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Everything posted by ttlan

  1. To be a little more complete on the idea that I have of one of the keys leading to the beginning of Kotor 2 and how occurs the meeting of the Exile and Kreia: All this is only speculation, but as Kreia studied the Exile for 9 years, since the end of the Mandalorian Wars and the Battle of Malachor V, there is long ago that she must have an exact idea of what the Exile is. As she taught a new form of attack (aspirate the contents of the links to the Force) to the Sith that now she leads (as the Darth Lord of the Sith, since 4 years - since the departure of Revan) and that Nihilus has push this form of attack at a level that is beyond Kreia now, she seeks for a new tool, stronger than Nihilus and her, to stop Nihilus. The problem of Kreia is not to save Revan, from now on she don’t care anymore of her former pupil, that she probably loved as a child (she did not raise her own child, Brianna), but who has turned his back. Her problem is now to wreak vengeance of the Sith, due to the attempted to murder her. The eradication of the Sith probably should be long-planned in the spirit of Kreia, but it has just taken shape with her escape from Malachor. And her problem, her concern, is to stop the Sith because of what she taught them (the Sith and her also, the master) : Kreia : "And that is why they - and their techniques - must be wiped out. No one again must experience and learn what her master did." She needs the Exile because, if Nihilus is continuing his work, that is the life, in general, that will disappear. I think she has, a moment, a touch of pride that make that she want to leave a trace of her and be remembered as someone who was right when she was Arren Kae and had a unified teaching. She does not seek at all to "kill" the Force, which means kill all life, as the Force is a fluid created by life. The Exile is not at risk with Nihilus because she has developed spontaneously another form of connection to the Force (we do not know what it is. This is something extremely interesting in the Extended Universe and not debated at all, as far as I know). I think that Kreia has "sold" to T3, the idea to find the Exile, saying that the Exile is exactly what he needs to save Revan. Remember that T3 does not know the Exile. He has joined Revan 5 years ago while the Exile has gone in wandering 9 years ago. So what expressed T3, when the Exile repeat his words for us ("133903: You needed someone strong enough to fight the danger that was coming. Someone who knew war - and battle, and could make the hard choices that had to be made." is the profile of the Exile that Kreia sells and boasts to T3. Kreia will manipulate everyone, starting with T3, and run this little world in search of the potential last Jedi (She is not sure he left a few and she thinks that her Sith had killed all of them). Then she will send this entire little world against the Sith and against Nihilus. She is loving and overprotective of the Exile, till the end, till her pupil surpass the master and surpasses herself because "You are more precious than you know; what you have taught yourself cannot be allowed to die." TTLan
  2. I think so. She simply asks T3 to cross the road to the Harbinger because the help is the Exile and the Exile is in the Harbinger. How is she aware of that is another story. The Nexus ?
  3. You're right. It is not possible to know exactly what is happening. So I make a shortcut. The first question to ask is: what is the path of the EH when leaving Malachor? Because, at that moment, the EH hyperdrive still works. Then why the Ebon Hawk goes out of hyperspace near Peragus / Telos / Malachor, which is about 15,000 light-years from Malachor V? Because that's where it gets shot and attack by Sion. We cannot attack while traveling in hyperspace. It may be noted that Ziost and Dromund Kaas, so Revan, are roughly between Malachor V and Peragus. But if they were trying to reach Dantoine, which is at about 25,000 light-years further, in straight line (which would be logical since Arren Kae, aka Kreia (but she is, for now, Darth Traya), knows well the academy), why go out of hyperspace too early to get shot? This is all very strange and remains unanswered. I do not think Kreia will directly try to help Revan. She probably asks T3 to go somewhere to hire help (at about Telos / Peragus?) But they will never get there. Unless she is informed of the betrayal of Atris and she simply asks T3 to cross the road to the Harbinger because the help is the Exile. She can read the future through the Nexus of Trayus made ​​by Revan. And, before helping Revan, the Exile will help her to satisfy her vengeance and hatred of the two Orders and of the two divergent teachings in the Force. TTLan
  4. TTLan revealed Given what is happening here and what is being said, I think I need a little talk, explain and justify my position. There is something I have not mentioned here and of which I have very few talked about on SWTOR. This explains my "perfectionist" position : I am outraged by the position in which Bioware talk, with contempt, openly, of Kotor 2, as something without any significance in the chronology of the Old Republic. In Kotor 1, you just break an artifact, that's all. It's very well done, beautifully done, but that's all. I consider Kotor 2 as a key in the Old Republic and as one of the greatest game of all time. A top character, female, which is rare in Star Wars, eradicates herself, totally, the Jedi Order and the actual Sith Order. Totally! (I do not speak of true Sith - a hidden old Order unknown of the Republic at that time). No one has ever done that and will never do that, either before Kreia, or after. In this sense, I consider her more powerful than Palpatine, Darth Bane, Nihilus, Revan of course etc.. ... A second top character, female once more time, emerges and is even