ttlan 18 Posted January 15, 2012 (edited) Arrrggghhh ! Lost a PM I had ! Here I try to reconstruct what I proposed and I make it public so as not to lose it in private discussions (and to give ideas to others). This is an idea that I had to make plausible the Entry / Exit of Mira, ZKE, Kreia and Atton in the Visquis's apartments The whole scenario about Mira, Atton, Zez-Kai Ell and Kreia entering/leaving the Visquis's apartments is unclear. For example, some scenes cannot take place where they start actually, before the killing of Visquis and the capture of the Exile by GoTo, because Mira says she witnessed (she is aware of) the capture... i.e. 305NAR.mod\305mira.dlg (see the step) Mira is already in the apartments, and she must escape by another way than the Jekk'Jekk Tarr (She open a door toward air ducts and, at the same time, she open the other door for the Exile - the two doors open simultaneously - she leaves one side while the Exile enter the other side.). Mira, ZKE, Atton and Kreia cannot pass by the Jekk'Jekk Tarr. No one else, after the Exile, can cross the Jekk'Jekk Tarr (sealed and lethal). ZKE is on the way to enter the apartments, by the same way than Mira uses to leave. ZKE meets Mira. He continues in the apartments (or take another air duct to return to the docks - he is lost (it does not matter - he is useless after his meeting with Mira). While going to the apartments, ZKE is followed, a little further away, by Atton and by Kreia, separately. What are those other paths, and where are the entrances? Those other paths are evoked: the air ducts to escape the apartments. And we know they are under the Jekk'Jekk Tarr. The maze was made of a part of those air ducts. These air ducts lead to the docks (still need to find where they lead, on the docks). This network of air ducts is under the Jekk'Jekk Tarr, huge and complex. It is everywhere under the docks, even if only to suck the exhaust gases of the engines of the ships in port. Therefore, my idea involves find the entrance of those air ducts somewhere: see the image joined. The appearance of such air ducts is the same as that of the maze (using the same textures). As we must find where to put those entrances, I suggest using what, precisely, looks like grids, all along the platforms, platforms that provide, in fact, a second platform just below. By cons, to reach them (descend) and enter, and to exit them (and climb back up on the platform), we must develop animations that does not exist. Edited January 15, 2012 by ttlan Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Sith Holocron 2,514 Posted January 15, 2012 TTlan, quite simply: can you explain what exactly you want in one sentence? 1 Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
ttlan 18 Posted January 15, 2012 (edited) Just in one sentence, as asked by Sith Holocron There are three things: A / The sequence of events B / The path of the characters. C / Enter / Exit the entrances of the air ducts, docks side A / Sequence of events - scenario. Mira or Hanharr goes out of the arena and progresses to the " Emergency Tunnel Control". This command is intended for quick escape Visquis's apartments, if something goes wrong inside the apartments (fire, riot ...). So this command only exists on the inside of the apartments and, once it is activated, it opens all the doors to escape (StrRef : 135580 "Access all available escape routes."). There are two ways to escape: 1 / Ventilation ducts leading to the docks. Mira or Hanharr is in front of that door, inside the apartment and tries to get out. 2 / A DIY Visquis done in another part of the ventilation ducts: a labyrinth between Jekk'Jekk Tarr and apartments. A Twi'lek who is in the Jekk'Jekk Tarr shows us the way to the Visquis's apartments and tells us, in 304NAR.mod \ twlekat.dlg: " There is a maze of tunnels that lead to his chamber - old ventilation ducts connected to the docks.". The Exile is at the exit of this maze, behind that door and tries to enter the apartments. If you put yourself in the head of Visquis, 305NAR.mod \ 305alarm.dlg gives his intellectual journey: 1 / Mira or Hanharr opened from the inside; " Who opened the door to the vent tunnels early?" "Mira..." or "Hanharr..." Here, with TSLRCM 1.7, there are three phrases that do not exist anywhere, either in English dialog.tlk nor in French dialog.tlk), expressed in a horrible Frenglish. Here they are recovered in good French (though the meaning has not escaped me) and translated into English. They tend to say that it is Visquis ordering the opening of the door of the maze to the Exile, which seems to me in complete contradiction with all that precedes and what follows. I do not know and imagine from where thoses sentences come from. But this clearly shows that there is something that does not fit in the chronology of all these scenes and we are trying to find a solution, even inventing the text. Looks like the hunter tries to escape. I will send some men take care of her ...Lock her. Just make sure she can not escape.And open the door of the tunnel. I'm ready for the Jedis. 