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Version 1.6.1a
=Handmaiden and Female Exile - Disciple and Male Exile Romance= A KNIGHTS OF THE OLD REPUBLIC II: THE SITH LORDS MODIFICATION AUTHOR: Leilukin FILE NAME: Hand_Disc_SameGenderRomances.7z LATEST VERSION: 1.6.1a CONTACT: E-mail to, or message to Leilukin on Deadly Stream PLEASE READ THROUGH THE MOD INFO ON THIS PAGE AND THE FAQ ARTICLE FOR MY KOTOR SAME-GENDER ROMANCE MODS BEFORE ASKING QUESTIONS! 1. DESCRIPTION: As much as I love KotOR II: TSL, I have always been disappointed by the lack of same-gender romance options with any of the party members. Granted, TSL never had any fully developed romance arc to begin with, but given KotOR 1 at least has Juhani as a lesbian romance option even though her romance has less content (and is much easier to miss due to bugs) compared to Bastila's or Carth's, the lack of same-gender romance options in TSL is disappointing, in my opinion. My Visas Marr and Female Exile Romance as well as Atton Rand and Male Exile Romance mods had been made and released as part of my same-gender romance mod project for TSL, now I present to you the next and the biggest part of my project: Handmaiden Handmaiden and Female Exile - Disciple and Male Exile Romance mod! This mod makes the Handmaiden a romance option for female Exiles, and the Disciple a romance option for male Exiles. Players do not need to worry about any possible pronouns mix-up either because this mod will make the Handmaiden refer to a female Exile by "she/her" and the Disciple refer to a male Exile by "he/him". If a female Exile has much higher influence with Visas than the Handmaiden, the Handmaiden vs. Visas jealousy/rivalry cutscenes will be triggered (however, be warned that this will also make the Handmaiden refuse to speak to the player for the rest of the game, unless you installed my No Jealousy Lock in Handmaiden Dialogue mod). Similarly, if a male Exile has much higher influence with the Disciple than Atton, Atton vs. the Disciple jealousy/rivalry cutscenes will be triggered. It is worth noting that this mod also enables the romantic subtext between a female Exile and Atris, due to the fact that said romantic subtext are only available if you recruit Handmaiden as a party member. Please note that this mod is ONLY COMPATIBLE WITH THE ENGLISH LOCALIZATION OF TSL AND TSLRCM. I do not provide support for non-English localizations of TSL and TSLRCM. 2. IMPORTANT NOTE TO MAKE THIS MOD WORK: In order for the Handmaiden/Disciple content from this mod to take effect, you must use a save before Handmaiden/Disciple joins your party. In Handmaiden's case, you must load a save before leaving the secret Academy on Telos. In Disciple's case, you must load a save before meeting him in the Enclave Sublevel on Dantooine. There is NO other way to add Handmaiden/Disciple in your party if you have played past the point where Handmaiden/Disciple is supposed to join your party. 3. INSTALLATION: ***** Due to the fact that this mod will make considerable amount of changes to the game's content, please read my instructions carefully and check out the "MOD COMPATIBILITY" section below before installing this mod! ***** First and foremost, make sure you have The Sith Lords Restored Content Mod (TSLRCM) installed since TSLRCM is REQUIRED for this mod to work. !! ATTENTION!! STEAM USERS: If you play KotOR 2 on Steam, DO NOT USE THE STEAM WORKSHOP VERSION OF TSLRCM if you want to use this mod! Instead, use the installer (.exe) version of TSLRCM, which can be downloaded from Deadly Stream here. I recommend reading this Deadly Stream post on why Steam Workshop is NOT recommended for modding KotOR 2. After installing TSLRCM, extract the Hand_Disc_SGRomances.7z you downloaded to anywhere you like, as long as it is not within the KotOR 2 directory. Before you install, make sure that your KotOR 2 main game directory and all subfolders are NOT set as read-only, otherwise you may get an error message that says along the lines of "[ERROR] Unhandled exception: Access violation at address...". Right-click your KotOR 2 folder and subfolders, go to Properties and uncheck the "Read-only". Run Install.exe. You will notice that this mod provides two installation options. You may only choose ONE of these options: Default Installation: This option will make the Handmaiden join