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Found 8 results

  1. Version 1


    AUTHOR: jonathan7 EMAIL: Message me via lucas forums user name is jonathan7 NAME: Character Start Up Changes CREDITS: Fred Tetra for the wonderful KotOR tool, all at Lucas Forums for the various Tutrials and Stoffe for TSLpatcher. FILENAME: Character Start Up Changes FILE SIZE: 725kb unzipped DATE RELEASED: 12/12/2010 DESCRIPTION: This essentially changes the starting feats for the three classes and makes pretty much all the feats availible for the player to select for their individual PC. Personally it always bugged me that often my PC would end up with quite a few useless feats that she did not need. So what this does is delete all the preset feats for the classes and give you free selectable ones, the Soldiers have the most, then Scouts then Scoundrels; you have the same ammounts of feats as in the vanilla game but you are free to choose what you want. I think this does improve the RPG aspect of the game, be warned however to make sure you specialise in either melee weapons or some form of blaster, otherwise you won't be doing much in combat! The mod also changes Persuade into a class skill, so it's availible to all three classes, always struck me as silly that Bioware didn't do this, as the PC is the only charachter who can actually use Persuade, seemed unfair only one of the classes got it; but maybe thats just me. A couple of pre-set feats remain; for the Scout the Implant Feat 1, because the scount automatically gets them as the PC is leveled up. The scoundrel keeps Scoundrels luck for obvious reasons, not that its a selectable feat, but things like that and "uncanny dodge" I have left alone. INSTALLATION INSTRUCTIONS:"Extract from the zip and then run the installer, simple enough! COMMENTS: Enjoy! BUGS: Should be none, may well require a little work to make compatible with other mods which edit these .2da's - Shem's extra feat mod spring to mind, but to be honest if you have that, then I don't see why your installing this :-p PERMISSIONS: PM me at LF to discuss useage. THIS MODIFICATION IS PROVIDED AS-IS AND IS NOT SUPPORTED BY BIOWARE/OBSIDIAN ENTERTAINMENT OR LUCASARTS OR ANY LICENSERS/SPONSORS OF THE MENTIONED COMPANIES. USE OF THIS FILE IS AT YOUR OWN RISK AND THE ABOVE MENTIONED COMPANIES OR THE AUTHOR IS NOT RESPONSIBLE FOR ANY DAMAGE CAUSED TO YOUR COMPUTER FOR THE USAGE OF THIS FILE.
  2. Finally I deigned to try the 1.8.6 content restoration mod on kotor 2 xbox 360, I applied what I learned in my mod porting processes and it seems that the mod works, for now I have only completed Peragus II, but I already received the equipment deactivated from Peragus II, I already saw the new heads for the created characters, I already saw the cut scenes and dialogues from Peragus II, and on my arrival in Telos IV I already saw the change in the maiden model, as I have been busy and I was testing mods for kotor 1 just this is what I've been able to advance, but I hope I don't have problems, use tga2tpc-4.0.0-ia32 to pass the textures from tga to tpc and then rename them so that they are now txb and run More optimal on xbox, I also used mdledit_v1.0.3 to pass the models from pc to xbox, although I couldn't convert the s_male02.mdl file to xbox, the tool hangs when loading it, I hope it doesn't cause complications, otherwise you should find out how to adapt this file, as I progress I will share more print and progress, sorry for my bad English I use a translator Edit:After reviewing it seems that the reasons why the game is damaged is due to incompatibility with the module folder, I used only the override and I was able to continue, I am testing with override and the rest of the folders and it seems to work
  3. File Name: Character Start Up Change File Submitter: jonathan7 File Submitted: 26 Oct 2013 File Category: Mods AUTHOR: jonathan7 EMAIL: Message me via lucas forums user name is jonathan7 NAME: Character Start Up Changes CREDITS: Fred Tetra for the wonderful KotOR tool, all at Lucas Forums for the various Tutrials and Stoffe for TSLpatcher. FILENAME: Character Start Up Changes FILE SIZE: 725kb unzipped DATE RELEASED: 12/12/2010 DESCRIPTION: This essentially changes the starting feats for the three classes and makes pretty much all the feats availible for the player to select for their individual PC. Personally it always bugged me that often my PC would end up with quite a few useless feats that she did not need. So what this does is delete all the preset feats for the classes and give you free selectable ones, the Soldiers have the most, then Scouts then Scoundrels; you have the same ammounts of feats as in the vanilla game but you are free to choose what you want. I think this does improve the RPG aspect of the game, be warned however to make sure you specialise in either melee weapons or some form of blaster, otherwise you won't be doing much in combat! The mod also changes Persuade into a class skill, so it's availible to all three classes, always struck me as silly that Bioware didn't do this, as the PC is the only charachter who can actually use Persuade, seemed unfair only one of the classes got it; but maybe thats just me. A couple of