Senka 3 Posted August 26, 2012 Hi, guys, there are some strange things I noticed. Receiving master class my exile lost some feats. Why? Receiving class weapon master she lost all "help" feats. Receiving class jedi master I lost one feat - giving + to repair etc. And only receiving watchman class I saved all my feats So, I cannot to develop my character further... Is it right? As I remember in 1.7 all feats worked after receiving master class... Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
evil q 16 Posted August 26, 2012 You mean feats? Vanilla game does that, too. Don't know why... Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Senka 3 Posted August 26, 2012 You mean feats? Yes, my fault... Vanilla game does that, too. Don't know why... Honestly don't remember that. Bur I always played without patches. Before installing TSLRCM i mean. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest Vidisse Posted August 26, 2012 Hi there, I recently downloaded the RCM and am encountering hte following problems so far: - Quite a lot of skipping dialogue, sometimes I don't know what people have said to me, sometimes I can read it at the top when I pick my answer - All the dialogue was skipped in the first Visas/Nihilus clip - No sound in most, if not all of the movie clips Now I have just got up to leaving the polar cap region! It doesnt detract from the game too much but it would be good to get a fix. Thanks for everything you do If you miss what's said and want to know, just go to your Journal and click on Messages at the bottom. It will tell you word for word what was said, and by whom. The skipping always bugged me, too. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Traveller 5 Posted August 26, 2012 Showstopper bug: Quick specifics: Female Jedi Sentinel/Jedi Master, KotOR Savegame Editor used to bump stats, starting credits, components, and chemicals. Planets completed: Peragus, Telos, Korriban, Dxun. Planets remaining: Dantooine, Nar Shaddaa, Onderon. Attempt to do the lightsaber training with Visas. After selecting your attacks attempt to engage in combat with the space bar and the game refuses to engage. Cancel combat and Visas turns friendly but the game refuses to disengage from combat. Exiting the game while in this state corrupts the save game. Prior to the lightsaber training HK-47 extracted the information he needed from the captured HK-50, thus allowing me access to the HK Factory later in the game. After exiting the game and restarting it, the HK-47/HK-50 cutscene fails to engage, thus leaving the HK Factory stuck on a score of 40 when it should be 90. Worse, the HK-50 is still in the Ebon Hawk through various additional cutscenes. I can revert to my previous save, which was at Izis Starport just after receiving my Starport Visa, but the more relevant question is whether any of my mods suddenly became incompatible or whether the game simply glitched. Mods: Dantooine Mechanic Fix Kill The Ithorian Influence Bug Fix 1.2 (confirmed compatible by me) TSL Patcher Mods: Peragus Tweak Rubat Crystal Fix Trayus Rank Reform Skins: Quarren and Sullustian (Head reskins) Reskins of HK-47, HK-50, HK-51, and G0-T0 Movie-style Blade Retextures Replacement Hilts Megapack Coruscant Skybox Textures Realistic Nar Shaddaa Skybox Textures Darth Malak's Armor Reskin Fixed Mandalorian Banners Handmaiden-style Underwear for Females Movie-style Jedi Master Robes Republic Soldier Reskins* Shiny Mandalorians T.W.O Blaster Rifle Pack T.W.O Heavy Blaster Pack *This is a KotOR I reskin that is compatible with KotOR II. KotOR II has an extra Republic Soldier head not found in KotOR I, which required me to extract said head file and edit it with Photoshop to match the other head files. Tested compatible with TSLRCM 1.7 and should be compatible with 1.8. Sounds: Big Bad Sound Mod, Mark II Ultimate Sound Mod Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
KoerbS 0 Posted August 27, 2012 Hey Hey, I am pretty new in this forum. First apologize if I am wrong with that spot, I tried "swoop, track record" in the search box but I just found one very similar bug with not the race not finishing, even if you do. (I also saw that on Telos already). 1. I have this one problem on Telos as well: if you finish the race, the bet-maker tells me that i am great and beaten the track record with a time of 00:00:00, after that i don´t receive any items or credits. Also if i ask him what the records are he tells me the normal build in times from the NPC´s. 2. This next one has nothing to do with racing. I already bought the force persuade skill on level 2. (I'm sorry but I don´t remember the English name of it.) In dialogs it´s not possible to use it, I just don´t have the Lines to choose, i have the normal persuade but not the force one. I remember that it was possible even in that early stage in my normal un-modded play-through. Can anyone confirm this two? Sidenote: I am sorry for my broken English but I hope it´s possible to understand what I am trying to say. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