2 / The bounty hunter, who was used as a bait (Mira or Hanharr) escapes ("135431 : our bait has escaped"); 3 / Deploy troops to protect myself (the Jedi enters) (135432 et 135433 : "Deploy more of the clan to cover the base - we will need all of them. And tell them I no longer care if the Jedi lives or dies."). Visquis goes shelter himself in his arena. The Exiled enters and begin cleaning the apartments. Mira or Hanharr, who dare not enter the air ducts, hides in a room (this animation has already been created by the team and included in TSLRCM 1.7). ZKE moves forward in the air ducts, toward the apartments. Atton moves forward through Nar Shaddaa, to docks, through cascades of ambushes. ZKE enters the apartments. He does not cross Mira at that time. Here we could use a phrase that seems unused: 113681 "Zez-Kai Ell was looking for the bounty hunters attacking the Jedi". (Speaking of the Ubeses). The Exiled eventually enter the arena. Mira or Hanharr goes to the glass promenade above the arena. Scene of the capture. Cutting plane: Mira or Hanharr witnesses the capture. Mira or Hanharr decided to use the ventilation ducts to escape. She said "I must get out of here. Visquis will make me run.". She turns back to the door. ZKE turns back to the door. Meeting ZKE / Mira or Hanharr. It is said to ZKE that the Exile has been captured ("Your friend was caught by Goto."). This scene must take place after the capture of the Exiled. Currently it takes place before. Mira or Hanharr moves forward in the air ducts. ZKE, distressed (let look at him, thinking, a few seconds), does not know what to do. He returns to the apartments. Mira or Hanharr moves forward in the air ducts and falls on Atton and said "I am glad to see you. No more racking my brains for a way out of here." She also said "You may be defeated Visquis, but Goto, it will be another matter. And now he holds your friend." This scene must take place after the capture of the Exiled. Currently it takes place before. Mira or Hanharr and Atton leave together to develop how to approach GoTo. Kreia enters into the apartments and resurrects Hanharr or Mira. The air ducts system is so complex that the three groups, Mira or Hanharr and Atton, ZKE, Kreia, do not cross. Then as now ... B / The path of the characters. A network of tunnels using the same textures as the labyrinth. C / Enter / Exit the entrances of the air ducts, docks side Optional. I suggest locations for the entrances of the air ducts. But the animation is a thing complex to do, requiring to create animations that do not exist. Probably a challenge for a very good modder. Make animations of climbing is impossible unless they have a motion capture studio. But there's an easy way to move from the upper platform to the lower and vice versa. Something incredible that we have never seen in Kotor 1 and Kotor 2! These are the only two Star Wars video games where the characters, even the Jedi, do not know how to jump! Il y a trois choses : A/ La séquence des évènements B/ Le chemin parcouru par les personnages. C/ Entrer / Sortir des entrées des conduites de ventilation A/ Séquence des évènements - Scénario. Mira ou Hanharr sort de l'arène et progresse jusqu'au bloc de "Contrôle du tunnel d'urgence". Cette commande est prévue pour s'échapper rapidement des appartements de Visquis, en cas de problème intérieur aux appartements (incendie, mutinerie...). Donc cette commande n'existe que du côté intérieur des appartements et, dès qu'elle est activée, elle ouvre toutes les issues permettant de fuir (StrRef 135580 : "Accéder à toutes les issues disponibles".). Il y a deux issues pour fuir : 1/ Les conduites de ventilations qui conduisent aux docks. Mira ou Hanharr se trouve devant cette porte, à l'intérieur des appartements et cherche à en sortir. 