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Everything posted by Mandalore

  1. Good point - I'd forgotten Hand of Thrawn. I concede that they must also be held on par with the originals. Regrettably, I've not yet got any of his other works, though I am looking for them in anywhere that sells books. While I think the premise of The Truce at Bakura is good, and the ending was indeed well-written, I found that most of the rest of it was simply dull and uninteresting (apart from some other more exciting scenes - notably where things actually happened). I got it because I had previously read the Corellian Trilogy (which is also good) and thought I should understand the backstory between Luke & Gaeriel.
  2. Good point. I simply made the assumption that being good was a requirement for it to warrant a listing.
  3. Does anyone play the online sci-fi strategy game Imperial Galaxy here?

  4. Really, Truce at Bakura? I found that to be really dull with some great bits occasionally to stop you from leaving it & reading something else. Also, I must now add Outbound Flight to my list as the only potential rival to the Thrawn Trilogy in all of the Expanded Universe. And I've got to include Watchmen, as that's the best graphic novel ever written.
  5. New 1313 trailer is awesome.

    1. Malkior


      No problem.


      You know the funny thing is, I know a lot of people would have bought that game just based on what was in the Alpha build shown in that video...Land to space combat just by flying a ship?! (and nice looking pre-rendered cutscenes to boot) Heck, I'd probably buy the Alpha build if I could :)


      just an idea of how much money they literally threw away with the decision to stop it.

    2. hkmandalore47


      i hear ya. now they're just doing cheap games like SW Kinect and 1313 (i hope that will turn out good though). they arent listening to the fans who want BF3, RC2, KotOR3, and (surprisingly) TFU3. so many videogame companies make a lot of money from their sequels and remakes, why cant they learn that if they're just in it for the money?

    3. Malkior


      Unfortunately Lucasarts (normally) has a high pedigree for new and inventive ideas, and I don't think those leaders really knew what the company was about in the first place. I think they just plugged in the same business plan that every other company uses and hoped that the brand would sell itself (like most movie-based games for instance) Creativity was too much of a risk, which ironically is the driving force for a majority of the LucasArts brand.

    4. Show next comments  42 more
  6. On the face of it, I think so. I'll get to work solidly at the earliest opportunity (haven't had much time recently).
  7. Didn't quite restore Guard Stance - just foudn the data that would be used. Feats are hardcoded :¬( I might be able to help you though. Give me the numbers you want, I could try and work something out.
  8. This was brought back to the forefront of my attention, working on it. I know the cause - the dialogue file doesn't fire the script to begin a pazaak game on his luck/failure lines. Putting them back in now. UPDATE: When he gives you the luck/failure line, I think I've made it work on the retort (as opposed to "Let's play"). Sending the file to ZM90 for confirmation now.
  9. For all having the issue with Niklos in the Taris Cantina, I'm working on it.

    1. HaVoKeR


      which mod?

    2. milestails


      K1 Restoration Demo

  10. Got my sister to play KotOR - she volunteered to note down minor grammatical errors for K1R.

  11. I will. Currently trying to start the free trial and exchanging e-mails with Customer Support to explain why I can't install.
  12. I believe the game calls that the Refugee Docks (as opposed to Nar Shadaa docks).
  13. The day SWTOR Customer Support replies, the site is down for maintenamce.

  14. I understand your points, but I tend to overlook that sort of thing - for me, story and content is far more important than the aesthetics. I agree with your point on the flamethrower though.
  15. Indeed - at the start of that sentence I had an analogy in mind that I didn't bother with. Such is the beta version of my reply...
  16. Ammendment to my original plan: I won't be playing it at all, because the downloaded installer doesn't work with my hard drive (it's made to install to C:\ but mine is I:\ after it died).
  17. OK, so TOR won't work with my hard drive.

    1. Mandalore


      It's not the space, it's that it installs to C:\ when mine is I:\.

    2. Vriff


      Relabel your drive or choose advanced install and choose I:\

    3. Mandalore


      No advanced install on the free trial download...

    4. Show next comments  42 more
  18. I agree - we should be able to see beta games that are different to the real one, as some people may prefer the unused version (replacing the Exchange with the GenoHaradan and Goto's Yacht with M4-78, for example).
  19. I hadn't considered unreleased games, and for them, I think prototypes and betas should certainly be released. Why do you think Bounty Hunter's bad? I've got it, I think it's fantastic (on PS2).
  20. I saw the Sith standing in the back on my 1.7 playthrough as well as this... OK. It replaced the Dancer Outfit model, so I was trying to get it back to normal. Now it makes whoever wears it look like they're made of gold-infused hematite. Was going to, then was sidetracked by RCM 1.8 arriving. Will do so. It did, though now they all turn into the Masked Duros during and after sparring. Yes, but there's a thread somewhere that says to remove n_darthnihilu001.utc for the Visas/Nihilus cutscene then replace it after. I think I used most of them. And I shall engage uninstallation protocols on the mods you have instructed at once.
  21. I think they should, but not before the actual release - people may make and sell their own copies from that prototype, which would be cheating the publishers and developers of the actual game. As long as the game's been released, certainly - EA has a whole load of free downloads of Spore prototype software.
  22. 1.0b RCM 1.8 (he was there in 1.7 as well) T7Nowhere's Quarren and Sullustan reskins (I think it was T7Nowhere) Darth_Shan's Bao-Dur Shader Fix Bao-Dur's Charged Armour (I didn't actually find the armour though) Canderis' Combat Suit Revisited 4.2 Coruscant High-Res Textures (haven't gone to the temple though) Team Hssiss' Curse of the Sith 1.1 (not yet been to Korriban) Cyan Lightsabre Fix (but have a viridian one) Darth333's Force Choke Anyone Dak's Armoured Robes 2.1 (sort of - partway through uninstalling and messed up my 2da files) Dark Ansem's Enhanced Soundsets (not currently using one) Canderis' A Darker Peragus 2.0 Chainz.2da's Darksword (deleted the Nightsister spawn script, so don't have any) Goto's Yacht Window Upgrade Don Kain's Enhanced Lightning DeadMan's Movie-Style Master Robes Electro's Droid Enhancement Shem's Enhanced Merchants Jonathan7's Fixed Mandalorian Banners Shem's Invisible Headgear HK-42's Jedi Temple Loadscreens Doctor's Kill the Ithorian 1.1 VP's Kreia Green Fix DrGhent's Lightsabre Parts Fix DarthJacen's Movie-Style Lightsabres Retex with Flickering Blades 7 Drewton's Darth Nihilus - Lord of Hunger Nihilus Zombie's Death (by you) No Lightsabre Quest 1.3 (again by you) VP's Peragus Tweaks DeadMan's Pikesabres k102's Remote Influence MrPhil's Force Powers With Armours Sharen Thrawn's Realistic Nar Shaddaa Skybox Peragus Sith Soldiers to Assassins (yours again) Bead-v's Skip Telos' Surface (but I didn't) SuperSquall's Skip Peragus (but I didn't) Team Hssiss' Full Force Mod (but not using any of the powers) VP's Trayus Rank Reformation Bead-v's Galaxy Map Fix DeathDisco's Jedi Temple Shem's Ultimate Sound Mod VP's Handmaiden Sister Fix VP's Hi-Poly Tin Cans Workbench Crystal Attunement MrMamr's Weapon Finesse Icon Fix ZimmMaster's Movement Animation Fix
  23. Might I ask why the Sith is standing in the back of the arena?