more powerful than Kreia. I think that the Exile is much stronger than Revan. I think Revan would return to the dark side (his redemption is artificial), the Exile, in accordance with what is happening in her vision of the future caused by Kreia (in the hidden Ludo Kressh tomb), will switch, a time, to the dark side to side Revan and then will recover and kill Revan (no matter what happens later in this space of 300 years between Kotor 2 and TOR - that Revan is the son of the Emperor or not, his mind leaps into the body of the Emperor or not etc ....). The Exile, directly or by those she has trained, will rebuild the Jedi Order through which TOR exists (but her unified teachings will fail). I think Kotor 2 is at least as important in the Old Republic as the Treaty of Coruscant that Bioware is trying to give so much. There is a before and an after Kreia (Arren Kae - Darth Traya). But the Kotor 2 reading is complex. It is a sealed book of secrets unrevealed. After winning enough influence on all the characters and doing all what have to be done, you have only half-open doors on speculations for a Kotor 3 that has just been swept by TOR. I think that Kotor 3 will come within 4 or 5 years, when TOR starts to falter and that it will be necessary to revive the financial mechanics of this money pump. And we will learn a little more with the book "Revan" (Drew Karpyshyn, head writer at BioWare, October 18, 2011), which covers the period known as the "Dark Wars" - Civil War of the Sith - Jedi Purge (from 3956 BBY to 3951 BBY (and a little later, perhaps, but not too much, I hope). I think Kotor 2 has been misjudged, mistreated, especially because of the cut scenes that led to gaps and bugs, but it's a stroke of genius of the genius Chris Avellone. TTLan
  5. Yes. With 1.7, EH inventory is lost. With 1.7, the major consequence of the LS walkthrough about corpses of the dead salvagers is lost. The TSLRCM team request that we provide feedback about Kotor 2 and TSLRCM and that's what I do, nothing else. We must all tell. Perhaps one thing that seems to be a mountain is solved by simply moving a comma by HH. Maybe one thing that seems innocuous is a tangled mess of complicated scripts. This is at the team to decide. It is not at us to decide that a particular thing should be ignored and that it is not even necessary to talk about. There are deleted scenes to restore - that is the heart of TSLRCM and I do not pretend to say anything in this field. There are problems with the original version of Kotor 2, more or less important. Here, we have a duty to provide information to the team and tell them everything we see. They do what they want. But if nobody says anything, there is no chance for it to be corrected one day, if the time to do so and the game engine allow it. And I also understand that it is so much more comfortable to never see appearing a lists of issues. There are problems of interpretation of the intentions of OE. We may have, each on our own, a different reading. It is good to discuss it. Generally, such matters are discuss on private sub-forums, reserved for some (administrators, moderators, advanced users ...). That's how I work on my own forums. This avoids tiring controversies. There are wishes. It's quite something else but we can talk of them in the TSLRCM forum as long as it is not obviously a demand for the development of a large MOD. For example, I consider that the "modules" are not areas of a planet lined with barbed wire and high walls. I consider as a screenplay bug the fact that, every time I return to an external area, animals of a planete that have hostiles beasts did not, again, invaded the area that I cleaned. Think at Dxun! And another wish would be that, after the game, we have the opportunity to endlessly walk all around every modules and continue indefinitely to fight against the local wildlife. And then there are the problems introduced by TSLRCM, because nobody is perfect and no programming is error-free. I hope it is considered our duty to point out these things, especially when it comes to a perverse effect or a regression. There is no animosity in what I say. Only the desire to approach perfection (which is not of this world) because I love this game and the subtle approach of Obsidian. The disappearance of the inventory of the EH is a typical example of a problem with TSLRCM which goes against the intentions of OE. The loss of one of the consequences of an LS option, with Daraala, is a typical example of regression (loss of one phase of the game, and loss of fun and play time). And because it's a game I love and with whom I play a lot, I mention those things. And I am speaking to those who know how to do. As a general rule, I only matter, on this forum, of Kotor 2 (the game, his mind, his behavior with and without TSLRCM) and not at all of technical problems (installation under Vista and Seven etc.. ..) wich is of the competence of other forums where I intervene. Sincerely TTLan
  6. Yes, I know, but in a DS walkthrough. And the loot has nothing to see with the one given by Zherron to Daraala. What's the legacy that you have hijacked? (DS) If you have not yet faced Visas, there is in this lot, the last piece that you missed (transmitter or focusing lens for lightsaber) to make your first lightsaber and one or two other items. If the other parts do not suit you, change the legacy (redo the scene). If you have found elsewhere the last item that you lack to make your first lightsaber (if you chose to go on board the Ebon Hawk before arriving here and have already faced Visas), the legacy has a second lightsaber and something else, like 2000 credits). If the lightsaber do not suit you (short, long, double), change the legacy (redo the scene). [*]What's the legacy given by Zherron to Daraala (LS) Seven exemples of legacy that Zherron gives to Daraala. All what is underlined in blue come from the legacy. Other items are from the first inventory of Daraala. So anybody can see that, in addition to be a LS walktrough, this is a far better choice. If the legacy given to Daraala do not suit you, change the legacy (redo the scene). TTLan
  7. Here's what should be found in the cargo security Here is the inventory left behind, at the end of the prologue, after the use of some items. This is what is to quarantine in the secure cargo hold. This include all what was in/on T3-M4 and 3C-FD : This to conform to OE intention: 77517 : "...a lot of cargo from the Jedi's freighter is being stored in the secure cargo hold until we can pass it through the quarantine checks." 1 Droid Shock Arm - Bras électrique pour droïde (d_t3m4_01) 2 Field Survival Pistol - Pistolets de survie (w_blaste_03) 3 MedPac - Trousses de soins (g_i_medeqpmnt01) 2 Frag Mine, Minor - Mines à fragmentation faibles (g_i_trapkit004) 2 Security Tunneler - Programmes de sécurité (g_i_secspike01) 13 Parts - Pièces détachées (k_repair_part) 2 Computer Spike - Programmes d'intrusion, ordinateur (k_computer_spike) 1 Broken Item - Objet détruit (brokenitem) 1 Droid Impact Armor mk.I - Armure anti-impact T1 (d_armor_01) 1 Droid Flame Thrower - Lance-flammes pour droïdes (d_device_03) 1 Utility Droid - Droïde utilitaire (3C-FD) Mines from the Proton Missile. As the narrator says : 125726 : If you run out of mines, you can return to the Proton Missile and collect another. 125708 : If you run out of mines, you can return to the Proton Missile outside the Ebon Hawk and collect another. Using an auto-repair technology, the proton missile is able to give you a mine every 3 seconds. So the inventory left behind, on board, may contain hundreds of Frag Mine, Minor. This enables you to get chemicals or, simply, mines. Some other stuff (lottery) Computer spikes confiscated from the Peragus staff (not coming from EH). This to conform to OE intention: 77518/77519 : "And as requested, all the programming spikes the security officers wanted confiscated have been stored there as well to prevent further system compromises. The secure cargo hold should be safe enough - if anybody wants to break into it, they'd have to blow it open with explosives." TTLan
  8. Hein ? What becomes the testamental lot? Because that is where the fun stands with Daraala. Remember that Adare says, in essence, that 1/ the lower level has never been searched 2/ with the tax levied on the salvagers, she is to rebuild a complete planete : Dantooine. These two reports suggest that the lower level is an Aladdin's cave. This is what we expect, we, the players. The lower level of the inviolate Jedi enclave, which is a very important temple (Dantooine is one of the rare sub-council of the Grand Jedi Council of Coruscant) must contain huge amounts of Jedi artifacts. But, until now, by an incomprehensible error of lottery, there is almost nothing in the lower area. If, in addition, the testamental lot that salvagers picked up, disappears, Dantooine becomes of a dirt poverty. I do not say that we must substantially increase the lottery in the lower level (40 to 60 artifacts, of wich many of a very high level), but I say we must find this lot, actualy ownded by Zherron, in the estate inventory of Daraala. It is the reason why we give Daraala the corpses and the will. I know and imagine it's a very complicated system of scripts, with things that interferes, i.e. when tampering with the will, with the discovery of one of the pieces of our first lightsaber (hence with Joran / Kaevee / Visa), but it's a fun and expected phase of the game, which add some time to the game play, and that compence a little the blandness, which lends itself to criticism, of the lottery in the lower level. TTLan
  9. Hi all, Well, each language (each dialog.tlk / StreamVoice) come with its own lips animations. So a language pack is of about 20.000 files. This is what we have to translate a foreign version of K2 into a French version. I would appreciate an update / change to TSLPatcher to allow injection of sentences in replacement of old ones in dialog.tlk. Currently, it is only possible to add new sentences at the end of dialog.tlk and the update of dialog.tlk is only possible with a complete download of the file and an overwrite of the old one. This is a problem because an update of dialog.tlk overwrites any sentences injected by MODs - in other words, if I make an update of dialog.tlk, and someone downloads it, he have to reinstall some MODs that have previously modify his dialog.tlk (and some MODs cannot be installed more than once, otherwise unpredictable events occurs). This is the reason why I asked, some times ago, that, in the list of MODs compatible with TSLRCM, we have a note about the MODs that modify dialog.tlk. I already asked this to Stoffe but he had not suggested it would make a change in that direction. This would make updates of dialog.tlk, by TSLRCM, much lighter and will allow us to intervene on sentences normaly found in dialog.tlk, actually hard coded in the MODs. You, in English, have hundreds of corrections in dialog.tlk. I, in French, have about 1000 dialog.tlk changes. Dialog.tlk contains 136320 lines. TSLRCM can not contain 5 or 6 full versions of dialog.tlk, one in each language. By cons, several hundred changes per language seems reasonable to me. I hope that I could undertake the writing of this batch for the French version, if TSLPatcher is updeted, to inject corrections into the TSLRCM18.exe (or make it as a separate patch easy to use). TTLan
  10. ttlan

    Magic Pazaak Backpack

    Hmm... Something magic. Generate this bag at random, in hidden places, or hard to discover, including on a random planete (h'mmmm... before Malachor ). For example, behind a table in the den of pazaak - a place that's totally unexpected. Realy exeptional content : all golden cards in many copies. No money (we have to win money, not to find it).
  11. Hi HH, The droid in tunnels. It seems to me that sometimes the last 3 proposals are in English instead of French. I cannot reproduce that. Forget it. If it happens again, I would do a screen capture. The fact remains that, after having repaired the droid, it is always suggested, before leaving it, to explode it and so on. ... It's not very important. It's just a little curious. The inventory of the Ebon Hawk and intentions of Obsidian As stated in the sentences recorded by Obsidian: 1 / What was found in the Ebon Hawk is quarantined in the cargo security (this may or may not contain Security programs (hacking), depending on what the player discovered and use during prologue). 2 / Security programs (hacking), confiscated from the Péragus staff (not comming from EH) are also locked in the cargo security. They come in addition to the above. It's clear, right? There is a bug in the original version of Kotor 2. The bug is not in the intentions of Obsidian as they express them in the text but in the script that do not respect them. This is not the script that expresses the intentions of Obsidian, the script is buggy. StrRef after the end of file. I'll manage with that thing in the French version of dialog.tlk. This will avoid changes in .dlg to put these references to "No String" (-1). The TSF when saving the Sulustan. "Maybe I can make them assist though... No promises though." It would be great if you can make something there. Infinite Sith mandolorian in camp. I hope you do not turn off one of the most longest and most fun moment of this game. But I hope you'll turn off the automatic liftoff that push me out of me every time. Daraala. ?? I criticize the disappearance of Daraala in 1.7 (I screamed about that long ago) and I praise to the skies her return in 1.8. TTLan
  12. Hi jswartz0181 This is the solution that I advocate. I think this is the best. TTLan
  13. Hi VP, I thank you very much for having restored the return of Daraala, that 1.7 had erased. I will, with 1.8, be able to restart playing at the original game (and play with her and with her inventory). I enjoy a Daraala trick (and I explain, in my pages, how). As I have said on many occasions, when we have played hundreds of times at this wonderful game (and, most generaly, at any game, any time, any where, on a computer or on a paper sheet or on the beach...), it becomes important to play with it (and not just to play "at" it). Finding tips offering dozens of hours of gameplay more is important, essential. Rules are made to be violated. If the game lose its "exploits" and "tricks", he lost years of life. It no longer offers the jubilation to do things unusual. He becomes just the story he tells. One then plays 2 or 3 times with it and you close the box - read threads about Kotor 2, all arround the world. That's what happen, except for a very few of us. They have played at that game, on average, 2 times ! That's all ! There is no more to discover. There is no more fun. There is just the storyline someone think for you and not the things you do beyond the frame. If you explain that there is the ability to make unlimited experience, to do something prohibited etc. ... without the use of cheat codes, the game become much more interesting, once you have (or you think you have) understood the story. One must win his experience, not pick it with KSE. It is much more important to tell Brianna to strip and sell her robe (and figure out how to multiply or to square the number of robes) than to tell KSE "Give me one million credit). With what I write in my pages and in boards where I intervene, you cannot imagine the number of people who say "you have given me want to play again at Kotor 2". And TSLRCM is not the only reason. List of tips List of unusual stuff Thanks a lot, VP TTLan
  14. Hi HK-47 I think logical, but it is only my speculations, that the Sith assassins of Darth Sion boarded the Ebon Hawk, from the "Sith warship", as it is said that the Ebon Hawk is the victim of an attack that is, I think, not limited to remote fire, because the Ebon Hawk has no more hyper drive (StrRef 77868: "Sir, we've just received an emergency broadcast... a freighter, under attack by Sith forces."). Then, Kreia kills many, but is overwhelmed by their number and enter into trance to play the dead. When the Ebon Hawk approach the Harbinger, all surviving Sith go invisible. Once the Ebon Hawk in a cargo hold of the Harbinger, they jump, still invisible, from the Ebon Hawk to the Harbinger, but do not kill everyone right away. They must wait for orders from Darth Sion. But Darth Sion appears to be in poor condition and unconscious (the defense of Kreia had to be terrible) and benefits of a fitness into a kolto tank of the Harbinger (he may, perhaps, play the unconscious or manipulate the consciousness of the crew of the Harbinger). During this time, the Harbinger staff brings back full of corpses in the hospital and began autopsies. They are, in my opinion, the corpses of killed Sith (StrRef 77853: [static.] "Everyone on the Ebon Hawk was dead, sir... we're starting autopsies within the hour."). These are not the bodies of soldiers as they boarded Harbinger to discover the bodies. It is certainly not a dead crew of True Sith, led by T3-M4, because I think Revan just found Dromund Kaas and the True Sith a few hours or days ago and, at that moment (in my opinion just before the start of Kotor 2) T3-M4, not seeing Revan aboard the EH, follow the supplication (and orders) of Bastila and goes immediately in search of help to save Revan against the True Sith. It is certainly not a Republican crew as