Malkior 477 Posted May 30, 2012 Come to think of it, that would be excruciating! I wish Achilles had opted for a rate that's only slightly below the threshold of looking cartoonish. I hope they don't mind me linking their conversation, but this thread Link to Conversation discusses how you would alter the values for the suit animation yourself in the Appearance.2da provided you have a copy of the Kotor Tool. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
ThatDearGuy 6 Posted May 30, 2012 Oooh.. summer holidays are so close! Hope I'll be able to play 1.8 before they have passed. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
VarsityPuppet 1,086 Posted May 30, 2012 And since they speak in an alien language there's no need for a voice-over. You feel me? I feel you. Not to say it couldn't ever be done - it would have to be part of another mod though. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
gua543 4 Posted May 30, 2012 I feel you. Not to say it couldn't ever be done - it would have to be part of another mod though. That's obvious. I mean, you just keep reminding us that this is restoration and restoration only But I'm just giving you guys ideas for what you can possibly do, some day, when TSLRCM 1.8, M4-78EP, K1R and everything else I've missed mentioning are done. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Hassat Hunter 572 Posted May 30, 2012 Testing 1.8, it slightly bothered me that there were some issues with the Bao-Dur Remote training sequence. I tried my best to fix them and improve the scene. Wheter it's included in 1.8 depends on the rest of the team, but I doubt it's going to be a problem Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
VarsityPuppet 1,086 Posted May 31, 2012 That's obvious. I mean, you just keep reminding us that this is restoration and restoration only But I'm just giving you guys ideas for what you can possibly do, some day, when TSLRCM 1.8, M4-78EP, K1R and everything else I've missed mentioning are done. Or you could do it. You seem to have some good ideas. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
gua543 4 Posted May 31, 2012 Or you could do it. You seem to have some good ideas. Yeah, good ideas and no skills. I can't even use Photoshop. If there's some sort of guide for noobs about KotOR modding, then I might give it a try. Otherwise, I really don't see how I'll ever learn to mod. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Sith Holocron 2,514 Posted May 31, 2012 Yeah, good ideas and no skills. I can't even use Photoshop. If there's some sort of guide for noobs about KotOR modding, then I might give it a try. Otherwise, I really don't see how I'll ever learn to mod. Go to LucasForums tutorial section. See you when you've finished your mod! Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
bendarby24 24 Posted May 31, 2012 It looks good but it could do with some more tweaking: maybe heal Bao-Dur at the start and stop him from switching off his light saber half way through if you can. :/ Except from some minor irritations, it looks really good Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Hassat Hunter 572 Posted May 31, 2012 It looks good but it could do with some more tweaking: maybe heal Bao-Dur at the start and stop him from switching off his light saber half way through if you can. :/ Seems his animation only gets updated when doing something else, he is healed at the start, but it doesn't show until he blocks. Not much to do there. Same with the lightsaber. It's set to be unswitchable by ANYTHING, but why the game conveniently overrules that there is anyone's question. Atleast now it re-enables instead of Bao working with an invisible saber as it used to be... Latest screen; Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Hassat Hunter 572 Posted May 31, 2012 Well, turned out my mouse who went haywire just before my PC can't be fixed. Wasn't the PC, it did the same with my old PC. So, while getting around with a simple 2-button thingie all this time, back to a good old gamer mouse from Logitech. There goes another 90 euro. Atleast now I can play Arkham City and Mass Effect 3 (which I don't possess yet) properly then. But of course, first, TSLRCM 1.8 The very first fixpack with fixes, missing files, improvements etc. has been send of to zbyl for inclusion. This map counts 251. Of course some of them are source scripts for modified .ncs files, so, say 230. A lot of them too are the recompiled scripts for loot. But that still doesn't diminish it's a lot. I am so nitpicky . Definitely going to be the most polished KOTOR2 one has played, ever... As for the progress of my testing round. 1 master down (zez), 1 halfway (Kavar), 1 going to be soon (Vash) and I leave Vrook to rot for a long, long time... :hehe: I also just recently found my first robe that was undroppable in vanilla KOTOR2 (Nomi's) Well, not really a lot to mention, so I guess I should just stop yapping and continue getting along testing stuff... Also, feedback on the Bao-Remote scene is still very welcome! 1 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