a female Exile and the Disciple to join a male Exile automatically. Players will not need to do any extra actions for it to happen. However, this option does not allow players to recruit both the Handmaiden and the Disciple in a single playthough. WARNING: If you choose this installation option, male Exiles will not be able to recruit the Handmaiden. Similarly, female Exiles will not be able to recruit the Disciple. PartySwap Compatible Installation: This option is for players who have installed DarthTyren's PartySwap mod, which allows players to recruit both the Handmaiden and the Disciple in a single playthrough regardless of the Exile's gender. Make sure you have installed PartySwap first BEFORE choosing this installation option! Once you have chosen the installation option you want, and select your KotOR 2 game folder as your KotOR 2 directory path, click the “Install” button and let the installer do its job. This mod also provides compatibility patches for players who also have installed any of the following mods: M4-78 Enhancement Project Coruscant Jedi Temple by deathdisco Extended Enclave by danil-ch and Darth Hayze Extended Enclave Tweaks by N-DReW25 Kreia's Fall Cutscene (In-Game) by danil-ch Go to the “Compatibility Patches” folder from this mod, read the READ ME files within the subfolders and follow the instructions to make these mods work together with mine. When you install this mod, two new folders named "backup" and “uninstall” will be created by the installer in the same folder as the installer. Do not delete the folders or any of the files within the folder if you are planning on uninstalling this mod. The "Source" folder includes the source of the scripts used by this mod for modders' reference. Ignore the "Source" folder if you only want to install and play this mod. 4. UNINSTALLATION: Open Install.exe and select your KotOR 2 directory where you installed this mod. From the “Tools” drop-down menu, select “Uninstall Mod / Restore Backup”, then confirm to uninstall the mod. You can also choose to delete the backup after uninstalling the mod. Please note that if you have installed PartySwap and you want to uninstall it, you need to follow the instructions from the PartySwap mod. 5. KNOWN ISSUES: None currently known. If you find any other bugs or problems, please let me know. 6. MOD COMPATIBILITY: Other mods that modifies any of the following comtent will likely conflict with this mod: disciple.dlg, Disciple's main dialogue file kreia.dlg, Kreia's main dialogue file mira.dlg, Mira's main dialogue file Dialogue of the Rebuilt Jedi Enclave sequence k_003ebo_enter.ncs and a_next_scene.ncs, script used for entering the Ebon Hawk and party member cutscenes on the Ebon Hawk I have set up the installer to install this mod by patching the relevant dialogue files to improve compatibility with other content mods as much as possible, but it is still not guaranteed to be compatible with every other mods that modify the same files. If you use any of the below mods, I have provided compatibility patches, as noted in the "INSTALLATION" section above: M4-78 Enhancement Project Coruscant Jedi Temple by deathdisco Extended Enclave by danil-ch and Darth Hayze Extended Enclave Tweaks by N-DReW25 Kreia's Fall Cutscene (In-Game) by danil-ch This mod is not compatible with any other mod that involves putting the holorec.dlg file in the Override folder. If you want to use this mod, make sure you DO NOT have holorec.dlg in your Override folder, or Handmaiden will not be able to join your female Exile's party. This mod is compatible with KOTOR 2 Community Patch. If you want to use my Atton Rand and Male Exile Romance, install this mod first, then install Atton Rand and Male Exile Romance and the compatibility patch included in the Atton romance mod. This mod is compatible with JC2's Train the Handmaiden. If you want to use JediArchivist’s Mira Romance Mod, you must install my mod after Mira Romance mod. This mod also makes the Visas romance scene trigger for female Exiles, while Disciple will replace Visas in said scene if you play a male Exile, so unless you want the Visas romance scene available for both male and female Exiles, if you install this mod, you will not need to install the “Visas Romance Scene” component of my Visas Marr and Female Exile Romance mod. This mod is compatible with the “Kreia’s Reference to Visas Romance” component of the Visas Marr and Female Exile Romance mod. If you're uncertain if a mod is compatible with this mod or not, feel free to ask me. 7. PERMISSION: You may modify this mod for personal use or show this mod in screenshots. However, do not release your mods containing assets from my mod without my permission. You may use the k_003ebo_enter and a_next_scene scripts from this mod to make compatibility patches with your mod, but do not claim these modifications as your own. I do not use nor support Steam Workshop, so I do not want any of my mods to be uploaded to Steam Workshop. 