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90SK last won the day on February 5

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163 Jedi Grand Master

About 90SK

  • Rank
    Abstract Artist

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    Color Spectrum Art, Ectoplasm colors, Philosophy, Meditation, Source Engine Games, Skyrim, Fallout 4, Dialog and 2nd Person, writing, GIMP2.10.22, NifSkope, Holocron Toolset, Odyssey Engine stories, Sonic Red Wash

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  1. This is the same image idea of having each section of the robe separately in an XCF.

    This one here is the texture for the cloaked K1 tunic. Although I've used a couple of these, the configuration in this XCF is really detailed and can be changed many ways.


    Yellow K1 Tunic Robe.xcf


    1. Effix


      What this? Isn't that some ancient cad-like vector format?

    2. 90SK


      Hmm. Now that you mention it, it's GIMP project file format but may be outdated. Edit: Yeah. Outdated version of XCF maybe?