gua543 4 Posted May 31, 2012 Go to LucasForums tutorial section. See you when you've finished your mod! Ok, thanks for the info. It'll be a while before I even look at those tutorials though because of world's first problem - school . One more thing about the last available version of TSLRCM - I may have told you guys about this but I'm not really sure. So here's the problem - when I make one of my team mates a jedi I get the option to train them in the basic lightsaber styles and force powers. Is there supposed to be a cutscene of me showing them this stuff? Because only thing I received was a black screen, then they said they've learned everything and they get the lightsaber styles/force powers. Nothing else happens. The game doesn't crash, there are no problems when I switch the styles/force powers they use but I still felt kinda dissapointed because of the lack of, well, anything at all. Also, another problem (may have mentioned it already but my memory isn't very long) - when I trained Bao-Dur, I didn't get to fight him. Is the fight supposed to occur only on the Ebon Hawk or it's just my ye olde computer? Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Larkin 0 Posted May 31, 2012 Why is Bao-Dur's animation in the remote scene one of being attacked by melee, rather than the standard twitchy blaster deflection? Also, any way to give him a red saber if you make him into a Dark Jedi Guardian rather than a Light Sided one? Seems odd that you'd undertake him as a Dark minion, then give him a blue saber to practise with. Finally, are the remote influence check conversation options going to be included in 1.8? Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Hassat Hunter 572 Posted May 31, 2012 Why is Bao-Dur's animation in the remote scene one of being attacked by melee, rather than the standard twitchy blaster deflection? Because that's the animation I gave him. Otherwise he just stood there. Finally, are the remote influence check conversation options going to be included in 1.8? Not restoration, so... no. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Salk 385 Posted May 31, 2012 I, for one, are very grateful to you HH for both the testing you do AND for the updates you provide about your testing. It's always welcome to read some news coming from your experience with TSLRCM 1.8. Thanks! 1 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Hassat Hunter 572 Posted May 31, 2012 And here I thought Dxun was relatively well-done, and not much for me remaing to do... Bamn, 3 fixes just for arriving there for the second run. That one of the problems was created by a file I made myself before the installer for 1.8 was put together... well... nitpicking Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Hassat Hunter 572 Posted June 1, 2012 Today's fixes... typed down as I did in my notes, so it's okay if it sounds gibberish for non-modders xD 506; _d script (for droid apparently, only 1 droid in the module used it after all) now drops droid items instead of generic items. 2 droids where given "m" instead. Which is a higher drop. But human. So made a new script for these 2... too _dh. modified *.utc's included. 511; Fixed an improper looking fade-out/fade-in issue with Kavar's "my student has arrived" line (Queen's side) 506; Fixed skill broken skillcheck with "boom" console, and added modified Peragus script to re-disable the console when interacted after being blown up, instead of being active. 506; Fixed Kiph turning around. If you start talking to him, he will no longer use the console any longer (OE set him to do so when receiving a certain local, but he never got that. So I just added said local to his convo, done) 403; Fixed mandalorian guide not taking you along after Onderon Revisited was done (my bad, once again) 403; Apparently not going right away, and later saying yes was lacking a local set, so when returning Kelborn would start the whole mission dialogue again instead of the "still war in Iziz". Added missing local. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
manmur 0 Posted June 1, 2012 I have played TSL with the 1.7 TSLRCM. I cannot want until the next version (1.8) is released. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Salk 385 Posted June 2, 2012 Great job with the update, HH! It does seem like you met so far quite a number of issues. That should just prove how important is an internal testing before mods are released to screw up a game. Please keep the great work up! Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