8. CREDITS: DarthTyren for giving me permission to make a compatibility patch for PartySwap danil-ch for giving me permission to make a compatibility patch for Extended Enclave and Kreia's Fall Cutscene (In-Game) N-DreW25 for giving me permission to make a compatibility patch for Extended Enclave Tweaks Sith Holocron for helping with VO splicing Fred Tetra for the KotOR Tool Cortisol for Holocron Toolset bead-v for Workbox KobaltBlu for Kotor Scripting Tool tk102 for DLG Editor JdNoa for DeNCS KotOR Script Decompiler Cortisol and th3w1zard1 for HoloPatcher Stoffe for TSLPatcher, ERFEdit and TalkEd; Fair Strides for the updated versions THIS MODIFICATION IS NOT SUPPORTED BY BIOWARE/OBSIDIAN ENTERTAINMENT OR LUCASARTS OR ANY LICENSERS/SPONSORS OF THE MENTIONED COMPANIES. USE THIS FILE AT YOUR OWN RISK AND NEITHER THE ABOVE MENTIONED COMPANIES NOR THE AUTHOR IS RESPONSIBLE FOR ANY DAMAGE CAUSED TO YOUR COMPUTER FOR THE USAGE OF THIS FILE.- 79 comments
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View File Handmaiden and Female Exile - Disciple and Male Exile Romance =Handmaiden and Female Exile - Disciple and Male Exile Romance= A KNIGHTS OF THE OLD REPUBLIC II: THE SITH LORDS MODIFICATION AUTHOR: Leilukin FILE NAME: Hand_Disc_SameGenderRomances.7z LATEST VERSION: 1.6.1a CONTACT: E-mail to, or message to Leilukin on Deadly Stream PLEASE READ THROUGH THE MOD INFO ON THIS PAGE AND THE FAQ ARTICLE FOR MY KOTOR SAME-GENDER ROMANCE MODS BEFORE ASKING QUESTIONS! 1. DESCRIPTION: As much as I love KotOR II: TSL, I have always been disappointed by the lack of same-gender romance options with any of the party members. Granted, TSL never had any fully developed romance arc to begin with, but given KotOR 1 at least has Juhani as a lesbian romance option even though her romance has less content (and is much easier to miss due to bugs) compared to Bastila's or Carth's, the lack of same-gender romance options in TSL is disappointing, in my opinion. My Visas Marr and Female Exile Romance as well as Atton Rand and Male Exile Romance mods had been made and released as part of my same-gender romance mod project for TSL, now I present to you the next and the biggest part of my project: Handmaiden Handmaiden and Female Exile - Disciple and Male Exile Romance mod! This mod makes the Handmaiden a romance option for female Exiles, and the Disciple a romance option for male Exiles. Players do not need to worry about any possible pronouns mix-up either because this mod will make the Handmaiden refer to a female Exile by "she/her" and the Disciple refer to a male Exile by "he/him". If a female Exile has much higher influence with Visas than the Handmaiden, the Handmaiden vs. Visas jealousy/rivalry cutscenes will be triggered (however, be warned that this will also make the Handmaiden refuse to speak to the player for the rest of the game, unless you installed my No Jealousy Lock in Handmaiden Dialogue mod). Similarly, if a male Exile has much higher influence with the Disciple than Atton, Atton vs. the Disciple jealousy/rivalry cutscenes will be triggered. It is worth noting that this mod also enables the romantic subtext between a female Exile and Atris, due to the fact that said romantic subtext are only available if you recruit Handmaiden as a party member. Please note that this mod is ONLY COMPATIBLE WITH THE ENGLISH LOCALIZATION OF TSL AND TSLRCM. I do not provide support for non-English localizations of TSL and TSLRCM. 2. IMPORTANT NOTE TO MAKE THIS MOD WORK: In order for the Handmaiden/Disciple content from this mod to take effect, you must use a save before Handmaiden/Disciple joins your party. In Handmaiden's case, you must load a save before leaving the secret Academy on Telos. In Disciple's case, you must load a save before meeting him in the Enclave Sublevel on Dantooine. There is NO other way to add Handmaiden/Disciple in your party if you have played past the point where Handmaiden/Disciple is supposed to join your party. 