T3 will seek, as a last resort for help, in Sith. I truly believe that the EH has no crew and T3, an astromech droid, does very well alone. The power of Kreia, (she was already an extremely powerful Jedi Master), is increased by 11 years in the Trayus Academy and the Trayus Nexus, an ancient and major temple of Sith knowledge. There is an incredible amount of holocrons here (and archives that one cannot see but which must be huge!). And, meanwhile, HK-50 decides to use the EH rather than an escape pod. He carries the Exile on board the Ebon Hawk, perhaps locked in a trunk to protect her. When Darth Sion wakes up in great shape, he orders to kill everyone in order to take control of the Harbinger, he wants to make it's own, to replace his damaged old ship, like the Ravager of Darth Nihilus, coming from the gravitational well of the Battle of Malachor V. He feels the Exile (78018 {Cinematic, Standalone line - threatening, menacing, like he just kicked down the door to a house and strode in, looking for the player}I have come for the Jedi.). It is time for HK-50 to disappear with the Exile. The EH, even without hyperdrive, fled the Harbinger, who cannot do anything, all his systems are down (HK-50 has sabotaged all systems). I do not uses it, and I do not need it. I simply note that, in the logic of things, it should be functional at this time. I'm apparently not the only one, since this has been fixed in 1.8. Yes ! A better idea than mine. When I say "And finally, it is much prettier!"? That's true. This is a much better job from the guy that made the design of this module. Some worlds designers and makers are most gifted than others. Sincerely TTLan
  15. Trying to understand is, I think, more interesting than just flying over. Discuss controversially, but calmed, with others, is rewarding. You chose the form, I chose the substance, with others, here and elsewhere. Report problems to those who, precisely, ask that we report them because they have a passion to seek solutions, to build solutions, to offer solutions, seems to be the approach of this community. Being a yes-man, that leaves the other do, without participate, it's to be under instead of acting. I just read a few of your posts. They consist, all, when someone has a problem, not to provide a solution but to talk about you, you and yet you and say "I too have this problem aso..." What do you have done, you, for Kotor and the community? Everyone will appreciate. Congratulations TTLan
  16. Maybe, just remove the TSF of the area at that time. Oh! Maybe you did not notice that I have developed a tour of the different floors of the module 081. I even met a woman officer of the Republic at the level -3. This is there: And the transit system uses space shuttles, no elevators, because, apart from the module 081, everything is on one level. And if there are several levels, as the module 081, the shuttles have docks of landing. And finally, it is much prettier! Not a bug. Something that challenges me and seems full of promise. For example a bag that could be found in a hidden corner (in a random generation) and containing all the gold cards (10 copies in each). As already said. You are gods. I am very attached to a small game with Daraala that brings a little fun in this game. If fun points disappear, the game is no longer a game. Instead of playing at it and with it 500 times, you play at it 2 or 3 times and you're done. Better read Malraux or Shakespeare or Jankelevitch. Thanks a lot, VP. I met a bug in 1.5 or 1.6. Here's what happened: After approaching the office of Mandalore, we are attacked, quite normally, by this line of Sith. Mandalore then appears and has his usual speech (let my men do the job) and then crossed, very quietly, all the Mandalorian camp, to go to the shuttle and expect for me. The fight against the Sith resumes indefinitely, a great pleasure (one of the highlights of this game). When I got tired, I went to see the Ebon Hawk and Atton, for fun, then I return to the camp to pick the remains, and I finally went to Mandalore. Chek-list, the threat from Kreia, and departure for Onderon. If you remember, maybe it was on the old forum, I had covered you with thanks and shouted my joy. And then, replaying a new game, I perceived that this was a bug. I tried many times to reproduce, but I did not find the conditions for a recurrence. Make sure that this genius situation become the rule. This fully automatic liftoff is one of the worst moment of that game.
  17. 101PER_dlg.erf\101kreia.dlg Entry 72 with a conditional test (c-isxbox) and an empty string (a string ref 136327 while eof is at string ref 136320) Perhaps some sentences missing from 136321 to 136327 or simple a type in entry 72 With TSLRCM, in 101PER.mod\101kreia.dlg Same (Entry 071). String Ref 136327 wich does not exist (except when a mod adding str in dialog.tlk is installed) Also, in dialogs.bif\hanmaiden.dlg Entry 314 Use of String Ref 136326 wich does not exist (except when a mod adding str in dialog.tlk is installed) Also, in 209TEL_dlg.erf\devkill.dlg Entry 0 String Ref 138328 wich does not exist (except when a mod adding str in dialog.tlk is installed) I'll manage with that in French 2011 dialog.tlk I think it's false, but we are blocked by the VOs. Ok Ok I'm not able to mod. I ask the gods you are. Can someone do that? It's a pitty not having this stuff at the right place the right time. Still Missing. Image added in the first post. It's just something annoying. But we can live without. I explain on my pages, how to succeed. Well, we will do with this shaken-man. Hmm ... just occupy space on the map?
  18. There is a limited number of quotes in a post !? I must split my answer. No - But not important. As of 77517 string ref, this is OE intention. As I explain it in my pages, T3-M4 is back in Republican space looking for some help. He does not find Bastila wich is hidden by Onasi. There is no more Jedi. So he seeks the master of Revan. That's it. It is certainly not question of a True Sith ship crew. I think Revan hide his ship in deep space because he is there, at that time, to try to eliminate the threat against the Republic. What he will do after that is unknown actually. It is certainly not question of a republican ship crew in a top secret ship at the highest level (Revan was responsible of the republican army strategy and the leader of 1/3 of this army) and it is certainly not a matter for the Republic to seek for help to save Revan (there would only be Onasi to do that). At that time, the Republic seeks for the Exile to rebuild the Jedi Order that she consider again as the guarantor of stability. I do think that EH is under T3 control and T3 is alone (with 3C-FD and the carcass of HK-47). T3-M4 would not take a republican crew to lead them to the unknown Trayus Academy. Here, there are enemys of the Jedi and of the Republic, and T3-M4 is seeking for help from their Darth Lord! No, the EH is empty and the corpses will, speculation, be those of Sion's Sith assassins. Yes, I know. Thread we discuss of that Yes. We have already spoken of this. It's annoying and it will remain so. Well, it's not a translation error. The English 74396 string says : Yeah, and I'm also good at running and drinking, your majesty. The French 74396 string says the same - it's a good translation : But the audio file says, in French : Keep in other ways, dear lady. If you need a good shot, you did well to get me out of prison. I am as good at the race as for drinking, or vice versa. If no bug in other languages, I'll manage with that in French 2011 dialog.tlk In the Peragus Mining Tunnels, there is only one droid to repair. I just repeat the step, now, in many ways, without being able to reproduce the bug. Fine. TTLan
  19. The idea that the bodies could be those of soldiers of the Republic, fleeing the Harbinger invaded by the Sith, while the Ebon Hawk is moored in a hold of the Harbinger, does not hold. The Harbinger staff would not have register terse messages from objective observers of the scene, talking about bodies found in a ship they search. They would speak with anxiety and/or panic of their own men killed, they do not know how. The Republic Doctor of the Harbinger to the captain of the Harbinger: 77853 : [static.] "Everyone on the Ebon Hawk was dead, sir... we're starting autopsies within the hour." In addition, long before the Harbinger came near the Ebon Hawk, they received a SOS from the Ebon Hawk : 77868 : "Sir, we've just received an emergency broadcast... a freighter, under attack by Sith forces." The message is clear: it is the Sith forces that attack the Ebon Hawk, getting on board the Ebon Hawk, otherwise the message would say they are attacked by a ship (in addition, seen from afar, the ship that attack the Ebon Hawk is probably a Republican ship extracted from the gravitational well of Malachor V - but Kreia knows the ship of her pupil, Sion, and I think she is still awake, when T3 send the SOS). I insist! When the men of the Harbinger searched the Ebon Hawk, HK-50 has not yet decided to take the Ebon Hawk rather than an escape pod to flee the Harbinger, which has not yet all its systems completely breakdown. The Exile is still in the kolto tank of the Harbinger infirmary, and HK-50 is still on board the Harbinger! There only is, aboard the Ebon Hawk, the carcasses of droids, an old lady (allready died ?), 3C-FD, the carcass of HK-47, T3-M4 and bodies everywhere, that are not the bodies of republican soldiers. Oooops! Board. There is something that escapes you? Something you do not understand? It is HK-50 that takes the Exile, in coma, to the medical bay of the Ebon Hawk and then fled on board the Ebon Hawk, after putting down all systems on the Harbinger. Then, we do not know how, T3-M4 locked HK-50 in the hold. By surprise, no doubt. I guess that HK-50, once the Ebon Hawk programmed to Nar Shaddaa, will go to see what is in the Ebon Hawk and is intrigued by a carcass that looks like him, HK-47. T3-M4 has only to lock the door. Then, T3-M4 redirect the EH to the Harbinger and, speculation, locks the astrogation system at that time. I concede that no message recorded on board the Harbinger, on the three consoles, says that there is an old lady died in the Ebon Hawk, but only that "everyone is dead". This does not lead us either one way or the other. I still think it's HK-50 alone that carries the Exile on the Ebon Hawk because Kreia has too much to do with the Sith assassins aboard the Ebon Hawk and, more important than anything, she does not know at all that the Exile is on board the Harbinger - her concern, recently, since some minutes, since she boarded the Ebon Hawk and fled the Trayus Academy, is Sion and his band of assassins. Its role is, unwittingly, to clean the Ebon Hawk for HK-50 and then, at some point, play dead. There are, of course, gray areas. This is the signature of Kotor 2. In particular, there is this story told by HK-50 and the fact that the French translation on which I based so far is fanciful: 74415 : Admission: It was a matter of chance, Master. I happened to be serving as a protocol droid on the Harbinger when you booked passage. After that, it was a simple matter to sabotage the Harbinger and call for a retrieval. 