pre-set feats remain; for the Scout the Implant Feat 1, because the scount automatically gets them as the PC is leveled up. The scoundrel keeps Scoundrels luck for obvious reasons, not that its a selectable feat, but things like that and "uncanny dodge" I have left alone. INSTALLATION INSTRUCTIONS:"Extract from the zip and then run the installer, simple enough! COMMENTS: Enjoy! BUGS: Should be none, may well require a little work to make compatible with other mods which edit these .2da's - Shem's extra feat mod spring to mind, but to be honest if you have that, then I don't see why your installing this :-p PERMISSIONS: PM me at LF to discuss useage. THIS MODIFICATION IS PROVIDED AS-IS AND IS NOT SUPPORTED BY BIOWARE/OBSIDIAN ENTERTAINMENT OR LUCASARTS OR ANY LICENSERS/SPONSORS OF THE MENTIONED COMPANIES. USE OF THIS FILE IS AT YOUR OWN RISK AND THE ABOVE MENTIONED COMPANIES OR THE AUTHOR IS NOT RESPONSIBLE FOR ANY DAMAGE CAUSED TO YOUR COMPUTER FOR THE USAGE OF THIS FILE. Click here to download this file
  4. Version 1.0


    Mahalo for downloading my mod! Hope you use it to make some wild builds in the game. I made this mod because I personally really enjoy optimizing builds, and with K1 you often end up having some "dead" feats. jonathan7's mod, while doing the job, also felt like it was very incomplete since the player could miss feats if, for whatever reason, they decided to auto-level - and I also didn't like his Persuade change that came with the mod. Between those 2 things, I decided to make a more feature-complete mod that aims to do the following: Expand character build customization at both character generation and when becoming a Jedi Have auto-level lists not "forget" feats to compensate for the increased amount of feats Optimize auto-level lists mostly for companions to not have completely garbage builds, but still retain their "vanilla" build in some capacity while allowing a more smooth transition into a Jedi for players who wish to auto-level Fix T3's auto-level list (he would miss feats after a certain level if you kept him on auto-level) You got 3 flavors of the mod: 1) Vanilla Friendly is the one I would recommend for first-timers or for those looking for a "Vanilla+" experience. This removes the 2 attack feats from each of the non-Jedi classes and gives the player 3 feat points to start with. Jedi classes are unaffected by this version. 2) Bare Necessities is what I would recommend for most players. This removes almost every feat from the non-Jedi classes except for Armor Proficiency: Light, weapon proficiencies based on what each class gets from the footlocker at the start of the Endar Spire, and any auto-granted feats like Implant 1 for Scouts and Sneak Attack for Scoundrels. Soldiers get 7 feats to start, Scouts start with 5, and Scoundrels start with 4. All Jedi classes have melee and pistol proficiencies removed, and the player now gets 2 feat points when becoming a Jedi. 3) Full Custom is recommended for those looking to absolutely min-max or want to make some truly goofy builds. Every feat except for Armor Proficiency: Light and auto-granted feats are removed from the non-Jedi classes, so you will literally not be able to use a weapon unless you invest one of your points into a weapon proficiency feat. Soldiers start with 9 feat points, Scouts start with 7, and Scoundrels start with 6. All Jedi classes have lightsaber, melee, and pistol proficiencies and Jedi Defense removed, and the player now gets 3 feat points when becoming a Jedi. Players can still select Weapon Proficiency: Lightsaber and Jedi Defense as options when leveling up as a Jedi. Installation 1) Download and extract the mod folder to wherever on your computer. 2) Run the "Install Expanded Build Customization" executable from the mod folder. 3) Select your version and click on the “Start Patching” button on the bottom of the pop-up window. 4) Select where your game directory is - it should be something like C:\Program Files\Steam\steamapps\common\swkotor 5) Let the installer do its thing. 6) If there are no errors, you are good to go! Uninstallation You got 2 options: 1) You can delete both feat.2da and featgain.2da from your Override folder. OR 2) Go to the backup folder where you ran this installer, move those files back into the Override folder, and let the backups overwrite the current feat.2da and featgain.2da. Compatibility This mod doesn’t change anything except for feat.2da and featgain.2da, so it should be compatible with any mod that doesn’t make any changes to those 2 files. Even then, this mod should be ok to use with things like N-DReW25’s Sneak Attack X Restoration and Shem’s Feat Progression since my mod doesn’t touch the things those 2 mods do. This is not compatible with mods that aim to do the same thing, such as jonathan7’s Character Start Up Change, since both mods are similar in nature and affect a lot of the same things. Disclaimer Please note that I am not responsible for anything that happens to your savefile, your game, or even (Force forbid) your computer. I am under no obligation to help you if you encounter any issues with the game. If you want to include this mod into your mod, please credit me and feel free to do so.
  5. View File Expanded Build Customization Mahalo for downloading my mod! Hope you use it to make some wild builds in the game. I made this mod because I personally really enjoy optimizing builds, and with K1 you often end up having some "dead" feats. jonathan7's mod, while doing the job, also felt like it was very incomplete since the player could miss feats if, for whatever reason, they decided to auto-level - and I also didn't like his Persuade change that came with the mod. Between those 2 things, I decided to make a more feature-complete mod that aims to do the following: Expand character build customization at both character generation and when becoming a Jedi Have auto-level lists not "forget" feats to compensate for the increased amount of feats Optimize auto-level lists mostly for companions to not have completely garbage builds, but still retain their "vanilla" build in some capacity while allowing a more smooth transition into a Jedi for players who wish to auto-level Fix T3's auto-level list (he would miss feats after a certain level if you kept him on auto-level) You got 3 flavors of the mod: 1) Vanilla Friendly is the one I would recommend for first-timers or for those looking for a "Vanilla+" experience. This removes the 2 attack feats from each of the non-Jedi classes and gives the player 3 feat points to start with. Jedi classes are unaffected by this version. 2) Bare Necessities is what I would recommend for most players. This removes almost every feat from the non-Jedi classes except for Armor Proficiency: Light, weapon proficiencies based on what each class gets from the footlocker at the start of the Endar Spire, and any auto-granted feats like Implant 1 for Scouts and Sneak Attack for Scoundrels. Soldiers get 7 feats to start, Scouts start with 5, and Scoundrels start with 4. All Jedi classes have melee and pistol proficiencies removed, and the player now gets 2 feat points when becoming a Jedi. 3) Full Custom is recommended for those looking to absolutely min-max or want to make some truly goofy builds. Every feat except for Armor Proficiency: Light and auto-granted feats are removed from the non-Jedi classes, so you will literally not be able to use a weapon unless you invest one of your points into a weapon proficiency feat. Soldiers start with 9 feat points, Scouts start with 7, and Scoundrels start with 6. All Jedi classes have lightsaber, melee, and pistol proficiencies and Jedi Defense removed, and the player now gets 3 feat points when becoming a Jedi. Players can still select Weapon Proficiency: Lightsaber and Jedi Defense as options when leveling up as a Jedi. Installation 1) Download and extract the mod folder to wherever on your computer. 2) Run the "Install Expanded Build Customization" executable from the mod folder. 3) Select your version and click on the “Start Patching” button on the bottom of the pop-up window. 4) Select where your game directory is - it should be something like C:\Program Files\Steam\steamapps\common\swkotor 5) Let the installer do its thing. 6) If there are no errors, you are good to go! Uninstallation You got 2 options: 1) You can delete both feat.2da and featgain.2da from your Override folder. OR 2) Go to the backup folder where you ran this installer, move those files back into the Override folder, and let the backups overwrite the current feat.2da and featgain.2da. Compatibility This mod doesn’t change anything except for feat.2da and featgain.2da, so it should be compatible with any mod that doesn’t make any changes to those 2 files. Even then, this mod should be ok to use with things like N-DReW25’s Sneak Attack X Restoration and Shem’s Feat Progression since my mod doesn’t touch the things those 2 mods do. This is not compatible with mods that aim to do the same thing, such as jonathan7’s Character Start Up Change, since both mods are similar in nature and affect a lot of the same things. Disclaimer Please note that I am not responsible for anything that happens to your savefile, your game, or even (Force forbid) your computer. I am under no obligation to help you if you encounter any issues with the game. If you want to include this mod into your mod, please credit me and feel free to do so. Submitter Ol' Cappy Submitted 01/29/2021 Category Mods K1R Compatible Yes  
  6. Version V1


    This is a very simple mod that changes the skill and feat progression to be more like Pathfinder than D&D3.5. The big difference in Pathfinder is that all classes get a feat every other level by default. Also, one can always buy skills up to one's level with one point per skill level regardless of class. This gives you much more flexibility regarding character creation, though you are unfortunately still heavily limited by your class+int modifier (poor Fighters). What I've done is give all combat classes one feat per level, as the Fighter. All others receive one every other level. All skills are now class skills for every class, with obvious exceptions like Treat Injury for droids.
  7. File Name: Pathfinderesque Progression File Submitter: Cat File Submitted: 09 Mar 2015 File Category: Mods TSLRCM Compatible: Yes This is a very simple mod that changes the skill and feat progression to be more like Pathfinder than D&D3.5. The big difference in Pathfinder is that all classes get a feat every other level by default. Also, one can always buy skills up to one's level with one point per skill level regardless of class. This gives you much more flexibility regarding character creation, though you are unfortunately still heavily limited by your class+int modifier (poor Fighters). What I've done is give all combat classes one feat per level, as the Fighter. All others receive one every other level. All skills are now class skills for every class, with obvious exceptions like Treat Injury for droids. Click here to download this file
  8. Good day, tell me please if there any possibility to create a mod with my own way to change feats from the start like the mod from KOTOR1 - CSC I need just to change feat , not a whole rebalance of the game. Thank you for answers and i hope that smbd will create dat mod )