Hassat Hunter

Bugs and minor inconveniences with TSLRCM 1.8

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My two cents:


You are very bold to use USM when there are newer and compatible saber mods out there!

I would ditch the Enhanced Romancement with Visas Marr.

And I agree on Full Force mod.



P.S. I checked out the Survival Mask mod you mentioned. I like! Going to DL.


Well I dunno what is better than USM since it seems top notch so if say there is a better mod such as that then please tell me, i'd like to hear it. :) Also, whoever cleaned up my wall of text, you have my thanks. ^^ I'm usually one to state the facts and i'm usually like that to be messy but at least I get the point across so whoever did that, thank you. :) Also, it's the other Fire & Ice Robes. ^^; I added the Visas romance enhancement mod since I love the ExileXVisas pairing a lot hence I did that. :P

So it seems that the Full Force mod may be the reason for the "black screen" problem, now I just need to learn how to uninstall it, sounds stupid I know but i'd like to do so while keeping the Lost Powers and High Level Force Power mod intact is all. ^^;

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Could you upload a savegame?

USM may very well be the cause... it is indeed a bad idea to use incompatible mods.


Well as long as USM doesn't interfere with the main story's progress from start to finish then I don't mind it really. ^^; And sure http://www.mediafire.com/?f0d75a9o036bdaq

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Well as long as USM doesn't interfere with the main story's progress from start to finish then I don't mind it really. ^^; And sure http://www.mediafire.com/?f0d75a9o036bdaq

If you installed the USM with all of its dialog files and scripts, that's exactly what it will do.


That's what everyone is trying to tell you.

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If you installed the USM with all of its dialog files and scripts, that's exactly what it will do.


That's what everyone is trying to tell you.


Sorry, didn't know that since I thought the main story would be smooth enough but guess not.

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I seem to be having trouble triggering the first of 3 sparring matches with the Handmaiden. I have been doing what has been stated before of entering a different planet and reentering the Ebon Hawk to see if the option appears. Unfortunately it does not and I am stuck with the same 4 dialogue options.


However, I seem to have fixed it by deleting a handmaiden.dlg file within the KOTORII folder and all the normal dialogue options have appeared when playing without the TSLRCM and I am able to spar with her again. Does this file have a significance with the rest of the TSLRCM? I have reinstall the game via Steam and the TSLRCM several times and the handmaiden.dlg file has kept returning.


Any help is appreciated.

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What is needed to trigger Atton/Disciple scene at Malacor V? I wasn't able to do that with niether lightside Atton nor Darkside...

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What is needed to trigger Atton/Disciple scene at Malacor V? I wasn't able to do that with niether lightside Atton nor Darkside...

Atton would be dark and influence difference would be more than 60

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I decided to start over and uninstall and reinstall my KOTOR II again and this time without the Full Force power mod given how it messes with the other two force mods as mentioned before but I just have one more question, is HOTOR 1.4 compatible with RCM?

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found a new inconvenies, there is no option to "disable the droids to move by them" in the mining tunles so this means i cant get by them because i used the option to remove all orders on organics so they dont become hostile. this is a problem because i dont have any demaltion skill because on this play through i thought let master stealth instead. im stuck and cant get by them, for me this isent much off a issues because i will just use KSE to increase my demaltion skill but this is still a problem that needs to be fixed in the near future :/.

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I've come across a problem, which has rendered me totally stuck: It has started crashing every time I try to leave the Ebon Hawk. Specifically, when I leave the Ebon Hawk, the party select screen pops up. Upon picking two characters and hitting OK, the screen goes blank (with the cursor still visible and moving), never reaching the Loading Screen.


What has gone before:

I have left Telos for the first time, and gone to Dantooine

I have left and entered the Ebon Hawk many times successfully already

I have defeated Visas and recruited her

Handmaiden has taught me Battle Perception after defeating her in the first spar


I suspect this may be because the H4M-D4M mod (the version by Hassat Hunter), since I am playing as fem exile and have recruited the Handmaiden. As far as I can recall, I have never successfully left the Ebon Hawk after defeating the Handmaiden. Do I need to give up on having her in my party as fexile?



KotOR II: TSL (4-CD version)

Official Patch v1.0a

Official Patch v1.0b

Official HQ Movies Patch

Official HQ Music Patch

TSLRCM v1.81

Squizzy KotOR2 Resolution Patcher

16x9 HUD

Choose Mira or Hanharr

Expanded Workbench v2.02 - Not certain this is actually working, but irrelevant to this issue

Fixed Mandalorian Banners

Handmaiden 4 Females - Disciple 4 Males for TSLRCM 1.8

Handmaiden Style Undies for Females

Realistic Nar Shaddaa Skybox

Remote Influence

Workbench Crystal Attunement


EDIT: After some checking, I've confirmed that it's only Dantooine that this is occurring on, so it's nothing to do with the H4F-D4M mod as far as I can tell.

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Does that happen every time you leave the EH? What planets have you tried?


It shouldn't be caused by my mod. You think more people would report that if it had such a critical flaw... :unsure:

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I went to Nar Shaddaa and that was fine, and back to Telos, which was also fine. Doesn't matter anyway, since I managed to fix it by reinstalling and using an earlier save, just before leaving Telos. I think it was just KotOR2 being, well, KotOR2, rather than anything else being broken =P

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I just had an odd experience on Peragus, at the point when you meet up with Kreia (just before she joins your party). When I came onto the level she appears and starts telling me about the "enemy" that has arrived and that we must leave, but most of here lines were not spoken, they appeared on screen but the camera never panned over to her and I didn't hear her voice (I just got the dialogue options). I don't know if this is just something wrong with my installation (I used several of the other mods listed in your compatibility thread), if my game is screwed up somehow then I'd certainly like to know before continuing on and playing for hours more if it's not going to work properly.

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Q. Dialogue fast-forwards/cutscenes without sound

A. Engine issue. Not caused by TSLRCM. Unfortunately, we cannot fix this. May this happen, do a full reboot of the game, and it should work properly again.

That your issue? Not sure from the description...

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That your issue? Not sure from the description...


Yeah, it sounds like that all right. Well at least it's not something I did then.

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A small update on this. I set the game to run in single GPU mode in my Nvidia settings (I have 2 Graphics cards in SLI) and that seems to have solved the problem. I replayed several parts which hadn't worked properly before and this time they were all fine. So maybe other people who have a similar setup can learn from this.

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Really enjoying the mod, but I'm having a strange issue that I haven't seen anyone else mention. I am not able to add Visas to my party. No matter where I go, her portrait remains greyed out and trying to select her gives me the standard message that I am not able to add the party member at this time. I tried using KSE to add her to my active party, which worked, but her portrait remains greyed out and I'm then unable to remove her.


The first planet I did was Dantooine, and she joined me there just fine. Next I went to Nar Shaada, and all was well until near the end. The problem may have began during the segment where three party members are fighting through the planet without the Exile. I used Visas for those segments, and I believe that's where the issue started. I've since done the first part of Onderon, and was not able to use her the entire time. After I finished, I tried hopping back to Telos and Dantooine and the problem persisted.


The only mod I'm using aside from TSLRCM is Realistic Visual Effects, which I can't imagine would cause any issues. Any feedback would be greatly appreciated!

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It was a bug with 1.8, since fixed by 1.8.1 (though updating wont fix it in your save, though you can send her to Dxun to fix her up too)...

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I've run into what I believe is a pretty serious bug but I am not sure what the source of it is. This is my first play through of the game and I'm doing it with TSLRCM 1.8.1.


Prior to installing that I installed the high-rez movie thing and the 1.0b patch.


The issue is this, I am at the point in the game where I am controlling T3 in the droid warehouse. I playthrough it, get the blank transponder card (nothing is added to the inventory, this is correct I assume), fight the HK droids and then leave. Well, from what I understand that is supposed to trigger a cutscene where I get the codes from Tienn Tubb, this cutscene never occurs and I am warped back to Mira's place as Atton, with Kriea and T3 standing by and Hanharr on the ground (I am dark side). Using a save editor it looks like Hanharr is added to my party, but he's still just there hanging out face down. As Atton, I can walk around and do stuff but I have no idea how I can progress the game, talking to Tienn Tubb results in him asking for a blank transponder card that I do not have.


Any ideas? Is this problem TSLRCM related?


Thanks for any help!


Edit : I tried playing on my girlfriend' save file, as she is light side and has Mira, and it worked just fine with Atton asking T3 where he has been. I am leaning toward there being an issue with Hanharr in the scripts. Any idea's where I can look?

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