74416 : Irritated Statement: However, when the Ebon Hawk appeared and salvaged us from the wreckage, I was forced into a series of rapid recalculations, culminating in our current situation. It would be HK-50 that would have called for help, and it would be the Ebon Hawk who would came to the rescue of the Harbinger! This is not credible. And : 76634 : Your cargo compartment was breached, and you were taken on board the freighter shortly before the Harbinger's systems began to go critical. This is unclear and leaves open to interpretation. Sayed by HK-50, this, "Your cargo compartment was breached" may significate that the medical bay systems are down and that HK-50 is in a hurry to save the Exile otherwise his 'bounty' may no longer worth nothing once dead. I do not see Kreia locking the Exile in a hold that she would carry in the Ebon Hawk - this seems stupid (and how an old lady would carry the removable cargo while, at the same time, you would say that she is awake and can simply confuse the minds of everyone - why would she hide the Exile and make her difficult to transport?). HK-50 tells a story - he's lying (which bothers me, too, because I tend to think that the droids do not lie. In fact, everyone, HK-50 and Kreia, tryes to pretend that it is the other one that had taken the Exile and that it is himself who saved her. So what they say, one like the other, is not credible. Only objective records, from the Harbinger and then from Peragus can then be taken into account. And they are timestamped! This had allowed me to make a timeline of the hours before Kotor 2. English version of this page (never finish : if someboby can help me...) That Kreia snaps into catalepsy herself, to escape the onslaught of Sith assassins in the Ebon Hawk, or is stunned by the firing of the Harbinger when the Ebon Hawk escapes from the Harbinger, does not allow me, at any time, think that she participated, in any manner whatsoever, at the transfer of the Exile from the Harbinger to the Ebon Hawk. And since there is no more argument in another sense, our two positions are equal and are both, speculative. But, in my opinion, these are the shots of the ship of Darth Sion that were very dangerous and have half destroyed the Ebon Hawk. When the Ebon Hawk escapes from Harbinger, all systems of the Harbinger are destroyed, including his navigation systems, his firing and aiming systems etc.. ... 77846 : [static.] "We're still experiencing a problem with the communications array, and now maintenance is telling me there's a cascade failure in the weapon sys..."{systems} They can't move. And the Sith need a long time to repair the Harbinger and learn how to use it. It's the reason why they are late to join Peragus. False. Totaly false. Once again : The Republic Doctor of the Harbinger to the captain of the Harbinger: 77853 : [static.] "Everyone on the Ebon Hawk was dead, sir... we're starting autopsies within the hour." I regret not having more time to devote to these constructive controversy that require searching and justifies the claim. Amitiés TTLan
  20. A list, in several parts. Points 1 to 80 Points 81 to 186 Points 187 to ... Ok ! Let’s have a last run with TSLRCM 1.7 Canonical walkthrough with TSLRCM 1.7 (Exile is female, light side, Revan is male, light side) This is in/for the French version of Kotor 2 (excluding corrections to the French translation wich are corrected by a MOD) Running under Windows 7 - 64 bits - Ultimate - Sony Vaio Detailled of the followed Installation procedure Detailled list of MODs installed Actual state : step 049 on a solution in 165 steps. The rest will be added to as and for my availability. State of each point may be : Pending Being corrected Done / Fixed Impossible to correct / fix Too much work to do this Requires more information Different interpretations - would require a debate Opposition / Refused (1) Five spelling mistakes! Kotor 2 is no exception to the signature of all the Star Wars opus, movies or games: the scrolling introduction containing systematic spelling mistakes. What is more amazing is that it is a long tradition: even in the very first Star Wars movie, Star Wars Episode IV: A New Hope (May 25, 1977), the generic align spelling errors! Anyway, in all French versions! Is there a tool to re-register the Kotor 2 introduction? Status Being corrected In context : (2) Voice-over message – Everyone is dead or dying 125645 : {Fade in to Placed Camera 25}[The Ebon Hawk is adrift in space after a terrible battle. Most of its crew are dead or dying.] The message of the narrator has led everyone into error, and more than six years after the release of this game, all the comments and encyclopedias covering Kotor 2 are still wrong. I think we must, once and for all, reflect and provide a unique solution to the story of deaths all over the Ebon Hawk and so on. ... This message, the first of Kotor 2, seeks to dramatize the situation when the player has started a new game. In fact, the Ebon Hawk has no crew. It is entirely and exclusively occupied by T3-M4 and the HK-47 carcass that T3-M4 tinkers during his availability. There are, at this moment, in the Ebon Hawk, 4 passengers: The pseudo corpse of an old lady who plays dead to escape his executioner The Exile in the medical bay, in a coma A HK-50 droid locked by T3-M4 in the reserve. 3C-FD Status Different interpretations - would require a debate - This point (2) must be read in conjunction with the point (5) below. In context : [*](3) HK-47 carcass is missing During the prologue, if you open the door of the "Storage Compartment", HK-47 carcass is missing. Only an HK-50, sealed, is there. Well, this is not very important at that time because one cannot open this door, normally, except if using a tip. It's just for the principle. But, at the exit of the prologue, the HK-50 is shown, opening the reserve. At that time, this opening is legal and we do not distinguish HK-47 in flames while we distinguish perfectly HK-50. The HK-47 carcass is missing. Status Pending In context : [*](4) Inventory of the prologue Obsidian Entertainment intentions are clearly explained in: 77517 : "...a lot of cargo from the Jedi's freighter is being stored in the secure cargo hold until we can pass it through the quarantine checks." 74499 : … security sorts through the other items on the ship. 77518/77519 : "And as requested, all the programming spikes the security officers wanted confiscated have been stored there as well to prevent further system compromises. The secure cargo hold should be safe enough - if anybody wants to break into it, they'd have to blow it open with explosives." Intentions of Obsidian are, as stated in the sentences recorded by Obsidian: 1 / What was found in the Ebon Hawk is quarantined in the cargo security (this may or may not contain Security programs (hacking), depending on what the player discovered and use during prologue). 