
The GenoHaradan (by Exile007)

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So this mod is not compatible with TSLRCM??? Well, i hope you can do compatible in some day. Please!


now go for the mod!!!

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By the way, why is it beta? What features(apart from TSLRCM and M478EP) wasn't released?

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So . . . people have requested that I elaborate on my modding plans.


1. I am very busy with real life & school at the moment. (However, some of my schooling includes things applicable to modding ... possibly flowing Jedi robes in kotor 1, for example.)


2. I am also busy with beta testing the M4-78 EP.


3. Don't forget the Czerka R&D Wiki! :cool:

I have some things I need to get done for it.


4. Though the GenoHaradan mod is compatible with TSLRCM, it is IMHO an unpolished mod. I feel before I can release it it needs a fair bit of polishing. Exile007 did a great job but the assassins need some more aesthetic work, the cutscenes don't seem to trigger themselves, and the dialogue needs some editing. (As it currently stands, it sounds somewhat corny.) I have no release date at the moment but I would like to have it M4-78 EP & TSLRCM - compatible and polished up by the end of January.

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. . . the dialogue needs some editing. (As it currently stands, it sounds somewhat corny.)


Is it dialogue that is voiced, or are the lines done using the Alien VO?


Maybe I could take a look at it? I would at least see if I can't make it have some sort of flow with the rest of the game.

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Is it dialogue that is voiced, or are the lines done using the Alien VO?


Maybe I could take a look at it? I would at least see if I can't make it have some sort of flow with the rest of the game.

I can take a look as well. I used to do tech writing, and while that's not the same as writing dialog, I'm used to reviewing other people's work and editing it as necessary.

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I'm thinking of releasing a public beta so that I can get a list of things that need work, to really refine it.  It also needs to be tslpatcher-ified because it isn't atm
As for dialogue, I write (I'm just lazy online XD) but help sounds great, the thing is from what I have seen it is really out of place dialogue, I feel the encounter scenes should be re-worked, atm they are buggy.

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im thinking of releasing a public beta so that i can get a list of things that need work, to really refine it. it also needs to be tslpatcher-ified because it isn't atm

as for dialogue, i write (im just lazy online XD) but help sounds great, the thing is from what i have seen it is really out of place dialogue, i feel the encounter scenes should be re-worked, atm they are buggy.


I'm willing to test if you'd like.

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The trouble that I had with the encounter cutscenes was that I would have liked to have used a trigger (which would result in no bugs with the scene itself), but this would make compatibility with anything else a hassle because the .git file of the module would have to be modified. I think there's a way of modifying .git files in a module file with the TSL patcher, but I never really got that far in learning how to use the patcher.


And in regard to the cheesy dialog, I tried to give the impression of religious, brainwashed zealots. Then again, I also wrote the dialog in a hurry. I tried to base a lot of my dialog off of notes in the dialog.tlk file. Maybe this wasn't the best way to approach it. Lord of Hunger did have this whole kind of reworking of the entire GenoHaradan group because he didn't like the way Obsidian wrote them into the game. There are a lot of inconsistent aspects across both games (for one thing the "h" isn't capitalized in the first game but in the second game it is for some reason). If you're going for dialog that makes the most sense, you might want to actually give the assassins like, personalities instead of just mindless zealots who would follow their leader to their death. xP


But I'm babbling about what could have been so ignore this. :P

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The trouble that I had with the encounter cutscenes was that I would have liked to have used a trigger (which would result in no bugs with the scene itself), but this would make compatibility with anything else a hassle because the .git file of the module would have to be modified. I think there's a way of modifying .git files in a module file with the TSL patcher, but I never really got that far in learning how to use the patcher.

And in regard to the cheesy dialog, I tried to give the impression of religious, brainwashed zealots. Then again, I also wrote the dialog in a hurry. I tried to base a lot of my dialog off of notes in the dialog.tlk file. Maybe this wasn't the best way to approach it. Lord of Hunger did have this whole kind of reworking of the entire GenoHaradan group because he didn't like the way Obsidian wrote them into the game. There are a lot of inconsistent aspects across both games (for one thing the "h" isn't capitalized in the first game but in the second game it is for some reason). If you're going for dialog that makes the most sense, you might want to actually give the assassins like, personalities instead of just mindless zealots who would follow their leader to their death. xP

But I'm babbling about what could have been so ignore this. tongue.gif

Well, I thought it was pretty good, but yeah there are a few bugs that need ironing out, do you have a buglist for your currently released version?

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Sure thing!  I'll let you know.  I'm going to whip up an M4-78 EP compatible version and then we can work on the bugs inherent to the mod itself.

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Well, yes I have a tslrcm 1.8.1 almost compatible version.  I have been really busy lately so not much else.  I managed to play through the mod though, it should work fine with M4-78 too if I can make a patched version. The only conflicts are dlg's as far as I can see.

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