Fair Strides

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Everything posted by Fair Strides

  1. I still don't know why people do this or why it even works in the first place, but in practice it's best to extract the thing you're trying to install.
  2. To be sure, you're extracting the mod from the archive it's in before running the Patcher, right? and the folder is called "tslpatchdata" right?
  3. The following is a walkthrough of the very confusing Pillar Puzzle, so if you want to figure it out yourself... Why did you click on this thread? Sun Puzzle: 1. The Other draws away from The Sun. 2. The Moon draws away from The Sun. 3. The Other returns to The Sun. Moon Puzzle: 1. The Sun draws away from The Moon. 2. The Helix draws away from The Moon. 3. The Other draws away from The Helix. 4. The Sun returns to The Other. 5. The Helix returns to The Moon.
  4. So, what are the most commonly-used/supported monitor resolutions? I'm not asking for the Top 10 or anything, just a list of unknown length on the usual sizes...

    1. Fair Strides

      Fair Strides

      Great... My monitor won't support 1920x1080 (though my graphics card will). Kinda hard to size a program's pieces for a resolution you can't use... :D

    2. aneeryrlue


      1366x768 My Samsung TV

    3. Kate The Bionic Uterus

      Kate The Bionic Uterus

      1366x768 is the most common because of laptops. 1920x1080 is the most common for desktops but that is quickly changing as the price for larger monitors gets lower and new technology 4k monitors are introduced.

