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  1. Alright, so this is my First Playthrough of Brotherhood of Shadow, really it's my first Modded Playthrough of the original Kotor, but after a slow start figuring things out, I've made my way through the game, completed the original brotherhood of Shadow questline no problem, Started Solomons revenge and everything is moving smoothly. Then we get to the korriban Wastes, and things look a little... Odd. It feels like I was missing a lot of textures for Rocky outcropings because a lot of it was seethrough, but it wasn't affecting my ability to play, and it had a cool effect like the darkside was eroding the rock away, but I digress. We enter the temple, and I eventually find myself reliving Revan, Malik and Shadow's Assault on the mandalorian bridge. Again, things are going alright, figuring things out. Feeling smart cuz I got the puzzle with the power converters and the energy shield. Using gernades to blow them up was pretty cool. ANYWAY, I make my way to the next map, I think it was the bridge elevator. Map loads, I open the door, and I'm greeted by 2 droids, 2 small turrets, and at the far end of the room down the halway, 2 blue mandalorians and shortly after 2 yellow mandalorians show up running down the hall. (I'm using colors to hopefully give you an idea of where I'm at cause frankly I have no idea) And I enter the room, and the game crashes. The game always crashes without fail as soon as I aggro the mandalorians (I believe) I've worked out that I can camp in the little spawn room with my teammates and basically lure the droids in to the room to kill them, and wait for the turrets to die from blaster reflection, but the game crashes everytime I seem to aggro the mandalorians. Can anyone help me? Please? I've practically torn my hair out looking for this bug on like 3 different forums and I only found it reported once, with no answer. My Modlist is as follows Kotor 1 Restoration, k1 Force Powers, Fire and Ice HD, Solomons Revenge and Brotherhood of Shadow (I got them both from the combined install) Kotor1 Lightsaber Forms, 1k Skybox Retexture, Weapon Model Overhaul and Highres Lightning. I also have the optional 1k BOSSR addons Any and all help is appreciated
  2. Version 1.5b


    JC2 PRESENTS REVENGE ON THE SASSY SITH LADY Reason: After watching a ShemL video (RIP (Retire-In-Peace) ex-modder), I decided to allow the PC to use the Force on the Sassy Sith lady. Content: All vanilla options are kept, and (3ish) additional options are added. These options allow the PC to take revenge of different levels on the Sith minion who insults your eyes, calls you a coward, and tries to rob you. Not to mention threats you with the "wrath of the Sith." (1) Light side option (2) Dark side options to force choke/kill and,or force dominate Summary: This is a small mod that has way to many scripts attached to it, but it should add a little flavor to Manaan, by allowing the PC to get a little more "direct" revenge on this annoying Sith minion. It is similar in concept to Kill Marlena, I recommend checking that mod out as well. Installation: Unzip and run the tslpatcher, manual install is not an option. Special note to Android users: Manual install option does not exist because of the globalcat.2da file, in this mod, and is used in every major mod that exists, therefore, I assume that you would want to download better mods, and encourage you to download other mods. 1.50 Update: I recommend updating the mod by reinstalling it, or simply copy and pasting the man26_sithyell.dlg and the man26_sithyell2.dlg files into the override replacing the (2) older files. You can find these two files inside the tslpatchdata folder. Note: This is a special case. Please do not do this with other mods as most mods require the tslpatcher to run before they can function properly! Any feedback is appreciated, though it would be helpful if you tried the mod first! I hope you enjoy this mod!
  3. View File Revenge On The Sith (Lady) JC2 PRESENTS REVENGE ON THE SASSY SITH LADY Reason: After watching a ShemL video (RIP (Retire-In-Peace) ex-modder), I decided to allow the PC to use the Force on the Sassy Sith lady. Content: All vanilla options are kept, and (3ish) additional options are added. These options allow the PC to take revenge of different levels on the Sith minion who insults your eyes, calls you a coward, and tries to rob you. Not to mention threats you with the "wrath of the Sith." (1) Light side option (2) Dark side options to force choke/kill and,or force dominate Summary: This is a small mod that has way to many scripts attached to it, but it should add a little flavor to Manaan, by allowing the PC to get a little more "direct" revenge on this annoying Sith minion. It is similar in concept to Kill Marlena, I recommend checking that mod out as well. Installation: Unzip and run the tslpatcher, manual install is not an option. Special note to Android users: Manual install option does not exist because of the globalcat.2da file, in this mod, and is used in every major mod that exists, therefore, I assume that you would want to download better mods, and encourage you to download other mods. 1.50 Update: I recommend updating the mod by reinstalling it, or simply copy and pasting the man26_sithyell.dlg and the man26_sithyell2.dlg files into the override replacing the (2) older files. You can find these two files inside the tslpatchdata folder. Note: This is a special case. Please do not do this with other mods as most mods require the tslpatcher to run before they can function properly! Any feedback is appreciated, though it would be helpful if you tried the mod first! I hope you enjoy this mod! Submitter jc2 Submitted 12/19/2017 Category Mods K1R Compatible