2/ Un bricolage fait par Visquis dans une autre partie des conduites de ventilation : un labyrinthe entre le Jekk'Jekk Tarr et ses appartements. Une twi'lek qui se trouve dans le Jekk'Jekk Tarr nous indique le chemin vers les appartements de Visquis et nous dit, dans 304NAR.mod\twlekat.dlg : " Un labyrinthe de tunnels conduit à cette salle. Il s'agit d'anciens conduits d'aération reliés aux docks.". L'Exilé se trouve à la sortie du labyrinthe, derrière cette porte et cherche à entrer dans les appartements. Si on se met dans la tête de Visquis, 305NAR.mod\305alarm.dlg donne son cheminement intellectuel: 1/ Mira a ouvert de l'intérieur ; " Qui a ouvert la porte vers les conduites de ventilation trop tôt ?" "Mira..." or "Hanharr..." Ici, avec TSLRCM 1.7, apparaissent trois phrases qui n'existent nulle part, ni dans dialog.tlk anglais, ni dans dialog.tlk français), exprimées dans un horrible franglais. Les voici, redressées en bon français (si le sens ne m'a pas échappé). Elles tendent à dire que c'est Visquis qui ordonne l'ouverture de la porte du labyrinthe à l'Exilée, ce qui est en complète contradiction avec tout ce qui précède et ce qui suit. Mais ceci montre clairement qu'il y a bien un truc qui ne colle pas dans la chronologie de toutes ces scènes et que l'on tente de trouver une solution, quitte à inventer du texte. On dirait que le chasseur tente de s'échapper. Je vais envoyer quelques hommes prendre soin d'elle...Enfermez-la. Assurez-vous simplement qu'elle ne puisse pas s'échapper.Et ouvrez la porte du tunnel. Je suis prêt pour les Jedi. 2/ Le chasseur de primes, qui était utilisé en tant qu'appât (Mira ou Hanharr) s'échappe ("135431 : Notre appât nous a échappé.") ; 3/ Déployer de troupes pour me protéger (le Jedi entre) (135432 et 135433 : "Déployez d'autres membres du clan pour défendre la base. Nous allons avoir besoin de tout le monde. Et dites-leur que la vie ou la mort du Jedi m'importent peu, désormais.") Visquis va se mettre à l'abri dans son arène. L'Exilée entre et commence à nettoyer les appartements. Mira ou Hanharr, qui n'ose pas pénétrer dans les conduites, se cache dans une pièce (cette animation a déjà été créée par l'équipe et introduite dans TSLRCM 1.7). ZKE progresse dans les conduites, vers les appartements. Atton progresse à travers Nar Shaddaa, vers les quais, à travers des cascades d'embuscades. ZKE pénètre les appartements. Il ne croise pas Mira à ce moment là. On pourrait utiliser ici une phrase qui me semble inutilisée : 113681 "Zez-Kai Ell was looking for the bounty hunters attacking the Jedi" (en parlant des Ubèses). L'Exilée fini par pénétrer dans l'arène. Mira ou Hanharr monte vers la promenade vitrée au-dessus de l'arène. Scène de la capture. Plan de coupe : Mira assiste à la capture. Mira ou Hanharr se décide à utiliser les conduites de ventilation pour fuir. Elle dit " Il faut que je sorte d'ici. Visquis va me faire exécuter.". Elle retourne vers la porte. ZKE retourne vers la porte. Rencontre de ZKE / Mira ou Hanharr. Il est dit à ZKE que l'Exilée s'est fait capturer (" Votre ami a été capturé par Goto."). Cette scène doit avoir lieu après la capture de l'Exilée. Actuellement elle a lieu avant. Mira or Hanharr progresse dans les conduites d'aération. ZKE, désemparé (le regarder pensif quelques secondes), ne sait quoi faire et retourne dans les appartements et se perds. Mira ou Hanharr progresse dans les conduites et tombe sur Atton et lui dit " Je suis contente de vous voir. Plus besoin de me creuser la tête pour trouver un moyen de sortir d'ici." Elle lui dit aussi " Vous avez peut-être vaincu Visquis, mais Goto, ce sera une autre affaire. Et maintenant, c'est lui qui détient votre ami. " Donc cette scène doit avoir lieu après la capture de l'Exilée. Actuellement elle a lieu avant. Mira ou Hanharr et Atton partent ensembles mettre au point la manière d'approcher GoTo. Kréia entre dans les appartements et ressuscite Hanharr. Le réseau de conduites est tellement complexe que les trois groupes, Mira ou Hanharr et Atton, ZKE, Kréia, ne se croisent pas. Suite comme actuellement... B/ Le chemin parcouru par les personnages. Un réseau de conduites d'aération utilisant la même texture que le labyrinthe. C/ Entrer / Sortir des conduites d'aération, côté docks. Optionnel. Je suggère un emplacement pour les entrées des conduits de ventilation. Mais les animations sont des chose complexe à faire nécessitant de créer des animations qui n'existent pas. Probablement un défi pour un très bon moddeur. Faire des animation d'escalade est un truc impossible, sauf a disposer d'un studio de motion capture. Mais il y a une solution simple pour passer du quai haut au quai bas et vice versa. Un truc incroyable, que l'on a jamais vu dans Kotor 1 et Kotor 2 ! Ce sont les deux seuls jeux vidéo Star Wars où les personnages, et même les Jedi, ne savent pas sauter ! Edited January 18, 2012 by ttlan 1 Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
