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This has been driving me nuts for years. I've tried to do this several times but I've never been able to successfully pull it off. Simply put; I'd like my character to visually wear Atton's jacket. I think that jacket is the freshest piece of clothing in the Star Wars universe and possibly all of sci fi, and I wanna punch sith in the face while wearing it. I don't care if it's the actual item of Atton's ribbed jacket or another item being rigged to appear as the jacket; I just want my Exile to be able to wear it. There is a pitiful lack of information on the web about what values in the appearance.2da file correspond to, and I've been trying to change character models to no avail. I tried editing Atton's jacket to not be restricted to him, which works in a sense, but it shows up as the default jedi clothing on the player character which is obviously not I am going for. I'm not sure which entries in the appearance.2da refer to the player character models. I've set a TON of them to have their model B (which corresponds to default clothing, I believe?) appear as Atton's jacket model, but so far it has not worked. I need some help from someone who knows this stuff better than I do. Either a step-by-step guide on how to properly configure my appearance.2da or a straight up model replacement would be greatly appreciated.
Version v3
************************************** Knights of the Old Republic - The Sith Lords ************************************** TITLE: TSL Mission Vao Jacket AUTHOR: Effix(ian) CONTACT: PM me on the forums or find me on Steam ************* INSTALLATION ************* Unzip. Move the extracted files to your Override folder. ************ DESCRIPTION ************ As requested by Teddy273 here on Deadly Stream and a remake of the outfit that came along with my TSL Mission Vao mod. This mod adds a light armor for females, based on KotOR's Mission Vao's outfit. Mira has this item on her, but you will only get it when you use a save game from before you get to play as her (Before playing as her in the Jekk'Jekk Tarr). The stats are mostly based on Mira's Jacket with some extra skill bonuses inspired by Mission. Mission Vao's Jacket (cheatcode: missionjacket) Gender required: Female Defense Bonus: 5 Damage Resistance: Resist 5/- vs. Bludgeoning Damage Resistance: Resist 5/- vs. Piercing Damage Resistance: Resist 5/- vs. Slashing Skill bonus: Computer Use +2, Stealth +2 Upgradable: Like light armor ************** COMPATIBILITY ************** - This mod replaces the Revan/Star Forge model, so it's not compatible with any mod that does the same. - Not compatible with any mod that changes Mira's character file (p_mira.utc). Mira reskins should work. ***** BUGS ***** None ************* UNINSTALLING ************* Remove the following files from your Override folder: ia_revan_079.tga missionjacket.uti p_mira.utc PFBJ79.tga pfbjm.mdl pfbjm.mdx PMBJ79.tga pmbjm.mdl pmbjm.mdx ******************* DISTRIBUTION NOTES ******************* You may NOT: Use the material from this mod in your own mod without giving me credit, implying it was your creation. You might: Use the material from this mod in your own mods if you simply ask me. ******** Thanks to ******** Teddy273 (Deadly Stream) for the request Fair Strides for advice on fixing issues Fred Tetra for KotOR Tool ------------------- THIS MODIFICATION IS NOT MADE, DISTRIBUTED, OR SUPPORTED BY BIOWARE, OBSIDIAN, OR LUCASARTS ENTERTAINMENT COMPANY LLC. ELEMENTS TM & © LUCASARTS ENTERTAINMENT COMPANY LLC AND/OR ITS LICENSORS. -
View File Effixian's Carth Onasi's Jacket (Male Only) (R) ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Knights of the Old Republic - The Sith Lords ------------------------------------------------------------------------ TITLE: Effixian's Carth Onasi's Jacket (Male Only) (R) AUTHORS: Effix(ian) CONTACT: PM me on the forums or find me on Steam ------------------------- INSTALLATION ------------------------- Unzip somewhere and run the file "TSLPatcher - Install Effixian's Carth Onasi's Jacket.exe". Steam + Workshop TSLRCM: You need to point the Patcher to TSLRCM's Workshop folder. ----------------------- DESCRIPTION ----------------------- This mod adds a light armor for the player, Atton and the Disciple, based on Carth's default clothing in KotOR 1 (The texture is included in K2's files). The texture is scaled up and certain parts are given a bit of shininess. Atton has this item in his personal inventory, you will be able to equip it once he joins you. Requested by @antek123 on Steam. Carth Onasi's Jacket Cheatcode: giveitem carthjacket Feats Required: Armor Proficiency - Light Gender Required: Male Useable By: The player, Atton, Disciple Defense Bonus: 5 Max Dexterity Bonus: +5 Damage Resistance: Resist 5/- vs. Bludgeoning, Piercing, Slashing & Energy Regeneration: 1 Strength: +1 Upgradeable -------------------------- COMPATIBILITY -------------------------- - (R): This mod replaces the Revan/Star Forge model, so it's not compatible with any mod that does the same (for example my Bastila Robes, Mission Vao Jacket, Scout/Scoundrel Jacket, Soldier Outfit and more). Make sure you always read the mod description to look out for this. ------------------------- UNINSTALLING ------------------------- Remove from override: carthjacket.uti ia_revan_061.tga p_atton.utc PMBJ61.tga PMBJ61.txi pmbjm.mdl pmbjm.mdx Place back into override from the created backup folder: appearance.2da (If you haven't added any mods that changed this file after this mod) If for some far fetched reason you already had a p_atton.utc in your override before applying this mod then you can also grab the backup from the folder. ------------------------------------- DISTRIBUTION NOTES ------------------------------------- You can use the files from this mod in your own mod if you simply credit me. --------------- THANKS --------------- Stoffe and Fred Tetra for the needed tools and tutorials ------------------------- My mods are free. If you would like to show your support then you can buy me a coffee at ------------------------- THIS MODIFICATION IS NOT MADE, DISTRIBUTED, OR SUPPORTED BY BIOWARE, OBSIDIAN, OR LUCASARTS ENTERTAINMENT COMPANY LLC. ELEMENTS TM & © LUCASARTS ENTERTAINMENT COMPANY LLC AND/OR ITS LICENSORS. Submitter Effix Submitted 08/24/2022 Category Mods TSLRCM Compatible Yes
Version 1.0.0
------------------------------------------------------------------------ Knights of the Old Republic - The Sith Lords ------------------------------------------------------------------------ TITLE: Effixian's Carth Onasi's Jacket (Male Only) (R) AUTHORS: Effix(ian) CONTACT: PM me on the forums or find me on Steam ------------------------- INSTALLATION ------------------------- Unzip somewhere and run the file "TSLPatcher - Install Effixian's Carth Onasi's Jacket.exe". Steam + Workshop TSLRCM: You need to point the Patcher to TSLRCM's Workshop folder. ----------------------- DESCRIPTION ----------------------- This mod adds a light armor for the player, Atton and the Disciple, based on Carth's default clothing in KotOR 1 (The texture is included in K2's files). The texture is scaled up and certain parts are given a bit of shininess. Atton has this item in his personal inventory, you will be able to equip it once he joins you. Requested by @antek123 on Steam. Carth Onasi's Jacket Cheatcode: giveitem carthjacket Feats Required: Armor Proficiency - Light Gender Required: Male Useable By: The player, Atton, Disciple Defense Bonus: 5 Max Dexterity Bonus: +5 Damage Resistance: Resist 5/- vs. Bludgeoning, Piercing, Slashing & Energy Regeneration: 1 Strength: +1 Upgradeable -------------------------- COMPATIBILITY -------------------------- - (R): This mod replaces the Revan/Star Forge model, so it's not compatible with any mod that does the same (for example my Bastila Robes, Mission Vao Jacket, Scout/Scoundrel Jacket, Soldier Outfit and more). Make sure you always read the mod description to look out for this. ------------------------- UNINSTALLING ------------------------- Remove from override: carthjacket.uti ia_revan_061.tga p_atton.utc PMBJ61.tga PMBJ61.txi pmbjm.mdl pmbjm.mdx Place back into override from the created backup folder: appearance.2da (If you haven't added any mods that changed this file after this mod) If for some far fetched reason you already had a p_atton.utc in your override before applying this mod then you can also grab the backup from the folder. ------------------------------------- DISTRIBUTION NOTES ------------------------------------- You can use the files from this mod in your own mod if you simply credit me. --------------- THANKS --------------- Stoffe and Fred Tetra for the needed tools and tutorials ------------------------- My mods are free. If you would like to show your support then you can buy me a coffee at ------------------------- THIS MODIFICATION IS NOT MADE, DISTRIBUTED, OR SUPPORTED BY BIOWARE, OBSIDIAN, OR LUCASARTS ENTERTAINMENT COMPANY LLC. ELEMENTS TM & © LUCASARTS ENTERTAINMENT COMPANY LLC AND/OR ITS LICENSORS. -
TSL Mission Vao Jacket View File ************************************** Knights of the Old Republic - The Sith Lords ************************************** TITLE: TSL Mission Vao Jacket AUTHOR: Effix(ian) CONTACT: PM me on the forums or find me on Steam ************* INSTALLATION ************* Unzip. Move the extracted files to your Override folder. ************ DESCRIPTION ************ As requested by Teddy273 here on Deadly Stream and a remake of the outfit that came along with my TSL Mission Vao mod. This mod adds a light armor for females, based on KotOR's Mission Vao's outfit. Mira has this item on her, but you will only get it when you use a save game from before you get to play as her (Before playing as her in the Jekk'Jekk Tarr). The stats are mostly based on Mira's Jacket with some extra skill bonuses inspired by Mission. Mission Vao's Jacket (cheatcode: missionjacket) Gender required: Female Defense Bonus: 5 Damage Resistance: Resist 5/- vs. Bludgeoning Damage Resistance: Resist 5/- vs. Piercing Damage Resistance: Resist 5/- vs. Slashing Skill bonus: Computer Use +2, Stealth +2 Upgradable: Like light armor ************** COMPATIBILITY ************** - This mod replaces the Revan/Star Forge model, so it's not compatible with any mod that does the same. - Not compatible with any mod that changes Mira's character file (p_mira.utc). Mira reskins should work. ***** BUGS ***** None ************* UNINSTALLING ************* Remove the following files from your Override folder: ia_revan_079.tga missionjacket.uti p_mira.utc PFBJ79.tga pfbjm.mdl pfbjm.mdx PMBJ79.tga pmbjm.mdl pmbjm.mdx ******************* DISTRIBUTION NOTES ******************* You may NOT: Use the material from this mod in your own mod without giving me credit, implying it was your creation. You might: Use the material from this mod in your own mods if you simply ask me. ******** Thanks to ******** Teddy273 (Deadly Stream) for the request Fair Strides for advice on fixing issues Fred Tetra for KotOR Tool ------------------- THIS MODIFICATION IS NOT MADE, DISTRIBUTED, OR SUPPORTED BY BIOWARE, OBSIDIAN, OR LUCASARTS ENTERTAINMENT COMPANY LLC. ELEMENTS TM & © LUCASARTS ENTERTAINMENT COMPANY LLC AND/OR ITS LICENSORS. Submitter Effix Submitted 02/15/2017 Category Mods TSLRCM Compatible
Hi all! Just thought of making a badass Bastila, cause...well... why not? There's still a lot to do, especially cause this is my first TSLPatcher- and more complex reskin mod. Still need to make clothes' dark side transition, as well as her face. Getting a portrait for her, though that should be easy... I think. And assigning different clothes to each DS transition level. I have a few faces with DS transition, but they're still a work-in-progress and right now she's only usable for light siders. The dark side faces you see are more of a template, which I add more detail to, and refine it a bit more. (like veins on head and such) So right now they look a bit silly, especially the 2nd DS one. Sooo, what do you think?