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Everything posted by bendarby24

  1. it in the video and thanks hkmandalore47!
  2. VarsityPuppet gave us a hint that it would like he killed his own children
  3. look good but i can see atons leg through the chair, just saying
  4. nice work HH looks amazing! keep it up
  5. nice to meet you, welcome to are forums and im from the england by the way. i just felt like saying it

  7. go to lucose forms: then look for it there it should be on the first page, hope that helps
  8. Sith Holocron, I'm guessing my re-balancing mod will be incompatible, right? If so, I'll have some work to do when it comes out
  9. cool, havent got skyrim yet, going to get it in the januray sales after my exams :(

  10. yoo mando havent spoken in ages, what you up to latly?

  11. my blade is power and the forces is my revenge! - i really cant renember? if anybody knows who said this edit this thanks
  12. we need to sneak past those gaurd to get to the prison- askoa in star war the clone wars
  13. i would say skyrim or something like that i was going to say fable 3 but that came out last year and it has to many bugs and glitches :/
  14. stick me down with all your anger! darth vader epoide 6 or it mite of been forced unleashed 1, cant renember :/
  15. attack the weaklingSss!- rublic comando trandosions
  16. if you look here there the web site for Scrapyard Games has not been updated sinces 2008
  17. 978 downloads

    WHAT IS THIS MOD? this mod makes my ben.d rebalence mod comatible with the Ultimate Balancing Mod. so it gives you this mod and the restored bies i had in my mod into one mod e.g. now you can play his mod and have the table top system for enybody who doesent now my mod i will put a discription of it under ben.ds mod. ben.d mod: this will tell you what is in this this mod. this rebalances mod rebalances the game to make it more harder and make TSL feel like a game. this mod is Unique because it Restores the tabletop Force progression system into KotOR 2. Paragon created it in a different mod but did not Restore all off the system. The SW:RPG tabletop system is being used here, The original system of Force Powers had three. Control, Sense and Alter. Then you had Force effects, which were gained by using these three powers. The use of these powers, their icons, etc. are restored content. you get to pick these at levaling up in the force power section. different classes will get different one to pick with e.g. concerlers will get control first. OTHER CHANGES: this make the game more harder and make the classes seem more Realistic, changes the party members stats to make them more usful. also you can create more items in the workbench to help you (after you reach level 16 you can create light sabers) it makes the bosses much more stronger (you will have to use med packs and sheilds). the grenades and rockets are more powerful now, mines will now will damage you and your party members. also i have restored some of the level difficaltys. 3. HOW DO I USE IT? install Ultimate Balancing Mod fist then copy my mod in to the overdrive folder and override his files or you can copy this into his mod and overdride it and then copy his mod in to the overdrive (what ever works for you) "IMPORTANT!" if you use HLFP 2.1(High level F. Powers by stoffe 2.1 version) install that first and intall his mod and then my mod and copy the 2da.spells file from the "UseThisWith HLFP 2.1mod" folder. "IMPORTANT!"and also install this before any other mod that uses the TSL patcher.exe exsept High level F. Powers by stoffe (2.1 version). 4. MOD COMPATIBILITY: This mod is fully compatible with TSLRCM and ImprovedAI/High level F. Powers by stoffe (2.1 version). some files in ImprovedAI will be the same as some files in this mod but just ImprovedAI work fine with out them. It can be fully compatible with any mods that dont mess with the same files. 5. UNINSTALL: Remove all the files. 6. Bugs & Issues: I dont think theres anything wrong here, if you find anything strange, report to me at or email me if its not a problem to you.
  18. Version 2.0


    intro: this rebalances mod rebalances the game to make it more harder and make TSL feel like a game. It has some restored content in it. this mod was made from HaVoKeR Ultimate Balancing Mod who so kindly let me have a starting point from that, but this mod is nothing like that now. this mod is Unique because it Restores the tabletop Force progression system into KotOR 2. Paragon created it in a different mod but did not Restore all off the system. The SW:RPG tabletop system is being used here, The original system of Force Powers had three. Control, Sense and Alter. Then you had Force effects, which were gained by using these three powers. The use of these powers, their icons, etc. are restored content. you get to pick these at levaling up in the force power section. different classes will get different one to pick with e.g. concerlers will get control first. this mod workes well with heroes of the old rebublic saber mod what only workes with tslrcm mod. OTHER CHANGES: this make the game more harder and make the classes seem more Realistic, changes the party members stats to make them more usful. also you can create more items in the workbench to help you (after you reach level 16 you can create light sabers) it makes the bosses much more stronger (you will have to use med packs and sheilds). the grenades and rockets are more powerful now, mines will now will damage you and your party members. changes made: 1.1: fixs some bugs and comaptiblitiy issus with tslcrm 2.0:made so new difacalte levels and made the game more rebalenced becaue i made it to hard on easy and median difficalte levels also i have bosted a lot of weapons what effect you and your enemay also Combat will go faster then usall and finaly at level 16 you can make light sabers at the work bench.