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TSLRCM download

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Below links are outdated. Current version of TSLRCM is 1.7. For more info see the following thread;


Please update your links!



Current download links for TSLRCM

filefront links TSL Restored Content Mod 1.6 Mod Download, Knights of the Old Republic 2 Mods

TSLRCMv1.6 - Nar Shaddaa Fix Mod Download, Knights of the Old Republic 2 Mods


Mirrors (thanks to Tyvokka)


For those who just want a single download and install(this is 1.6 with the Narshadaa fix already included in the installer

Edited by Hassat Hunter

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Guest saki

Thank you and thanks Tyvokka also :P

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Hello, guys: A few months ago, I played the "TSLRCM" (beta version) and I enjoyed it *REALLY MUCH". :D Now, let me ask u: You're back. Is this mod HERE (1.6, with Nar Shadaa) the FINAL mod, with NO MISTAKES and new patches, the real final mod I can use to play the REAL KotOR 2? And, if that's the case: Does this mod work with my german version or do I have to use the "Language Converter Tool" again?





Silvan^^ :)

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Maybe. Maybe not.


And 1.6a can be installed on a German version without language converter.

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Hey, I've got a question: What are these "mirrors" and what are they good for? Do I need them to play the RCM, or not? See ya :)

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Hey, I've got a question: What are these "mirrors" and what are they good for? Do I need them to play the RCM, or not? See ya :)


The Mirrors are just alternate download sites if the main one goes down or experiences other problems.

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Is it the same than the last one that was available on the old forum?

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Yes, and no...


It got eventually updated to the current version. Just check your readme (if you still have it). If it mentions the KSE and stuff you got the new one. If it mentions typo's remaining it's the old one (all those got fixed in 1.6).

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Why would you need that? :S


Because I'm using the appearance.2da and high-res texture files (.tga) with shaders from "unofficial 1.0c patch" . They are the only things I extracted from it, I don't use the rest because it's stolen work and (as it has been already said) unnecessary, and it seams to me that they are only non-stolen part of it. (If they are, and anyone knows from where please tell me, 'cause I wasn't been able to find it ANYWHERE else on the net).

With earlier (TSLPatcher versions) of TSLRCM all that has been necessary is to first copy those files in override folder, and while installing TSLRCM TSLPatcher would modify existing appearance.2da for use with TSLRCM and it worked like charm, with no issues!!

It was the only thing that made KOTOR2 pretty at least as KOTOR1, and I'm so used to it that now I just can't imagine playing with it, so please if you could only make TSLPatcher version of 1.6a, I (and probably even some other people) would be WARY grateful.

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Personnally, if I were you, I'd give a try to programming the TSL patcher to append to existing RCM appearance.2da with the data you want. If not, I'd give a try to a lot of other textures mods. Maybe you'd like Xarwars's texture mod (even though he is in a major overhaul, and I'd have to upload them).

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If all you're using from "1.0C patch" are .tga files, then you don't need its appearance.2da.

Unless you want something more to it than just simple texture changes...?

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If all you're using from "1.0C patch" are .tga files, then you don't need its appearance.2da.

Unless you want something more to it than just simple texture changes...?


Sorry for not replying sooner, I was out of town. Well, I was using it because I thought that its used for changing the appearance of the actors (for shinning effect on T3-M4, HKs and some armors) Is it needed for that too? That's only thing I need except texture changes. Will they still be shiny without it? (I think that I tried without it the first time, but then all HK-50s became transparent?!)

And yes, I'm aware of some re-texture mods, but all of them are changing the colors too much. I wasn't been able to find no other that would actually keep the textures as they were, just upping their resolution.

Edited by Pavijan

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Guest wvsnl

Hi I have a little question about the 1.6 version. In 1.5 I had an issue with Atton and handmaiden in the Ebon Hawk. When handmaiden is training and Atton walks in and out she is supposed to attack him and he defends himself. However with 1.5 I never saw that amination they just talked but I didn't saw the combat amination. Is that issue corrected in 1.6 or was it something only I experienced?

Edited by wvsnl

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There is no animation there.


That's an addition TSLRP (Team Gizka) added in their mod, but vanilla (and TSLRCM) they just talk.

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Just one question for the team : Is this version of TSLRCM (1.6) considered final, or is there more content that you would like to add in eventual future vetsions (1.7, etc...)?

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I've heard they'd like to get in touch with Ulic to include his fixes. If that happened, the issue of the faulty HK-50 that the Exile and party encounter would work properly. (A fix Ulic has doesn't play well with that self destructing HK-50.)

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Nah, it's more that him putting the file in override breaks the HK-50 on Telos since it uses the same file (well, not, but same filename) as the one on Peragus.

If it was just implented in a .mod file, or the original module then it could fix the Peragus HK-50 without affecting the Telos HK-50.

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When Handmaiden is training and Atton walks in and out, she is supposed to attack him and he defends himself. However with 1.5 I never saw that animation they just talked but I didn't saw the combat animation. Is that issue corrected in 1.6 or was it something only I experienced?


Would people like such a thing included if it could be made from scratch? They obviously couldn't use the coding from TSLRP, as that would be wrong. I think it might be fun seeing a cut-scene of them using those unarmed animations.

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Nah, it's more that him putting the file in override breaks the HK-50 on Telos since it uses the same file (well, not, but same filename) as the one on Peragus.

If it was just implented in a .mod file, or the original module then it could fix the Peragus HK-50 without affecting the Telos HK-50.

Why not just change the Telos HK script name? That would eliminate the whole problem..

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@ SH: I think it was a nice addition. Didn't really worked in TSLRP 1.0b8 though, they rushed too fast through the animations (someone somewhere screwed up). Should be doable with the .dlg file even, not using a new .ncs I think.


@ Bead-v: Yeah, that would work too (*beats himself for his head for not thinking of this himself*). But it would be nicer still to have all the Ulic fixing stuff.

EDIT: Okay, just checked the convo file, and I guess it's not that easy, since it's apparantly not triggered in the dialogue by script but elsewhere...

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