VarsityPuppet 1,086 Posted January 15, 2012 How in the world is that one sentence?????? lol 1 Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Sith Holocron 2,514 Posted January 15, 2012 How in the world is that one sentence?????? lol (Cue the rimshot!) It's a good thing I didn't ask for two sentences. (Ta-dum-boom!) ttlan, don't you think your request goes beyond the scope of TSLRCM? It's primarily a restoration mod, if you recall. 1 Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
ttlan 18 Posted January 15, 2012 (edited) ttlan, don't you think your request goes beyond the scope of TSLRCM? It's primarily a restoration mod, if you recall. Sith Holocron, I do not believe for a moment that it escaped you, that the great work of the great TSLRCM, has never been limited to restoring scenes but was applied to correct an incredible number of bugs and was also applied to move scenes from a place to another to make things more consistent. Here we are right in the middle of it. The imbroglio of the completely wrong sequence of scenes in question may be, at a first level, treated simply by moving scenes for them to intervene at the right time. The problem is known and recognized and the team is aware of this, so much so that one of the authors of TSLRCM has moreover tried to do something. I've edited my previous post to recall that lines have been invented and added (easy to find - it's in red). After, that's another story. This can be treated at a second level, more rich, introducing animations that clarify the intent. These are things already done many times throughout TSLRCM. At a third level, it may be complete with bits of tunnels for the scenes of encounter / separation taking place near the door of the tunnels, next to apartments. Finally, the icing on the cake, but that has nothing to do with TSLRCM and comes within the competence of a very big MOD, as I said (a challenge) : make a complete module with the entrances in the galleries and animations of entering / exiting etc.. ... Edited January 15, 2012 by ttlan Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Zhaboka 92 Posted January 15, 2012 So what you're basically saying is that the character placement of that whole Nar Shaddaa finale makes no sense with what each character supposedly "witnesses"? For example, Mira says she knows the Exile has been captured by Visquis even though she's locked up the whole time and never sees the Exile, and other things like that? What's this whole business with air ducts? Do you have anyone there who can maybe translate better than Google? Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Mandalore 61 Posted January 15, 2012 I think the "air duct" business is the fact that the Jekk Jekk Tar Tunnels were meant to be connected to the Nar Shaddaa Docks to extract the ship exhaust fumes, and should therefore be accessable from the docks. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
ttlan 18 Posted January 15, 2012 So what you're basically saying is that the character placement of that whole Nar Shaddaa finale makes no sense with what each character supposedly "witnesses"? For example, Mira says she knows the Exile has been captured by Visquis even though she's locked up the whole time and never sees the Exile, and other things like that? What's this whole business with air ducts? Do you have anyone there who can maybe translate better than Google? Ouch! I really appreciate that my efforts - on the researching K2, the debugging TSLRCM, and my English skills - are equated to the skill of a robot. I pray you excuse this poor wretch. Sumimasen. (A formal Japanese apology) Yes, Mira (or Hanharr) can not tell ZKE and Atton that the Exile was captured as long as this did not happen. Whatever he/she is locked or not. In addition, he/she is not locked. As for air ducts, I think it is enough to play K2, reading and listening. The maze is a small part of a vast system of air ducts that starts from the docks, pass under the Jekk'Jekk Tarr, and continue, perhaps, who knows where. Did you read what I wrote? Everything else, except the entries from the vents, is an attempt to reconstitute the complete scenario of these scenes. The entrances from the air grids are a reflection on the possibility of a mixed use, by Atton / Kreia, Hanharr or ZKE. It is also to allow Dessicus is supposed be under the Jekk'Jekk Tarr and to explode it, in a cut-scene. This idea has been supposedly rejected as the GenoHaradan is being restored another way. TTLan Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
ttlan 18 Posted January 15, 2012 I think the "air duct" business is the fact that the Jekk Jekk Tar Tunnels were meant to be connected to the Nar Shaddaa Docks to extract the ship exhaust fumes, and should therefore be accessable from the docks. Yep! That's it, Mandalore! Finally someone understands me. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
evil q 16 Posted January 15, 2012 I'm fairly certain that 1.8 has a better chance of being released in this lifetime if Stoney et al stick to restoring stuff that people will actually notice. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
ttlan 18 Posted January 16, 2012 I'm fairly certain that 1.8 has a better chance of being released in this lifetime if Stoney et al stick to restoring stuff that people will actually notice. As 1.8 might be the last version of TSLRCM, it would be good that everyone do extensive testing and reports problems quickly, all the problems, out for the team to sort out. Patience is a virtue. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Hassat Hunter 572 Posted January 16, 2012 I don't know... all I can see adding an entrance to the tunnels on the docks is adding MORE problems. As in, break Nar Shaddaa. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Sith Holocron 2,514 Posted January 16, 2012 ttlan, I've attempted to edit your last entry to make it a bit more clear to the rest of the folks. Let me know how I did. You said: It is also to allow Dessicus is supposed be under the Jekk'Jekk Tarr and to explode it, in a cut-scene. This idea has been supposedly rejected as the GenoHaradan is being restored another way. Restored by whom? Lord of Hunger's version has been cancelled. That only leaves Exile007's version, which I know you're familiar with. I don't recall that Exile007 - the only one currently working on a GenoHaradan restoration - has locked down where he'll have the GenoHardan base. Currently he's got them in the unused rooms off the dock but it might be premature to say that they'll be there in the final version for certain. In addition, Exile007 hasn't confirmed his mod will be TSLRCM compatible yet - his primary focus on getting it to work with vanilla TSL at the moment. If you want these changes implemented due to a GenoHaradan mod, then perhaps the onus is on that modder (and not the creators of TSLRCM) to get your suggestions included. As in, break Nar Shaddaa. Even more so than it was already. LOL Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Hassat Hunter 572 Posted January 16, 2012 Even more so than it was already. LOL How, exactly, is it broken with TSLRCM 1.7 (or 1.8)? Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
ttlan 18 Posted January 16, 2012 ttlan, I've attempted to edit your last entry to make it a bit more clear to the rest of the folks. Let me know how I did. Restored by whom? Lord of Hunger's version has been cancelled. That only leaves Exile007's version, which I know you're familiar with. I don't recall that Exile007 - the only one currently working on a GenoHaradan restoration - has locked down where he'll have the GenoHardan base. Currently he's got them in the unused rooms off the dock but it might be premature to say that they'll be there in the final version for certain. In addition, Exile007 hasn't confirmed his mod will be TSLRCM compatible yet - his primary focus on getting it to work with vanilla TSL at the moment. If you want these changes implemented due to a GenoHaradan mod, then perhaps the onus is on that modder (and not the creators of TSLRCM) to get your suggestions included. Thank you very much, Sith Holocron, for reviewing and correcting my only one sentence. I have indeed suggested this story of plausible entry into the tunnels to Exile007. It's you that suggested this to me. My idea was that the "Jekk'Jekk Tarr" really explodes and that it was necesary to be, at some time, in or under the "Jekk'Jekk Tarr" with Dessicus. As I think it is impossible, for a human (Dessicus is of human species), to enter the "Jekk'Jekk Tarr" (Viquis has sealed the doors and the "Jekk'Jekk Tarr" is a lethal zone for now for humans), I was suggesting a idea to be under the "Jekk'Jekk Tarr". This allows to blow it really, and also provides additional space and a hideout to the GenoHaradan, in addition to the local unused on the docks. This also makes it possible to do two things at once: to develop a single, additional solution to both problems unresolved today: the end of Visquis and the capture of the Exile on the one hand, the end of the GenoHaradan on the other hand. In the best cases, (and with the hardest job), the following area, for the docks, would be modified and would show a heap of ruins instead of the "Jekk'Jekk Tarr". The entrance to the tunnels, in itself, is not necessary and can be implied. What I propose in the illustration is the spectacular aspect of the solution (just an option like icing on the cake). There is also the question of "When the GenoHaradan's plot occurs". Before or after the capture by GoTo ? And how it is triggered. Especially if the "Jekk'Jekk Tarr" really explodes. Exile007 thanked me, but rejected my idea, saying to me he is doing this an other way. Thanks a lot for all. TTLan Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Sith Holocron 2,514 Posted January 17, 2012 How, exactly, is it broken with TSLRCM 1.7 (or 1.8)? You misunderstand. I was implying that Nar Shaddaa was broken in the vanilla game. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Kaidon Jorn 216 Posted January 17, 2012 Oh...oh.....oh my God. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