gua543 4 Posted June 2, 2012 Yeah, that's good and all, but you could have answered my questions a few posts above yours... Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
VarsityPuppet 1,086 Posted June 2, 2012 Yeah, that's good and all, but you could have answered my questions a few posts above yours... Dude, lay off. Do you realize that Hassat Hunter is essentially bug-testing RCM by himself? I'm pretty sure most people would rather he works on testing RCM than playing Mr. P.R. and answering all of your questions. 1 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
FireWalker 0 Posted June 2, 2012 Guys you work is amazing! But when we can play in this mod?) Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Sith Holocron 2,514 Posted June 2, 2012 Guys your work is amazing! But when we can play this mod? No release date has been announced for TSLRCM 1.8. The inevitable follow-up question - if history repeats itself - will likely be: Q) I hear a new version of the mod is coming out. Should I play the current version now or should I wait? This is one of our most popular questions. Some might try to answer this question using the whole pain versus pleasure principle. (Should I get the immediate satisfaction of playing the mod or wait for a newer version that corrects more bugs/issues.) Which is likely just rephrasing the question already have! Let’s put this mod into perspective though. The TSLRCM mod started as an open beta, which means the general public got to play it so the modding team could get input into creating newer and better versions. As you can see, the mod’s next version will be version 1.8 and that’s due to dedicated TSL fans like yourself. By waiting for the next release, you’re basically going against the whole idea of an open beta. That being said, you using the mod (and participating in the open beta) does not guarantee the modding team will continue working on a release after TSLRCM 1.8. Off-topic: Those harassing the Hassat Hunter (our singular TSLRCM 1.8 beta-tester) will have their posts edited and/or deleted. Just saying! Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
PredatoryKey360 0 Posted June 3, 2012 Hey, new here. First, thanks to all who have contributed (and definitely HH for all the testing!) to making an improvement upon a game that I loved growing up. Second, just a couple of (maybe stupid) questions. 1. I noticed that the most current update (and perhaps before this one) disabled the glitch that allowed unlimited creatures to spawn when in the tomb on Korriban. Although I understand why you would disable it, I actually kinda liked having a separate save that I would use that to become all powerful and just blast through the game with ease just for the hell of it. Is there anyway that this "fix" could be disabled somehow without effecting the rest of the game? Perhaps by somehow modifying certain files a certain way? Maybe instructions could be given on how to do that if one so chose to before installing the update? I'm not super computer savvy, but I'm not naive enough either to believe it would be a simple task. But I would be very grateful if that option could be made available. 2. I just wanted to clarify: If I download 1.7 (or even 1.8 when available), will it include all other changes/fixes/restorations from previous versions? Or would I need to go back and install each version one by one? Also, I wasn't sure if the TSLRCM included the Droid planet, or if that was a separate mod I needed to get from filefront or something. Hope to hear from someone soon. Finally have a good PC to run this on (used to always use consoles) and I'm hyper-excited to run one of my all time favorite games in its intended glory. Definitely appreciating all you all do! (And have already done.) Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
VarsityPuppet 1,086 Posted June 3, 2012 ....disabled the glitch that allowed unlimited creatures to spawn when in the tomb on Korriban. Understandable. If would be pretty easy for us (me, specifically) to make a separate (yet easily installable) mod which would re-enact the permanent Hssiss glitch. 2. I just wanted to clarify: If I download 1.7 (or even 1.8 when available), will it include all other changes/fixes/restorations from previous versions? Or would I need to go back and install each version one by one? Install the latest version and you should be fine. Only thing is that when 1.8 comes out, you'll have to reinstall everything. Also, I wasn't sure if the RCM included the Droid planet, or if that was a separate mod I needed to get from filefront or something. Droid planet is a separate mod. zbyl actually is testing the M4-78EP right now, and it should be ready along down the line. Compatibility with RCM 1.8 is extremely likely. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites