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File Comments posted by Makashi


    Hi there deathdisco:


    In the past years a Coruscant Jedi Temple Mod was uploaded on and it was incompatible with the M4-78 Enhancement mod just in the Ebon Hawk's Galaxy Map.   Is this mod Coruscant Jedi Temple uploaded here in Deadlystream is updated enough so that the incompatibility problem on the Galaxy Map is already resolved?  If that is, deathdisco then you have done an amazing work here.



    There is compatibility patch available on DS download section.

  2. TELOS Board Overhaul animated

       7,968    12

    If the Twilek girl is upside down on the tga after extraction does that mean the image should be flipped or is it ok as is? I don't have any saves atm so I can't check in game.

    If any textures are upside down it means that you installed the mod incorrectly. Installing via xnview is easy and everything is always working fine.


    Great mod, I like it.