ChrisC26 12 Posted August 27, 2012 One small bug to report which I remember being in previous versions too. When you and Mandalore go to Dantooine to talk to the Mandalorians there, you get the chance for a 1 on 1 fight between Mandalor and their "leader". To do this, the Exile and any other party member are kicked from the party once the fight is over they are back to normal but the Exile is not wearing the same clothing/armor as s/he was before. In my case, the Exile was wearing robes from RedHawke's Exile's Items mod. Once returning to the party those robes had been deleted and were replaced with normal "Jedi Robes". Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Hassat Hunter 572 Posted August 27, 2012 You mean feats?Vanilla game does that, too. Don't know why... Yup. Can't see why in feat.2da, but it has been that way from the start. Showstopper bug Can't say I know this one. But the HK-50 not getting it's cutscene should already display that it's erroneous behavior. Did it happen too with your backup save? Would tell wheter it's mod comp error of just random fluke. 1. I have this one problem on Telos as well: if you finish the race, the bet-maker tells me that i am great and beaten the track record with a time of 00:00:00, after that i don´t receive any items or credits. Also if i ask him what the records are he tells me the normal build in times from the NPC´s. I'm pretty sure that's a bug with the non-english versions, since I recall ttlan mentioning it happening and fixing it for the french version. You might want to check out his .tlk if you have the french version. Other non-english language? You would need to add that tweak to the .tlk yourself... 2. This next one has nothing to do with racing. I already bought the force persuade skill on level 2. (I'm sorry but I don´t remember the English name of it.) In dialogs it´s not possible to use it, I just don´t have the Lines to choose, i have the normal persuade but not the force one. I remember that it was possible even in that early stage in my normal un-modded play-through.Can anyone confirm this two?Sidenote: I am sorry for my broken English but I hope it´s possible to understand what I am trying to say. I don't recall any Force Persuade options on Peragus. They start appearing on Telos. So it depends on what you mean with "that early stage". Also make sure you have the proper Force Persuade (passive power) and not the power that just stuns enemies (at the very bottom, don't recall the name... human version of Beast Trick). In my case, the Exile was wearing robes from RedHawke's Exile's Items mod. Once returning to the party those robes had been deleted and were replaced with normal "Jedi Robes". The take-away-clothes-and-give-back code doesn't seem to really like modded clothes, hence what you see there. Not much to do about that. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Desmond 4 Posted August 28, 2012 After installing TSLRCM game begin to crash every time I go outside of Ebon Hawk in Prologue. Even if I skipp this it's still problems - transparent HK units and always game crash in Nar Shaddaa(when Goto held "briefing" with mercs). What is it and how it can be healed? Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
ChrisC26 12 Posted August 28, 2012 The take-away-clothes-and-give-back code doesn't seem to really like modded clothes, hence what you see there. Not much to do about that. Luckily its no problem. One just needs to remember to remove the clothing/armor before the scene. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
KoerbS 0 Posted August 28, 2012 I don't recall any Force Persuade options on Peragus. They start appearing on Telos. So it depends on what you mean with "that early stage". Also make sure you have the proper Force Persuade (passive power) and not the power that just stuns enemies (at the very bottom, don't recall the name... human version of Beast Trick). Yea i know, maybe i was a little to unaccurate, i also mean Telos. For example the option to at least try to force persuade the Twilek in the cantina. I have the right skill, hope the translation is right its mind control (Gedankenkontrolle in German). Maybe its an issue on the Steam Version, or is the Save broken? Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Hassat Hunter 572 Posted August 28, 2012 You can't Force Persuade him... Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
avatarkiwi 0 Posted August 29, 2012 i don't know if anyone else is having this problem, but i've located all four jedi masters on the four worlds and told them to go to dantooine. kreia has already said "we must go back to dantooine and head for the jedi enclave." and i know that when you reach the enclave again, it's supposed to cut to a movie to show that the enclave is rebuilt and everything. but my game doesn't! i don't get any cinematic cut scene so i'm just stuck in limbo. but the enclave looks all rebuilt. i only have this tslrcm 1.8 installed. help!!!!! Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Working Class Hero 12 Posted August 29, 2012 I've had that problem when doing a vanilla playthrough, not sure what causes it....the only thing I recall about that playthrough was that i didn't receive a prestige class and I killed off 1 jedi master but rescued the other 2, did you do any of those? Also, 4 jedi masters? By my count you have zez, vrook, and kavarr =3? Do you have a mod that adds vash back in? Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
ImGonnaFistYa 0 Posted August 29, 2012 Have a game breaker: When leaving the hidden academy I get my team head to the Ebonhawk board the ship i get the cut scene and the dialog after when handmaiden is asked to follow you but once that has finished i end up outside the Ebonhawk and cannot board so I'm stuck in the academy and cannot leave. TSLRCM v1.8 is the only mod i have installed Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
avatarkiwi 0 Posted August 29, 2012 I've had that problem when doing a vanilla playthrough, not sure what causes it....the only thing I recall about that playthrough was that i didn't receive a prestige class and I killed off 1 jedi master but rescued the other 2, did you do any of those? Also, 4 jedi masters? By my count you have zez, vrook, and kavarr =3? Do you have a mod that adds vash back in? oh haha no i counted vash as one, but yeah she's dead. i wonder why they decided to kill her off =/. but anyway, no all the jedi masters are alive. uggghh i don't know what to do?? even when i'm on dantooine and i talk to kreia, she says "we must head to dantooine!" and i'm like "WE'RE ON DANTOOINE. WE'RE STANDING RIGHT IN FRONT OF THE ENCLAVE!!!" at first i thought maybe it was my combination of people? so i kept switching it around and around, sometimes going back alone. i also flew to all the other worlds and then flew back to dantooine, still won't go to the movie. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
SiZo 1 Posted August 30, 2012 Is it a bug that I can't train Mira into a jedi at an influence rate of 90? I'm asking this because I've seen videos in which she was trained right after all her dialogue options were finished, yet when I ask about her being restless on the Ebon Hawk, she still refuses to let me show her what Kreia had beside the pit. I could pump up my influence with her to 90 by talking to her with no influence loss, but I also encountered an oddity: she didn't react to my look at all. I'm also a darksider. (I used KSE to get Mira instead of Hanharr increasing my goodevil value to a point when she would come and decreasing it to the previous state after that) Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Hassat Hunter 572 Posted August 30, 2012 but my game doesn't! i don't get any cinematic cut scene so i'm just stuck in limbo. but the enclave looks all rebuilt. i only have this tslrcm 1.8 installed. help!!!!! Have you tried with and without Kreia? Also the door is open or not? If not, have you tried using the Whereami Armband to open it? ( When leaving the hidden academy I get my team head to the Ebonhawk board the ship i get the cut scene and the dialog after when handmaiden is asked to follow you but once that has finished i end up outside the Ebonhawk and cannot board so I'm stuck in the academy and cannot leave. TSLRCM v1.8 is the only mod i have installed Do you also have no handmaidens except "the handmaiden" in the academy? Than you have overwritten the appearance.2da with another non-TSLRCM version, leading to above result. So you have to restore ours again (if you don't have it, that means re-installing) Is it a bug that I can't train Mira into a jedi at an influence rate of 90? Nope, you need more. I'm asking this because I've seen videos in which she was trained right after all her dialogue options were finished, yet when I ask about her being restless on the Ebon Hawk, she still refuses to let me show her what Kreia had beside the pit. It's still possible. So you probably missed a spot. TSLRCM removes one inf+, but it's still very possible to do it in a single conversation. she didn't react to my look at all. I'm also a darksider. Did she start with "uhm, hey"? If you picked anything besides 'something bothering you?' then, yup, there goes the remark on your looks. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
avatarkiwi 0 Posted August 31, 2012 Have you tried with and without Kreia? Also the door is open or not? If not, have you tried using the Whereami Armband to open it? ( yeah, i've tried it with and without kreia and a number of other different combinations. the door is not opened, but the enclave is rebuilt. i haven't tried the whereaami armband, i will try that next. thanks! Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
avatarkiwi 0 Posted August 31, 2012 Have you tried with and without Kreia? Also the door is open or not? If not, have you tried using the Whereami Armband to open it? ( it worked!!!! thanks so much! Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
SiZo 1 Posted August 31, 2012 It's still possible. So you probably missed a spot.TSLRCM removes one inf+' date=' but it's still very possible to do it in a single conversation.[/quote'] I don't think I missed one because I tried several times to go through her dialogue choosing the kindest options only and every time I did so, I ended up with an influence rating of 90, but if TSLRCM's removed one influence-gain option from her dialogue..., then that's the answer to the issue. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Hassat Hunter 572 Posted August 31, 2012 It's still possible. Some are well hidden in the "why do you feel restless?" branch though Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
SiZo 1 Posted August 31, 2012 Ok, then I'll try it for the umpteenth time But come to think of it, I did get an influence increase after going through "why do you feel restless?" dialogue, so I don't know. I can't be that clumsy. EDIT: I have now found the last piece after all. Thanks for your help, HH Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Rookie 0 Posted August 31, 2012 Hey, I have a MAJOR problem with the Nar Shaddaa part, it's when the party members go to save the PC but for me after the cutscene showing the Ebon Hawk baiting Goto's Yacht into snatching them up instead of going to the scene where the PC talks to "Goto" it instead just goes back to Nar Shaddaa to a scene where a group of Zhug Gang members talk and then find out about the PC have just gained a meeting with the exchange and after this scene it goes back to Atton, Mira and T3-M4 on Nar Shaddaa without the ability to do the Transponder scene again and thus eliminates the very way to Goto's Yacht completely it seems, if someone could fix this VERY annoying bug I would GREATLY appreciate it, truly. I just dunno why it does this, it's just odd... :/ Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Hassat Hunter 572 Posted August 31, 2012 Did you continue playing 1.8 with an older save? Since it can sometimes (but not often) fail to add proper new globals then, leading to the issue you mention. For now, enabling cheats then typing (without quotes) in the console "warp 351nar" should work. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites