Crazzyy 4 Posted November 3, 2012 I accidentally found on the internet something very interesting. A theory that Kreia actually is Arren Kae, the mother of Brianna. I wanted to know is there are some restored lines in TSLRCM that sustain this theory. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Sith Holocron 2,514 Posted November 3, 2012 I accidentally found on the internet something very interesting. A theory that Kreia actually is Arren Kae, the mother of Brianna. I wanted to know is there are some restored lines in TSLRCM that sustain this theory. Ever see this interview? Emperor Devon: A hotly debated subject among fans is whether Kreia and Arren Kae are the same person, and it would be nice to have an official opinion on this. What's your take on it, did you ever have them being the same person on your mind during development? Chris Avellone: Can’t comment, but good catch. Sorry. If Avellone can't comment, either can we. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Hassat Hunter 572 Posted November 4, 2012 1 Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Darth_Sapiens 92 Posted November 4, 2012 so it is true lol, it makes alot of sense, thanks for sharing HH Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Zhaboka 92 Posted November 4, 2012 I almost kried (HA!) reading that, HH. Powerful stuff. I mean, I've read it all before, but amassing it all on to a single page like that... stuff. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Sith Holocron 2,514 Posted November 4, 2012 so it is true lol, it makes alot of sense, thanks for sharing HH Until Avellone says it plainly, I'm still calling it a theory. A theory with LOTS of evidence that I perosnally believe to be the case, but still a theory. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Kaidon Jorn 216 Posted November 4, 2012 Yeah..Kreia is Arren Kae. Cool. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Quauhtli 4 Posted November 4, 2012 wow. mind blown. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Nsinger998 17 Posted November 5, 2012 That's why I like this guys lets plays. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Sith Holocron 2,514 Posted November 5, 2012 That's why I like this guys lets plays. Yes, Scorchy was always my go-to guy when trying to push a point for the TSLRCM. If only we got that Serocco Veterans cutscene put in there. PS: But not a G0-T0 guy - because that one needs a memory wipe. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
WhereIsBaoDur 0 Posted November 5, 2012 Speaking of Kreia, I never figured out how she regained her ability to use the Force after what Nihilus did to her. She says that to cut someone from the Force completly is difficult but still, you'd think Nihilus could do it. Also I wonder if T3 sought her out at the beginning of the game or what. She nerver seemed to hold it in high regard though. Thoughts, anyone? Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
peedeeboy 23 Posted November 5, 2012 Also I wonder if T3 sought her out at the beginning of the game or what. She nerver seemed to hold it in high regard though. Thoughts, anyone? That may be answered in the Revan book... but I haven't read it My take on it (and I may be way out here) based purely on what is said in TSL is: T3 travels with Revan in the Ebon Hawk to the unknown regions looking for the 'real' Sith threat. Something happens to Revan, HK-47 gets shot to pieces and stuffed in a cupboard, and T3 returns to the Republic in the Ebon Hawk to try and find help (locking the Navicomputer to stop anybody unworthy finding out where Revan has gone).. Meanwhile... Kriea has been betrayed by Sion and Nihilus and cast out... she seeks her revenge through one who has been cut from the force like she has, the Exile. Meanwhile... Atris has arranged for the Exile to return to the Republic aboard the Harbinger.. the scheming so-and-so has also leaked that information to the Sith in order to draw them out... Then… Somehow, and I don't think this is fully explained, Sion ends up unconscious aboard the Ebon Hawk. Maybe he tracked down and fought Kreia there? Maybe it was all part of a trap to hide in a damaged republic freighter to get picked up by the Harbinger? T3, Kreia, Sion and the Exile's paths all converge aboard the Haringer (fate?). Sion wakes up and goes postal, and in the chaos Kreia steals the Ebon Hawk along with an unconscious Exile. Overcome by her own battle wounds, (or knocked out by HK-50, who has also snuck aboard) she succumbs to unconsciousness herself (is it me or do these Jedi get knocked unconscious alot?). Whereupon T3 locks HK-50 in the cupboard with HK-47, repairs the ship and steers it to Peragus... Enter the player! Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Mandalore 61 Posted November 5, 2012 I believe that's mainly correct - the HK-47 bit & the stuff about Sion I'm not sure about though. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
kyrie 18 Posted November 5, 2012 Wasn't Sion onboard the sith ship that the Harbinger sent crew onto, thus enabling the assassins to sneak on board. HK-47 was dismantled before the events of TSL afaik seeing as his parts were scattered across the galaxy. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
WhereIsBaoDur 0 Posted November 5, 2012 Wasn't Sion onboard the sith ship that the Harbinger sent crew onto, thus enabling the assassins to sneak on board. HK-47 was dismantled before the events of TSL afaik seeing as his parts were scattered across the galaxy. That is correct. I also recall Revan was the one who shot HK-47. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Hassat Hunter 572 Posted November 5, 2012 Indeed it was. Sion was never on the Hawk. T3 never overcame HK-50, HK-50 snuck on board the Hawk himself. Also pretty sure Kreia became knocked down when the Harbinger fired on the Hawk before going to hyperspace (leading to the situation at the start of the game) Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
