
MOD:Canonical Mandalore

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Canonical Mandalore

This modification changes the default Mandalore appearance to that of a canonical Mandalore, complete with tribal facemask and Portrait icon. To install, copy the "Mandalore" folder into the Override folder within the SWKotor2 directory. To uninstall, remove the "Mandalore" folder from Override.


Credits: Silveredge9, Quanon, 90SK, VarsityPuppet

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  • TSLRCM Compatible


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Very nice work on the mask. Of course, Canderous was too stupid to deserve that mask in the first place (not a comment on the mod, just a very long-standing grudge against an old rival).

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VP helped

Good job too.

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A slight bit of vanity :P



Silveredge and Quanon did the mask originally.


VP combined the mask and armor into one model.


90SK made the new texture.



Not much to boast about.

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This is one of my favorite mods, thanks to all who contributed with making it a possibility this was a much needed edit to KotOR 2.

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Not trying to be rude or anything but wouldn't it be better if the mask was the same color as the armor or vice versa?

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I like the mask. I also would armor to match the mask - especially considering it would present the opportunity to increase the resolution of Mandalore the Preserver's armor - but I won't get picky about it.

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My own personal version has the mask as more of a gold color and the armor stays the same color. Although, I agree it could use a higher resolution reskin.

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The mask is the item used in the succession of a Mandalore, not the cape and armor

lol i know that, it was just a suggestion, i always thought it would look cool, maybe a bit of cloth, though not quite the cloak the previous mandalores had.

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