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Found 2 results

  1. Hello everyone! New to the forums, but I've been on the site downloading countless works over the years. I've had some mod ideas for KotOR II for years now, but I lack the time and skill to produce something along the lines of quality I've seen from the artists on here. I've decided to make this post for any creators looking for something to make, but aren't sure what they want to do. If anyone wants to use some of these ideas, then please do it! No need to credit me or ask me anything, I just want to shoot out some ideas that I've had for years in hopes of maybe seeing them come up on the downloads page! Without further ado, here are some ideas I have had for mods for the last 5 years: Armor Ideas: Luke Skywalker's Dark Empire Armor- Darth Krayt's Vong Coral Armor- Jedi Master's Blindfold- Similar to that which Rahm Kota wears in The Force Unleashed. Blaster Ideas: DL-44 Heavy Blaster Pistol- DC-15s Blaster Rifle- Bryar Blaster Pistol- Tenloss Disruptor Rifle- Lightsaber Hilts: Kol Skywalker's lightsaber- Ven Zallow's Lightsaber- Darth Krayt's Lightsaber- Kanan Jarrus's Lightsaber- Sorry for the length, but I hope someone finds these suggestions interesting in case they're looking for an idea!
  2. So I posted something similar yesterday, but I decided to move the request/ideas over to here for better attention. I have a few mod ideas for TSL that have been in my head for several years now, and I thought that I would list them out here in case anyone was interested in tackling one of the projects. Either because you want to help out a mod enthusiast who can't model nor code, or (with my original intention) give someone an idea for a mod when they have writer's block (modder's block?) with ideas. Maybe one day some of these could be incorporated into TSL. Luke Skywalker Dark Empire Armor- Kol Skywalker's Lightsaber- Anakin Skywalker AOTC Lightsaber- (I know that this saber is included in USM, but because USM is incompatible with TSLRCM it makes it difficult to play with said saber. Not to mention that model for that mod is somewhat outdated now.) SWTOR Starting Lightsaber/Gladius- Brown Hair and Beard re-skin of PMHC06- (I'm aware that a mod like this already exists, but I'm specifically looking for something that does the exact same thing only with brown hair and beard) HD Bastila Head, TSL- (This has been done many times for Kotor 1, but I've never found one for TSL. It's a shame too, because there are a lot of mods that use the Bastila head for the PC and it would be cool to see those textures updated like those for other PC heads.) I hope someone likes some of the ideas on here! I would love to see any of these show up on the Download page one day. I should note that the most advanced modding I can do is using KSE or porting basic models from Kotor 1 to Kotor 2, so my ability to create any of these ideas is sadly out of the question... I'm just an amateur and an enthusiast!