's location.

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Now a personal request: could you guys PM me your Red Eclipse names so my wife and I may add you when next we log on to Red Eclipse? Thanks!


Zbyl and Kunegundaa on the Republic side.



From the way you say it you'll think that we'll hit 50 in less than a week. I really hope you're not suggesting to spacebar everything except class quests and skip heroics.


At this rate, it'll take us months to even play together once :P

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At this rate, it'll take us months to even play together once :P

Lol, that's so true :D

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I'm not trying to rush you here but maybe you can post an update on where you are and when are you going to get to the fleet, if you're not already there. Otherwise, the idea to play together is gonna remain just an idea.

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About to get ship on Coruscant. Have looking for you all so I can add you with no success. Can we arrange to meet online on Sunday at the same time so I can add you folks?

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We were supposed to meet on the fleet and from there start questing together, I mentioned that a couple of times before -.- If you're gonna ignore everything I post, I don't see how we're gonna play. Ever.

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gua543, if you don't have me on your friends list, how would you know if I was at the fleet? Logic is your friend.


I'm a Jedi Consular named "Emfour" - if you see me, add me. (And let me know that you've done so.)

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gua543, if you don't have me on your friends list, how would you know if I was at the fleet?

How do you know he's not added you? :P I added you to friends on both my Republic toons, haven't seen you online yet, though.



Can we arrange to meet online on Sunday at the same time so I can add you folks?

Sounds good to me, let me know on time.

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Type /friend Zbyl in chat. Replace Zbyl with any character name you want.

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Okay, fine, maybe I forgot to tell you guys that my initial idea was to arrange a meeting via the forum, not with the in-game chat. However, communication between us is basically doesn't exist. Also, I'm in a different time zone and I think there are 2-3 hours difference between me and everybody else here, since you're all from England or somewhere nearby (not quite sure about this, maybe I'm wrong). The internet says I'm in UTC/GMT +2 hours, however I have no idea what this means. If it helps, it's 13:27 right now here.

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Zbyl: Thanks for the info. I'll make sure to add you all when I get home from work.


gua543: UTC/GMT = Universal Time Code/Greenwich Mean Time, which is England's time zone. The +2 means you add 2 hours to the GMT to get your time zone. I'm EST (Eastern Standard Time) as I'm currently on the east coast of the U.S.

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Sith Holocron: I saw you online yesterday about 8.30 my time (GMT+1) ;)

I whispered you but you were away from keyboard, then you went offline before I tried again.

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