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Found 3 results

  1. Version 1.1.1


    Convince, push the blame, or gaslight your favorite Jedi Master to spare him… Or be the one swayed in return! Description: This mod allows players who take General Vaklu’s route on Onderon to complete the questline without having to kill Master Kavar. This can be achieved (or failed) through various dialogue paths, exploring different topics such as proving General Vaklu to be the best choice for Onderon, convincing Kavar that he is fighting a battle he cannot win, guilt-tripping him, and more. The main focus of the mod is to add more interactions with Kavar, who was a mentor and a friend to the Exile — a connection that was scarcely explored in the vanilla game. It also adds complexity to Onderonian politics, allowing the player to shape Onderon's future without the necessity of killing a Jedi. Additionally, this mod allows players who initially sided with Vaklu to betray him and switch sides at the last possible moment. In newest update, you also have the option to imprison Talia instead of outright executing her. Key Features: Spare Master Kavar and meet him later on Dantooine, without following the “light” path on Onderon. Change sides after sparring with Master Kavar, keeping Queen Talia on the throne. End Kavar’s life prematurely, skipping his third-phase fight. Multiple ways to persuade Kavar, allowing you to roleplay your character in various ways. Regardless of how you dealt with Kavar, you can now convince Vaklu to spare Talia. Notes: The mod is unvoiced. After careful consideration, I decided against using voice cloning or synthesizing due to the controversial attitudes toward such practices. If you decide to join Talia after sparring with Kavar, there will be no reward from the Queen after completing the storyline — you did ransack her city, after all! Some dialogue paths will require you to have neutral or light alignment to succeed. Force Persuasion requires you to have the "Dominate Mind" ability; otherwise, it will fail. Bugs: There is a known issue, possibly unrelated to this mod, where during the final fight against Vaklu, the General refuses to defend himself. Many players have reported this problem, which can interfere with the mod’s thematic elements. Unfortunately, I am unsure of the cause or how to fix it, so any help would be appreciated. The Lost Jedi quest will not be updated, and the Master of the Palace quest will still state Kavar died alongside Talia, even if your spared them on Vaklu's path. Will be fixed in the future. Credits: Fred Tetra, for KOTOR Tool TK102, for DLGEditor Torlack, stoffe & TK102, for NWNSSCOMP JdNoa & Dashus, for DeNCS Cortisol, for Holocron Toolset Mods on Screenshots: Canonical Jedi Exile, by michaelfung2000 The Exile's Robe, by Ellimar
  2. View File AxC's Kavar's Extended Choices Convince, push the blame, or gaslight your favorite Jedi Master to spare him… Or be the one swayed in return! Description: This mod allows players who take General Vaklu’s route on Onderon to complete the questline without having to kill Master Kavar. This can be achieved (or failed) through various dialogue paths, exploring different topics such as proving General Vaklu to be the best choice for Onderon, convincing Kavar that he is fighting a battle he cannot win, guilt-tripping him, and more. The main focus of the mod is to add more interactions with Kavar, who was a mentor and a friend to the Exile — a connection that was scarcely explored in the vanilla game. It also adds complexity to Onderonian politics, allowing the player to shape Onderon's future without the necessity of killing a Jedi. Additionally, this mod allows players who initially sided with Vaklu to betray him and switch sides at the last possible moment. In newest update, you also have the option to imprison Talia instead of outright executing her. Key Features: Spare Master Kavar and meet him later on Dantooine, without following the “light” path on Onderon. Change sides after sparring with Master Kavar, keeping Queen Talia on the throne. End Kavar’s life prematurely, skipping his third-phase fight. Multiple ways to persuade Kavar, allowing you to roleplay your character in various ways. Regardless of how you dealt with Kavar, you can now convince Vaklu to spare Talia. Notes: The mod is unvoiced. After careful consideration, I decided against using voice cloning or synthesizing due to the controversial attitudes toward such practices. If you decide to join Talia after sparring with Kavar, there will be no reward from the Queen after completing the storyline — you did ransack her city, after all! Some dialogue paths will require you to have neutral or light alignment to succeed. Force Persuasion requires you to have the "Dominate Mind" ability; otherwise, it will fail. Bugs: There is a known issue, possibly unrelated to this mod, where during the final fight against Vaklu, the General refuses to defend himself. Many players have reported this problem, which can interfere with the mod’s thematic elements. Unfortunately, I am unsure of the cause or how to fix it, so any help would be appreciated. The Lost Jedi quest will not be updated, and the Master of the Palace quest will still state Kavar died alongside Talia, even if your spared them on Vaklu's path. Will be fixed in the future. Credits: Fred Tetra, for KOTOR Tool TK102, for DLGEditor Torlack, stoffe & TK102, for NWNSSCOMP JdNoa & Dashus, for DeNCS Cortisol, for Holocron Toolset Mods on Screenshots: Canonical Jedi Exile, by michaelfung2000 The Exile's Robe, by Ellimar Submitter AxConsortium Submitted 09/07/2024 Category Mods TSLRCM Compatible Yes  
  3. I am copying this from the post I made on the Kotor Subreddit: So I am at the rebuilt Jedi enclave, there have been no game breaking bugs up to this point. The cutscenes start happen normally, the scene with Tobin and Kreia sitting down. But when I walk to the Masters, the cutscenes doesn't start, and I can't talk to any of the Masters. I can talk to Kreia, but then it starts a cutscene where I kill the Masters and Kreia starts the DS dialogue. I haven't tested if this forces the dark side ending to trigger yet, but if it doesn't, I can ignore this bug. The mods I have installed that I think might be interfering are Partyswap and Extended Enclave, but I have the patches for that. I heard that having Force Fashion II and Kreia's Extended Robe mod can cause issues, but they never caused any noticeable trouble in past playthroughs. I use the GOG version of the game, I can't recall the version from memory. From memory I have TSLRCM, high level force powers, SLM, force fashion, full force mod, tomb of azdath n'dul, recruit Atris, Korriban expanded, m4-78, Partyswap, extended enclave, Kreia assorted robes collection, force fashion II, Those are the big ones, then there are the texture mods and a few tweaks on world's other than Dantooine. What could be the issue, and is it possible to use Kotor Tool or a similar program to patch the problem myself? I don't want to reinstall the game, but I will if I have to...