evil q 16 Posted January 17, 2012 As 1.8 might be the last version of TSLRCM, it would be good that everyone do extensive testing and reports problems quickly, all the problems, out for the team to sort out. Patience is a virtue. But this isn't a real problem. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Kerk 12 Posted January 17, 2012 aahhh.uuuhhhh...! I'm sorry, but someone has to say it, and might as well be me.. ttlan, you, sir, are SOOOOOOOOO ANNOYING! offense meant of course. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
BattleSage 1 Posted January 17, 2012 I do understand your frustration, TTLan. Personally, the whole pre-GOTO's yacht in Nar Shaddaa has always made little sense to me; I struggle with figuring out how Mira escapes/ gets captured by Visquis in his base, let alone how she seemingly teleports in to observe 'key circumstances' without us, 'the player', ever seeing her. And whatever the heck Zez Kai Ell does when you're unconscious via gas. He supposedly 'goes to save Mira', but in reality seems to run into a wall until all the hard work is over. This random 'ineffectual'ness seems to span beyond typical videogame techniques, and wanders into the realm of him dropping out of the story for a bit. However, do you really think a whole rehash/extension of the docks solves the issue of some clumsy dialogue and the lack of a few short scenes to show the involvement of these two (or Hanharr) after the Exile enters Visquis' base? Surely the confusion/flaws could be solved a lot easier than an air duct system, which hardly anyone except Mira, Hanharr and our Jedi associates even used? Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
MrPhil 58 Posted January 18, 2012 I understand that one too, though I believe it would be bad for mod compatibility... Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Kaidon Jorn 216 Posted January 20, 2012 Dude. Seriously. ttlan, Turn the game off and step away from the computer. It's just a game. ONE GAME. you are overly obsessed to the point of being absolutely annoying. And you are scaring the visitors. Why don't you just uninstall the game and play something else for a few months? Let the TSLRCM team take care of what they are going to take of? No offense, of course.. 1 Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest Qui-Gon Glenn Posted January 21, 2012 TTLan, I appreciate your enthusiasm, your attention to detail, and your skill with language! I do not agree with you on this topic. I believe that creating this sort of scenario falls into, as others have mentioned, an add-on. There is no unused module material specifically for the scene. Creating an animation just to "climb down" to those ducts simply seems absurd to me, in that this grand undertaking would in no possible way be worth the minute reward. A Restoration this is, not a flight of fancy. I played through TSLRP dozens of times as a tester. The TSLRCM version of the events concerning the JJT and the meeting of the Exile and ZKE are, IMO, far superior to TSLRP. There actually does seem now (in 1.7) to be a flow to the events, and I only noticed how much better it went than I remembered it.... Things were not the total head-scratcher they used to be in the vanilla game. My first vanilla playthrough, I had no clue what was going on despite paying quite good attention. Then again, in that playthrough, I finished the game with no Padawans... How on Earth I missed that completely with all players, I will never know :| Back on-topic: Like I said, I appreciate your interest, and I know you have contributed a lot to this team. My word of advice - let this one go, it is too much for too little! Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Hassat Hunter 572 Posted January 21, 2012 I finished the game with no Padawans... How on Earth I missed that completely with all players, I will never know :| Well, did the same. Bao-Dur is hard. Atton, I did NS last so had no more inf afterwards to get him Jedi. I was DS, so no Mira. Handmaiden was too pissed to talk to me. That about sums it up... Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites