Hassat Hunter

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Everything posted by Hassat Hunter

  1. Sadly, doing all that with the KOTOR-engine is... well... really hard. And they're supposed to react both, but again, yay Aurora, appears only one can have it at the time :/
  2. Considering I just started on it, the list is pretty short so far... just this Updated a slightly modified version, starting from the running since all before is the same. Looks better? (Just like Tobin/Nihilus - evolution of a cutscene )
  3. Well, there is no content for the racers, so that would have to be a custom mod. As for the Cantina murder, Scorchy figured it out . Just read his walkthrough if you want to know too, and that was on vanilla!
  4. There's nothing like that there though, could make a good mod though (especially since with alien VO easy to make)
  5. Lots of people disliked the "random mine" on the Ravager. So have some Dark Side backlash. You might remember him from Dxun... nasty fellow. Feedback very welcome.
  6. No I mean I should watch a part a day, and hopefully get through it like that
  7. Plenty of people have. Not sure if they ever shared it though.
  8. It's TOR... no characters even interact with another. And he just commented on that he generally kills Republicans so feels a bit weird following me. So I guess there will be some lines that vary, but probably not all convo's are 'unique'... (HK-51 likes weapons, obviously . Yay, even more weapons after the entire freaking Sith Warrior crew. Hopefully the trooper got better requests for goods)
  9. Looooong... that's gonna take some time to watch through 0_o *favorited as reminder for later* I suppose a part a day
  10. Well, TSLRCM should work fine... it's your savegame which might have broken stuff, like old versions of modules in it, differently set globals and such things. 1.7-1.8 made *a lot* of changes, and yeah, that kinda means you most likely will experience issues at some point with your save :/
  11. Around 20:30 or so. Fortunaly just BEFORE we started the operation. EDIT: 34min + 9min... looong EDIT2: Can finally watch the holologs I missed due to bugs though. EDIT3: Now you just need to record all the other HK-51 convos on the ship
  12. Dunno, don't have the x-pack And what you saw was because there (yay) was another setback. Pretty much everyone got kicked.
  13. Are the 2 pilots there? (also, what is "map fix mod"?)
  14. Considering it's a modified Aurora (Neverwinter Nights) I doubt BioWare just gives that away.
  15. We need more zbylvideo's here... keep em coming. Also, somehow, with 2.0 out, I feel less interested in TOR than I was before. Not necessarily a bad thing though...
  16. Someone sold a Section X unlock for 100K on the GTN. Of course grabbed it, even if I already unlocked it. Now which alt can use it?
  17. That's not a fair price. They're usually around 2 million. I got one for 900K. Of course it was bugged and BioWare only funded me a character instead of account unlock, but that's another story entirely...
  18. Well, it has the nice Trandoshan battle with all the termal detonators. As for removing it, I suppose you could open the file responsible for destinations and remove Yavin from it. In KOTOR2 it's k_sup_galaxymap.ncs, not sure if it's the same for KOTOR1 though.
  19. Got 3 account unlocks now (legacy, titles and event items). Going for many more . An artifact would be best of course XD
  20. Yeah, can work. Although 6 million in escrow is a LOT. Then again, I always spend it on unlocks, pets, weekly passes etc., so might have gotten it too if not (doing dailies so must is rather boring, but if you can, more power to you)