3. INSTALLATION: ***** Due to the fact that this mod will make considerable amount of changes to the game's content, please read my instructions carefully and check out the "MOD COMPATIBILITY" section below before installing this mod! ***** First and foremost, make sure you have The Sith Lords Restored Content Mod (TSLRCM) installed since TSLRCM is REQUIRED for this mod to work. !! ATTENTION!! STEAM USERS: If you play KotOR 2 on Steam, DO NOT USE THE STEAM WORKSHOP VERSION OF TSLRCM if you want to use this mod! Instead, use the installer (.exe) version of TSLRCM, which can be downloaded from Deadly Stream here. I recommend reading this Deadly Stream post on why Steam Workshop is NOT recommended for modding KotOR 2. After installing TSLRCM, extract the Hand_Disc_SGRomances.7z you downloaded to anywhere you like, as long as it is not within the KotOR 2 directory. Before you install, make sure that your KotOR 2 main game directory and all subfolders are NOT set as read-only, otherwise you may get an error message that says along the lines of "[ERROR] Unhandled exception: Access violation at address...". Right-click your KotOR 2 folder and subfolders, go to Properties and uncheck the "Read-only". Run Install.exe. You will notice that this mod provides two installation options. You may only choose ONE of these options: Default Installation: This option will make the Handmaiden join a female Exile and the Disciple to join a male Exile automatically. Players will not need to do any extra actions for it to happen. However, this option does not allow players to recruit both the Handmaiden and the Disciple in a single playthough. WARNING: If you choose this installation option, male Exiles will not be able to recruit the Handmaiden. Similarly, female Exiles will not be able to recruit the Disciple. PartySwap Compatible Installation: This option is for players who have installed DarthTyren's PartySwap mod, which allows players to recruit both the Handmaiden and the Disciple in a single playthrough regardless of the Exile's gender. Make sure you have installed PartySwap first BEFORE choosing this installation option! Once you have chosen the installation option you want, and select your KotOR 2 game folder as your KotOR 2 directory path, click the “Install” button and let the installer do its job. This mod also provides compatibility patches for players who also have installed any of the following mods: M4-78 Enhancement Project Coruscant Jedi Temple by deathdisco Extended Enclave by danil-ch and Darth Hayze Extended Enclave Tweaks by N-DReW25 Kreia's Fall Cutscene (In-Game) by danil-ch Go to the “Compatibility Patches” folder from this mod, read the READ ME files within the subfolders and follow the instructions to make these mods work together with mine. When you install this mod, two new folders named "backup" and “uninstall” will be created by the installer in the same folder as the installer. Do not delete the folders or any of the files within the folder if you are planning on uninstalling this mod. The "Source" folder includes the source of the scripts used by this mod for modders' reference. Ignore the "Source" folder if you only want to install and play this mod. 4. UNINSTALLATION: Open Install.exe and select your KotOR 2 directory where you installed this mod. From the “Tools” drop-down menu, select “Uninstall Mod / Restore Backup”, then confirm to uninstall the mod. You can also choose to delete the backup after uninstalling the mod. Please note that if you have installed PartySwap and you want to uninstall it, you need to follow the instructions from the PartySwap mod. 5. KNOWN ISSUES: None currently known. If you find any other bugs or problems, please let me know. 6. MOD COMPATIBILITY: Other mods that modifies any of the following comtent will likely conflict with this mod: disciple.dlg, Disciple's main dialogue file kreia.dlg, Kreia's main dialogue file mira.dlg, Mira's main dialogue file Dialogue of the Rebuilt Jedi Enclave sequence k_003ebo_enter.ncs and a_next_scene.ncs, script used for entering the Ebon Hawk and party member cutscenes on the Ebon Hawk I have set up the installer to install this mod by patching the relevant dialogue files to improve compatibility with other content mods as much as possible, but it is still not guaranteed to be compatible with every other mods that modify the same files. If you use any of the below mods, I have provided compatibility patches, as noted in the "INSTALLATION" section above: M4-78 Enhancement Project Coruscant Jedi Temple by deathdisco Extended Enclave by danil-ch and Darth Hayze Extended Enclave Tweaks by N-DReW25 Kreia's Fall Cutscene (In-Game) by danil-ch This mod is not compatible with any other mod that involves putting the holorec.dlg file in the Override folder. If you want to use this mod, make sure you DO NOT have holorec.dlg in your Override folder, or Handmaiden will not be able to join your female Exile's party. This mod is compatible with KOTOR 2 Community Patch. If you want to use my Atton Rand and Male Exile Romance, install this mod first, then install Atton Rand and Male Exile Romance and the compatibility patch included in the Atton romance mod. This mod is compatible with JC2's Train the Handmaiden. If you want to use JediArchivist’s Mira Romance Mod, you must install my mod after Mira Romance mod. This mod also makes the Visas romance scene trigger for female Exiles, while Disciple will replace Visas in said scene if you play a male Exile, so unless you want the Visas romance scene available for both male and female Exiles, if you install this mod, you will not need to install the “Visas Romance Scene” component of my Visas Marr and Female Exile Romance mod. This mod is compatible with the “Kreia’s Reference to Visas Romance” component of the Visas Marr and Female Exile Romance mod. If you're uncertain if a mod is compatible with this mod or not, feel free to ask me. 7. PERMISSION: You may modify this mod for personal use or show this mod in screenshots. However, do not release your mods containing assets from my mod without my permission. You may use the k_003ebo_enter and a_next_scene scripts from this mod to make compatibility patches with your mod, but do not claim these modifications as your own. I do not use nor support Steam Workshop, so I do not want any of my mods to be uploaded to Steam Workshop. 8. CREDITS: DarthTyren for giving me permission to make a compatibility patch for PartySwap danil-ch for giving me permission to make a compatibility patch for Extended Enclave and Kreia's Fall Cutscene (In-Game) N-DreW25 for giving me permission to make a compatibility patch for Extended Enclave Tweaks Sith Holocron for helping with VO splicing Fred Tetra for the KotOR Tool Cortisol for Holocron Toolset bead-v for Workbox KobaltBlu for Kotor Scripting Tool tk102 for DLG Editor JdNoa for DeNCS KotOR Script Decompiler Cortisol and th3w1zard1 for HoloPatcher Stoffe for TSLPatcher, ERFEdit and TalkEd; Fair Strides for the updated versions THIS MODIFICATION IS NOT SUPPORTED BY BIOWARE/OBSIDIAN ENTERTAINMENT OR LUCASARTS OR ANY LICENSERS/SPONSORS OF THE MENTIONED COMPANIES. USE THIS FILE AT YOUR OWN RISK AND NEITHER THE ABOVE MENTIONED COMPANIES NOR THE AUTHOR IS RESPONSIBLE FOR ANY DAMAGE CAUSED TO YOUR COMPUTER FOR THE USAGE OF THIS FILE. Submitter Leilukin Submitted 01/02/2017 Category Mods TSLRCM Compatible Yes
- 48 replies
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File Name: Kyle Katarn Head File Submitter: 1Leonard File Submitted: 14 Dec 2015 File Category: Mods TSLRCM Compatible: Yes This mod adds a head based on Kyle Katarn from the Jedi Knight series. The head itself is a heavily modified pmhc07 with a skin painted from scratch in a higher resolution. Installation: Press "Install Kyle Katarn.exe" and follow the instructions. Removal: Remove the relevant .mdl, mdx and .tga files and put back the .2da files stored in the backup folder _________________________________ I do not give permission for this mod to be reuploaded to other sites and/or sources without my knowledge. Click here to download this file
File Name: Disciple Medic Bug Fix File Submitter: forgetcanon File Submitted: 21 Mar 2015 File Category: Mods TSLRCM Compatible: Yes Fixes a few missed script parameters. Makes Mical's "medic" dialogue available once you learn that he has medical training. Force Fashion II compatible files included. Click here to download this file