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Everything posted by tpiom

  1. You should totally create a "Don't use other mods" thread People who get problems use other incompatible mods or something that's totally out of your control. But I also guess that's a good thing, you've done a good job!
  2. You are probably using other mods, right?
  3. Strange... Using any other mods? You're right, the lines don't change.
  4. Are you sure HK-47 is with you when you encounter them?
  5. Most interesting. You should really update it and I will certainly get it.
  6. Aha, I found them. Here they are: GBLBAODUR262 to GBLBAODUR270. When does he say that?
  7. Hi, A while ago I heard a line by Bao-Dur saying something like: "If we are going to keep running into trouble, an armor upgrade would be useful" or something, indicating that you can upgrade Bao-Dur's armor... Is this something that's in the mod? I have played TSLRCM (only 1.7 though) several times and can't remember being able to do that. But then again, I don't really bother with that character because he is incomplete with almost no lines at all. I'm absolutely sure that's a line from him in the game too.
  8. Ha! But yes, you really need to change the filefront entry. I have already swayed one guy, on another forum, from downloading the old versions. Also, a few people seem to miss the official game patch. Can't you add a notification saying: "Download 1.0b suckers!" or something before the installation?
  9. Maybe you should inform the people over at moddb as well.
  10. It could be that he has to use a different key combination. I must do that and it's SHIFT + ´ + SPACE for me... Also, make sure EnableCheats=1 is in the swkotor2.ini file and not swplayer.ini.
  11. This may be a long shot but maybe it helps if you disable the cinematics. Go to your K2 directory (Program Files (x86)\LucasArts\SWKotOR2) and enter a folder called movies - rename or temporarily move PerMov01.bik and PerMov02.bik. I know my game behaves weird around the .biks sometimes... it doesn't crash though, but it's worth a try. EDIT: Wait, you got past them... Didn't you?
  12. So I decided to replay Kotor 2 one last time before 1.8... and I found a few bugs/issues, even looked through the changelog for the upcoming patch and it removed some. I hope I didn't miss anything. EBON HAWK: There should be a script that heals the Exile before the duel against Visas. I had just fought the Red Eclipse and it immediately jumped to the "Visas duel" after that. My character was low on health and I had to run around the ship to heal up and stand a chance. Mical and Kreia have a conversation, I think it's the third one (after messing with his head twice). Anyway, she mentions "naive" but it showed up as "na?ve" in the text. DANTOOINE: When Azkul is spying on the Khoonda milita they are bumping into each other, and even later when the mercenaries run over the bridge to attack (It looked hilarious 4/6 times) Perhaps you could add half a second before the next one start to move. I took up Azkul's offer after he talks to you after the crystal cave. He ordered me to attack and I did, killed all the militia on both sides (some Khoonda troops were allied with me and therefore couldn't kill them). When most of them were dead I couldn't proceed. I entered Khoonda and it showed as up as it did before the battle (receptionist and the settlers were there). Also, it showed the movie .biks when the mercenaries attacked and turrets exploded. I moved on and said "[Lie] I will return" to Azkul. Proceeded with talking to Zherron and preparing the defense, and then switched to Azkul's side inside Khoonda. Afterwards, he walks into Terena's office (with Zherron there too!) and the door closed. Shouldn't Zherron be removed? Also, a suggestion is that you could add the battle inside if you join Azkul too. I mean: Zherron, Berrun and all the rest must die... might as well let the player take part in it. TELOS: Another silly thing I saw was when I played as B4D4 (Czerka's droid) and entered the office, he saw the wanted criminals and said something like "Hey Lorso, they are wanted criminals and wanted by Lt. Grenn" or something... in other words, the Exile's lines. B4D4 shouldn't say that! HK Factory: HK-50 says "HK-50 statement: You have finally arrived [...]", when he meets HK-47 for the first time. But the subtitle only says "Statement: You have finally arrived [...]" MALACHOR: When you play as Atton and fight Sion, there should be something that says "This battle will decide Atton's fate" or something. Informing the player that he can actually die... otherwise they will just waste their (limited?) medpacks and other uses that they might need later on. It's a bit weird to ask about your companions' future if you decide to kill them on Malachor... In fact, you should be able to kill some and save others. Not just "gas all of them" or "save all of them". Atton's death should be before Kreia. Adding it after Sion's death would make more sense... I think I saw The Ebon Hawk fall down... but then later it saved me at the end. Kreia repeats one line twice: Exile: You were manipulating me all along... Kreia: (first line: bla bla bla...) Yes, I used you to get those who wounded me killed by the Republic (I think you should only include the first line here) Exile: So you used me to get revenge on Sion and the others? Kreia: Yes, I used you to get those who wounded me killed by the Republic.
  13. Is there a solution to this problem yet... I just got it after upgrading my machine
  14. Er, you're right... Now it works when I re-applied the patch... Strange
  15. When Kreia's talking about the future of each character on Malachor there's a small typo. She says: "I would have killed the galaxy to preserve you. I would have let the galaxy die. You are more rare than you know; what you have taught yourself cannot be allowed to die." However, it's written precious instead of rare. I noticed another one... "She came here because she remembered what lay buried here - this place, its teachings. It paved the way to Korriban, you know. The remnants here." But the subtitle says "She came here because she remembered what lay buried here - this place, its teachings. The remnants here paved the way to Korriban." EDIT: ARGH! Another one?! Someone should just double check all of these voice overs and their matched text.
  16. But the lift animation looks so silly when he does it to Tobin. Why would he go overboard...? Remember, he doesn't even care that we board his ship later on. I don't think Nihilus should speak, rather cross his arms (like he does in Kreia's fall video)
  17. tpiom

    Update on 1.8

    Is that the Duros face?
  18. tpiom

    Update on 1.8

    Good, then we can count on that! Not listening... Not listening! Taris Traveller - I'm also guessing he's heading to Nar Shaddaa... But I can't think of anything specific. Teammate XP - Probably just a fix to restore missing XP. Or, maybe you get a bonus with them in your party, or something... Malachor Sith skins - Perhaps you are adding more variety to the Sith soldiers on Malachor? Bao-Dur All Alone - Hmmm... Maybe it has to do with his death on the HK factory? Or, perhaps a restored cutscene - somewhere... Tougher Esok - It hopefully makes him suck less in the game. HK factory - All the cool additions you have hinted before. Khoonda battle turret addition - I think you have mentioned it, but you've removed the horrible movie files to replace them with gameplay. Right?
  19. Include both... They are really small texture fixes and not changes. No one will be upset if you throw them into the installer and have them included by default - maybe an option to disable them for those who don't want them? But most won't care as they won't even notice
  20. tpiom

    Update on 1.8

    It looks good and all that but... I hope that Atton will have more clothes in the final version?
  21. It's nice to see others are also having this problem. I thought I was alone... But yes, ALT-TAB in and out solves it for me too.
  22. "Ralon's line about how the holocron is worth thousands of credits does not match the voiceover, "to any Jedi" is missing." - JCarter426 Could anyone confirm that? Is it still present in 1.7/8?
  23. tpiom

    Update on 1.8

    Well, JCarter426 might. He has gained skills since he started working on his film series. Also, he is suggesting that if you add you should make it one movie (.bik) file. The loading times to the ingame module, and the fade to black, will shatter the experience...