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  5. I wouldn't know how to obtain that exact idea. But I can help for placing in-game and the TSL Patcher.
  6. So the issue is the crystal's icon name. What did you name it, and what is the normal saber's texture name?
  7. Try removing the top curve of the greyish-white circle from the alpha layer and see how that works out...
  8. Can you include a picture of your texture and a picture of the alpha channel turned on?
  9. Black, and any shades leading to it, are the game's "layer mask" for the lightsaber textures to render. What you can try doing is applying an alpha channel to the normally black parts of the texture and make the alpha in those areas pure black. Then, in the lightsaber texture's .txi file, you can try removing the blending additive line.
  10. You could do "w_xrookblue01" or something, just as long as the new text isn't longer or shorter than "w_lsaberblue01", which is 14 characters long. The reason for this is because you are hex-editing a binary file that relies on file offsets, which relies on bytes being where the data says they are, so if the text is shorter or longer than what's already there, the file offsets are misplaced, which will ruin everything...
  11. The "other stuff" depends on whether you're making a color crystal or a power-up crystal. If a color crystal: NOTE: Keep the model variation 99 or lower!!! 1. Edit (and save as a separate file) a .uti file for a shortsaber ("g_w_shortsbr01.uti"), a normal lightsaber ("g_w_lghtsbr01.uti"), and a double-lightsaber("g_w_dblsbr01.uti") and in all of them, change the tag, template resref, and model variation to whatever you want, as long as it all matches. You'll need the filename to match these when you save the files. 2. Add a new line to upcrystals.2da and enter some descriptive label in the second column (first column being the row number), the templateresref of your crystal in the next one, and then the template resref of each of your lightsabers (short, normal, and then double) in the next three columns. Then click on another row and save the .2da. 3. Find a lightsaber texture from the ERFs (like "w_lsabreblue01.tpc" in the tex_pac_a.erf) and the accompanying icon texture (like "i_wlghtsbr_001.tpc" in the tex_pac_gui.erf) and edit both of the textures to your liking (also changing the "01" your model variation from the crystal uti file). 4. Extract w_dblsbr_001.mdl and mdx, w_lghtsbr_001.mdl and mdx, and w_shortsbr_001.mdl and mdx from the models.bif (.mdl files are in the "Aurora Model" branch and the .mdx files are in the "Aurora Model Extension" branch) in KotOR Tool. 5. Change the number to match the model variation. 6. Open the .mdl files one at a time in a hex-editor (like XVI32) and run a search in text mode for "w_lsabreblue01". For Short and Normal lightsabers, you should find 4 matches throughout the file, but for Double lightsabers, you should find 8 matches. You can change the "blue01" part to whatever you want (Though for argument's sake, let's make it match your texture name, since that's the whole goal here) as long as it is the same length (six [6] characters). After you've changed all of the references in a file, save it and proceed to the next one. 7. Make sure the texture name matches what's in the models. 8. Put all of these files into the Override folder and cheat the crystal into your game (or one of the lightsabers) and see if it worked. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ For a power-up crystal: 1. Add a row in upgrade.2da (copy one of the crystal rows) and change the template to the template resref of your power-up crystal's .uti. Then click on another row and save the .2da file to the Override. 2. Open up a lightsaber .uti file and add the properties you want the crystal to have (make sure to select the crystal in the "Upgrade required to activate" dropdown in the lower-right of the "Add a property" window) and then use the "Save XML" button and save the .xml file somewhere. Then save the .uti file to the Override. 3. Open up every other lightsaber .uti file and use the "Load XML" button to load the XML file you saved (which exported the properties) and then save the .uti. NOTE: Do NOT do Step 3 for the Heart of the Guardian and Mantle of the Force lightsabers, since they have special properties for the crystals. It's best to edit those uti files yourself. 4. Move any files (besides the XML file) to the Override and test it-game.
  12. Change the model variation in the crystal's .uti file and then name the texture "iw_sbrcrstl_0##.tga", where "##" is the model variation. However, this is just the crystal itself and won't affect the lightsaber it's put into. To do that, you have to do some other stuff.
  13. Well, it's not really done all that much, so no one's really bothered to jot down all the little details...
  14. Well, I'm just about the last guy to say that I'm a modeller, but I do know a few things about the game's models... Some basic info about modelling/animations in KotOR 1 and 2: A body/armor model in the KotOR games relies on an "invisible" set of "bones" for animations. NWMax/KotOR relies on Key-Frame animation, where you make position and rotation keys for the various frames of an animation and these frames are transformed into Time-Key animations upon exporting the model. The invisible set of bones is listed here in this picture: If you aren't familiar with the term, "rigging" a model is where you give the model a bone structure that allows it to be animated in the way that the game uses animations. So, to get your models into the game, you'll need to import these bones from one of the game's supermodels (S_Male01, S_Male02, S_Female01, S_Female02, and S_Female03). However, your model itself will need to be divided up into the Left Arm, the Right Arm, and then the rest would be labelled "Torso". After that, you'll need to look at another armor model, since the Left Arm, Right Arm, and Torso all should be Editable Meshes with the Skin modifier on them. The Skin modifier will need the bone structure from another model (AKA look at another model and link your bones together in the same hierarchy if they aren't already when you import them), which you can do by "Add" button on the Skin modifier by the Bones section. After the bone structure is done, you'll need to "weight" the bones and vertices to have an appropriate force exerted on the pieces of the model when it's moved around (which will also affect how the texture is stretched when the model moves). This part I honestly can't help with, so I'd look up some tutorials online (not necessarily around the Star Wars areas of the net, but more in the Modelling Tool's forums). Just remember that after you get the Skin modifier on onto the piece, DO NOT convert the Editable Mesh to anything else or the data for the Skin modifier and bones WILL be lost... There's nothing like having to redo the weighting...
  15. To clarify, do you have M4-78 or M4-78EP, since only the EP one is compatible with TSLRCM?
  16. Yeah, the only textures you can view are the ones in the Texture Packs, under the ERFs section. As far as opening TGA files, you'll need either Photoshop or GIMP.
  17. Well, which program were you running when you ran into this? If it was KotOR Tool, then I am assuming you were trying to view a .tpc or .tga file that wasn't in the Texture Packs section of the program. Those areas aren't supported by the Image Viewer built into KT.
  18. Sure, though I still am not sure if it'd do anything, as I'm not very familiar with how the game works with grass.
  19. In KotOR 1, it'd be: KotOR 1->RIMs (for vanilla) or ERFs (for modded)->Modules, then you'd pick a level and look for a .are file that starts with "m". If in the RIMs, it'd be in the .rim that doesn't have the "_s" in the name, and it'd be under "Static Area Info". Alternatively, just open either the danm13.rim or danm13.mod in the Modules fold with ERF Edit and organize by Type. The .are file should be at the top.
  20. I would advise looking at and experimenting with the Grass_ fields in the .are files. Specifically, possibly the Grass_Density or Grass_QuadSize.
  21. The first one is hard-coded, and the second I believe is only passive feats.
  22. Again, still wanting that site's address (It oughta be in your browser history...)... But we aren't adding more planets. This is strictly a restoration, so things like a new planet or party member will not be done. We're only restoring content and in some cases, we have to make the content that was to be there or make some content to bridge the gap and make the restored stuff accessible...
  23. When you're able, just send it on over. While I'm not familiar with the post you mentioned, I did fix all the typos I've seen. Could you link me to the post so I can double-check?
  24. Well, for me, what makes a mod really successful is the quality/execution. When I say that, I don't necessarily mean the purpose or idea behind it, but how well that idea is carried out. For example, if you make a quest in a mod: How good is the dialog (Any spelling issues, accurate punctuation, odd or "unusual" (not generally known by the masses) grammar, phrases in the wrong order?) Is the quest structured in a realistic or detailed way? (Is it too long, are the goals not really connected, are you crossing lots of areas just to grab one little piece?) Are the characters well thought out? (Backgrounds of a suitable length for their role or whether they are minor/major characters, any oddities related to the character executed well [such as a slight slurring of certain sounds, or a favored tone of voice]) Or if your mod is more for texturing for instance: Do your textures "mesh" well? (Can you tell where the seams are, do the textures tile well?) Do the textures for the area (if doing a module) all fit together well, or are they somewhat jarring where they're placed? What sort of feel do you want in the textures, and do others get that same feeling when looking at them?