peedeeboy 23 Posted November 6, 2012 Indeed it was. Sion was never on the Hawk. T3 never overcame HK-50, HK-50 snuck on board the Hawk himself. Also pretty sure Kreia became knocked down when the Harbinger fired on the Hawk before going to hyperspace (leading to the situation at the start of the game) You are, of course, correct Had to load an old save to remind myself.. Whilst on their Exile taxi mission, the Harbinger responds to a distress call from a freighter (the Ebon Hawk) under attack by the Sith. They find a both the Ebon Hawk and a Sith warship disabled (I forgot they boarded the Sith ship as well as the Hawk!).. Sion obviously comes from the Sith warship, not the Ebon Hawk.. Which is, I guess, how the Sith Assassins sneak aboard the Harbinger.. I don't think it is ever explicitly mentioned how Kreia gets on board the Harbinger. Ideas?? I guess the most logical assumption is that she was aboard the Ebon Hawk, and that is why Sion was attacking it.. although, as whereisabaodur says, it seems a little out of character for Kriea to be rolling with T3. When you gain influence with T3, you unlock the holovid of Bastilla telling him to seek out her or other Jedi should something bad happen to Revan. So perhaps T3 found Kreia, and Kreia went looking for the Exile?? If Kreia has been hanging with T3, it would certainly explain how she seems to know so much about what Revan is upto nowadays.. I mean, unless Revan sent her postcard: Dear Kreia, Landed safely.. unfortunately, those idiot Rodian baggage handlers at Nar Shadaa broke my HK droid and I totally forgot to pack any suncream, so I've sent T3 home for it. The hotel Dromund Kaas is lovely (except for the pool being overrun by Cyc, but the staff tell me they're gonna Force Lightning them all tomorrow) and the local Psychotic Sith Emperor very accommodating. In fact, he doesn't want me to leave! Wish you were here, Revan And yep, it's not said that T3 had anything to do with imprisoning HK-50.. that was some artistic license on my part. He could of happened to be standing in the cupboard when the Ebon Hawk was fired upon by the (now Sith controlled) Harbinger during its escape, and the doors sealed automatically.. I just always felt that HK-50 takes such relish in zapping T3 on Peragus, that there might be history there.... Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Hassat Hunter 572 Posted November 6, 2012 Well, he also zapped T3 on the Hawk at the end of the Prolgue. From what I recall, Kreia's entry into the story is indeed vague. Could be from the Hawk, could be from the Harbinger, could be from the Sith Warship. It's all possible. T3 pretty much stated he came to seek for you. Unless he's lying that means he wouldn't have searched out Kreia. Also, doesn't seem to recall Kreia in the tutorial, which would make sense to be if they traveled before that. So that leads me to believe it's not the Hawk. So either on the Harbinger (remember "passengers" going to "passenger"... what if that's not a typo or error in the dialogue at all, but Kreia at work), or the Sith Warship... Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Sith Holocron 2,514 Posted November 6, 2012 A good discussion of this was covered in a thread over at LucasForums called: Why did the Exile return to known space? Feel free to check it out. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
kyrie 18 Posted November 6, 2012 Also, doesn't seem to recall Kreia in the tutorial, which would make sense to be if they traveled before that. So that leads me to believe it's not the Hawk. So either on the Harbinger (remember "passengers" going to "passenger"... what if that's not a typo or error in the dialogue at all, but Kreia at work), or the Sith Warship... They show her laying on the floor of the hawk in the tutorial 1 Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Hassat Hunter 572 Posted November 6, 2012 I know. But if T3 knew her it probably wouldn't be just "an old woman lying about"... Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
WhereIsBaoDur 0 Posted November 6, 2012 I thought about "passengers". Kreia tells you she boarded the sith overrun Harbinger though(I checked the harbinger logs, they found the sith warship and boarded it before the Ebon Hawk) She, of course, could be lying and in fact had reasons to. Still it is probably just a bit more likely that she came with T3 (I have nothing to support it, except the fact that it makes it more likely that Sion is chasing the E.H.) About the Exile's motivation for his return it could simply be that Carth called for him, and he had no other reasons. After all the Harbinger was sent for him, and it could explain why he didn't know the destination. I don't have many ideas as to how kreia regained the connection with the Force though. (do you think that happens before the game, or she's also using her link with the exile to heal herself?) Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
kyrie 18 Posted November 6, 2012 I thought about "passengers". Kreia tells you she boarded the Sith overrun Harbinger though(I checked the harbinger logs, they found the Sith warship and boarded it before the Ebon Hawk) She, of course, could be lying and in fact had reasons to. Still it is probably just a bit more likely that she came with T3 (I have nothing to support it, except the fact that it makes it more likely that Sion is chasing the E.H.) About the Exile's motivation for his return it could simply be that Carth called for him, and he had no other reasons. After all the Harbinger was sent for him, and it could explain why he didn't know the destination. I don't have many ideas as to how Kreia regained the connection with the Force though. (do you think that happens before the game, or she's also using her link with the exile to heal herself?) Atris leaked the info of the exile's return to the republic, she also setup her return. Didn't Atris get the Republic to send the Harbinger to pick up the exile? Kreia regained her connection to the force thru the exile the same way the exile got her companions to feel the force using her ability to form force bonds. It was part of the reason Kreia sought out the exile, other than to destroy the force Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
hkmandalore47 3 Posted November 9, 2012 I can't picture kreia and t3 together. remember when she "broke" t3 and despised him because of revealing the message with bastila to the exile (still don't understand the purpose of breaking him cuz its not like you do much with it btw)? also when she mentioned how she never understood why revan was so interested in machines and it compltely defied her because they were dead to the force? also, i find it weird that she regained her connection through the exile. the exile is a wound in the force, and though kreia had difficulty finding her, she still had the power of the force. they didnt form a force bond until they both ended up on the Ebon Hawk. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
WhereIsBaoDur 0 Posted November 9, 2012 The part with "betrayal. and from a machine i cannot abide it" made me think that she already knew a bit of it actually. As for her recovering of the Force i honestly don't know, anyone got a clear idea about it? Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites