Hassat Hunter

Bugs and minor inconveniences with TSLRCM 1.8

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I ain't too sure that this could be the problem, but in my experience, you are always better to just scrap any saves you have from previous versions... in order to be sure no such conflict could happen. And yes, I am pretty sure it has happened to others before to get something game-breaking only at Malachor.


Other mods I see that could be potential buggers are anything that modifies appearance.2da, Crazy Dustil and maybe the Admiralty mod, provided the patch could have been made for 1.8.1 instead of 1.8.2...?

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Yeah I'm pretty sure that Admiralty patch was made for 1.8.1 and didn't work well even then.

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The heart of the problem is Atton.  Notice that in the cutscene I attached to my original post, he is missing.  What's weirder is that I can't go back to any of my previous save files and play as him.  He is completely missing.  If he is in my party and I switch to him, the game crashes.


I tried uninstalling the Admiralty mod and Atton's Sith Garb but neither fixed the problem.

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My In game movies crash my game every single time. After the cutscenes finishes, it actually inserts my character into the setting of the cutscene ( i.e. aboard the Harbinger with Sion or aboard Nilhus ship after he chokes visas.) I've deleted my movies folder and disable movies but NOTHING changed...


My only downloaded mod is TSLRCM 1.8

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Are the Sion and Nihilus ones ingame?

If you're shown inside that module, it's not the movies that are the issue, something else is causing it.

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I'm getting a crash on Dantooine in the sub-level.  I suspect it is just before you meet Kaevee, but I haven't played the TSLRCM before.  The game just completely crashes to desktop after I defeat the swarm of laigreks that comes out of the locked door, I assume right when Kaevee's dialogue is supposed to initiate.


I've tried completely uninstalling the game, then reinstalling the game and the TSLRCM/M4-78 mod.  The only other mods I have are the M4-78 mod and TSL Loot and Immersion Upgrade ( http://deadlystream.com/forum/files/file/206-tsl-loot-and-immersion-upgrade/ ), which claims to be compatible with TSLRCM.  When I uninstalled, I deleted everything but my saves folder and then did not reinstall my TSL Loot mod, so I'm not sure how it could be a mod conflict.

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They should really start adding what TSL RCM version mods are compatible with...

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Do you have a save before loading the sublevel (since stuff gets saved in saves once you enter a module once). Then you can give it a quick try (since she's pretty near the entrance) to see if it works, while a save inside the sublevel might still crash even with the deleted stuff.

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I've found two minor inconsistencies:

the first one is a bug. Or at least I think so: well anyway, after having done the atris academy and took back my ship, I wanted to go to Telos citadel station to claim my prize for the two bountyhunters you find in Telos planet.
Well, as soon as I reached the citadel, claimed my prize, and then tried to go to Onderon, the game would bug and loop: I'm forced to watch two videos (of the ebon hawk taking off from the citadel - then one of the ship reaching Onderon), then the game alt tabs, and If I try to click on the bar, I get back in the game, only to see again the loop.
Strange indeed.

The second one is another bug. When the ebon hawk gets attacked by Red eclipse slavers, you watch a cutscene of the captain saying " I finally got my ship " or something of that sort. Well the problem is that the captain had my same face.
But in the first encounter I had with him , he had a different face from my main character

Now, I've got also some questions:
1- in Nar Shadaa, there is a merchant quest about two merchants clashing: well the problem is that I helped Geeda (the kind rodian) because she said that by solving the problems in both Onderon and Dantooine she would get better equipment.
The problem is that after having solved the Onderon problem , I still could not say her that Onderon was free : all I was able to do was proposing her to trade with the mandalorians on the moon. Any idea ?§

2- When Darth Sion is going to surrender himself, you should see him touching with his hands the ground while kneeing. Well, my game's camera focused on my own character, and didn't let me see Sion.

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Typo time: speaking to G0-T0 about his droid capabilities. Something like "I well be sure to let the other droids know about how fat you are." This would be "I will"

There is no such line in the game...


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Sorry if this is a repeat but I didn't see any mention of this in a search. During the prologue on the Ebon Hawk before Peragus, after repairing the hyperdrive I entered the garage. The starboard dormitory appears open but there is a floating "Blast Door" label in the entrance. I cannot enter the dormitory to get at the footlocker.


Going back outside the Ebon Hawk to use the sparking wires gives me the message that I have already openned the doors.


If I exit and reload the game, the doors are actually there and clicking them gives the message that they are sealed. Going back to the wires outside the ship gives me the message that I already openned them, and returning to the dormitory results in the same bug - an invisible door.


Using an earlier save before fixing the hyperdrive, I have access to the dormitory as normal.


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That's, odd.

I have seen that behavior, it's usually when saving/loading when a door opens before it fully opened. And can also happen with really low framerate.

I'll check it out, but I don't think it's reproducable...


I'm pretty sure this is a vanilla bug but I saved right after the Harbinger arrived at Peragus (while I was on the exterior, looking at the Hammerhead Cruiser) and then came back later and loaded that save later. Everything was fine, except the Hammerhead was now gone, nowehere to be seen.


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Not sure if it's intentional or a bug, so I'll list it here.


When asking T3 about Mandalore, he plays the hologram of Canderous without the helmet, saluting and speaking.


However, one of the exile's responses is "It looked like Revan needed Canderous for something".


Thing is, the hologram doesn't show Revan at all, so it's kinda confusing why that sort of response would be there. Is there a bug in the script or no holo-Revan was supposed to appear?

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Holo Revan is only there on the Dark Side version (DS Revan). But yeah, I agree that can be kinda confusing, maybe should look at that...

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I'm not sure if this was already mentioned.

On Ravager Sith male officers is using a female soundset.


Wait till you encounter the female one that uses tank droid soundset.


I plan to fix those as part of NPC overhaul mod.


EDIT: Also, found another minor thing - during the transit to Malachor, when every party member mentions it in their thoughts, when Atton's turn comes, the background visible through Hawk's cockpit windows is set to Dantooine. I'd suggest using the hyperspace one used during transift from Peragus to Citadel.


EDIT 2: Yet another thing. During the silent explanation of Remote's mission on Malachor (the 'Your programing commands you...' bit) there is a line "Run through the level...". That kinda breaks from the immersion, even if it's just there as an instruction. "Traverse/Travel across Malachor's surface..." would be better.

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The first level of the Ravager indeed had messed up soundsets for all NPCs, fixed in 1.8.3 though.


@ First edit; Really? Thought it was already set to hyperspace, should have to check that out.

@ Second edit; Makes sense... changed.

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Another thing, and yes, I know on the scale of 1 to Annoying, I'm up there with Annoying, but hey, might as well help iron these things out.


Out of all Jedi party members, Handmaiden lacks dialogue options to teach her new forms and/or feats. Again, not sure if it's intetional, but given you can teach everyone else, I doubt it.


Also, on Dantooine, if the player is allied with the mercenaries, after initial wave and killing Zherron, an earlier cutscene of Azkul asking the PC if they're ready plays, and it's possible to loop this situation infinitely. However the plot can be progressed by ignoring it and running into Khoonda.

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1) There are no lines for her or Disciple for that, so yes, that's intentional.

2) Never seen that happen. Once all are dead, the cutscene plays (not the asking PC) and it should load Khoonda right away. What other mods do you have?

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Hi, I've found some kind of bug in TSLRCM 1.8.2. On Peragus, when you leave the mining tunnels, (when you first meet the HK-50),  you're supposed to use the maintenance officer's computer to lift the lockdown. But there are also holologs on that computer that you can look at. But on my game, choosing any of those logs causes the computer screen to immediately close without showing any logs at all. And when I used the computer again, it came back to the same options I was on when it closed out.  I only have the base game, TSLRCM and M4-78EP installed, except for  Widescreen UI for TSL Mod. What's happening here !? :cry: 

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