2 / Security programs (hacking), confiscated from the Péragus staff (not comming from EH) are also locked in the cargo security. They come in addition to the above (in order to prevent the lack of Security programs for those who pass the prologue). The script of the commercial version contained a bug and the inventory could not be found back except in a particular case. The bug is not in the intentions of Obsidian as they express them in the text but in the script they wrote, that do not respect their intentions. This is not the script that expresses the intentions of Obsidian, the initial script was buggy. With TSLRCM, the attempt to correct the bug leads to a systematic bug now. The inventory is never more retrieved. Here's what should be found in the cargo security Here is the inventory left behind, at the end of the prologue, after the use of some items. This is what is to quarantine in the secure cargo hold. This include all what was found in/on T3-M4 and 3C-FD : This to conform to OE intention: 77517 : "...a lot of cargo from the Jedi's freighter is being stored in the secure cargo hold until we can pass it through the quarantine checks." 1 Droid Shock Arm - Bras électrique pour droïde (d_t3m4_01) 2 Field Survival Pistol - Pistolets de survie (w_blaste_03) 3 MedPac - Trousses de soins (g_i_medeqpmnt01) 2 Frag Mine, Minor - Mines à fragmentation faibles (g_i_trapkit004) 2 Security Tunneler - Programmes de sécurité (g_i_secspike01) 13 Parts - Pièces détachées (k_repair_part) 2 Computer Spike - Programmes d'intrusion, ordinateur (k_computer_spike) 1 Broken Item - Objet détruit (brokenitem) 1 Droid Impact Armor mk.I - Armure anti-impact T1 (d_armor_01) 1 Droid Flame Thrower - Lance-flammes pour droïdes (d_device_03) 1 Utility Droid - Droïde utilitaire (3C-FD) Mines from the Proton Missile. As the narrator says : 125726 : If you run out of mines, you can return to the Proton Missile and collect another. 125708 : If you run out of mines, you can return to the Proton Missile outside the Ebon Hawk and collect another. Using an auto-repair technology, the proton missile is able to give you a mine every 3 seconds. So the inventory left behind, on board, may contain hundreds of Frag Mine, Minor. This enables you to get chemicals or, simply, mines. Some other stuff (lottery) Computer spikes confiscated from the Peragus staff (not coming from EH). This to conform to OE intention: 77518/77519 : "And as requested, all the programming spikes the security officers wanted confiscated have been stored there as well to prevent further system compromises. The secure cargo hold should be safe enough - if anybody wants to break into it, they'd have to blow it open with explosives." Status Different interpretations - would require a debate In context : [*](5) Bodies everywhere in the Ebon Hawk There is still the story of bodies everywhere in the Ebon Hawk, repeated several times. As EH has no crew, I think it is Sith killed by Kreia. (Maybe a few who have managed to board the Ebon Hawk along Darth Traya, when T3-M4 came to pick her - not ones coming from the ship of Darth Sion.). 101PER_dlg\admoff.dlg 74329 "Not much on board - one damaged droid, one annoying protocol droid, and a lot of bodies." 101PER_dlg\admoff.dlg 74330 "Sent the survivor to medical, and the others to the morgue. Didn't recognize the ship's ID code, so we transmitted it to the Republic for some answers..." [static.] 101PER_dlg\admoff.dlg 74324 [static.] "...inventoried the bodies and cargo - everything matches the protocol droid's story." 106PER_DLG.erf\dockoff.dlg 77506 "Regardless, still no luck accessing the navicomputer - it's been voice-locked. maybe by one of the corpses we found on the ship... like the old woman." 151HAR_DLG.erf\repcapt2.dlg 77853 [static.] "Everyone on the Ebon Hawk was dead, sir... we're starting autopsies within the hour." Some think EH has a crew. I think EH has no crew. I speculate that T3 and the EH returns in the republican space, for seek help, as soon as Revan disappeared among True Sith space, on Dromund Kaas, 4 days before the beginning of Kotor 2 and pick Darth Traya 3 days before. Read, In English : Zoom on the hours that just preceed the begining of Kotor 2 at ). We cannot believe that T3-M4 will wander one or two years while he obeys the supplication of Bastila to return for help for Revan (it is a case of absolute emergency). We will know a little more with the adventures of Revan, T3-M4 and HK-47, between 3955 BBY and 3951 BBY, reading the book “Revan” (Drew Karpyshyn, head writer at BioWare, forthcoming on October 18, 2011). What's this about corpses? Corpses of "True Sith"? Absolutely not. Corpses of a republican crew? It is reasonable to assume that T3-M4 began seeking help from the Jedi, but found none. T3-M4 then probably sought help from the Republic but the Republic is bloodless and certainly cannot raise an army and equipment to engage in a frontal attack against a hidden empire of which it has everything to fear and the certainty of being defeated and wiped out. But the Republic has, perhaps, asked for volunteers to form a small crew to T3-M4. Corpses of any kind of robbers? It is possible that, while T3-M4 was leaving the Ebon Hawk for look for help, a band of robbers attempted to steal the Ebon Hawk. Then they would not last long in front of T3-M4. This would explain why the bodies are never described as Republican soldiers or Sith. Corpses of "New Sith"? Sith assassins pursuing Darth Traya and Darth Traya would have had time to kill before plunging into a catatonic state to simulate death and escape his executioner? "New Sith" playing dead bodies? A trick of the New Sith who play the died to be introduced into the Harbinger as dead? Hmm ... It would be a "subtle thing" or the Sith rarely show to be subtle. Only the body of Darth Sion will be introduced by Republicans in the Harbinger to be put into a kolto tank and it does not come from the Ebon Hawk but from the Sith ship, the ship of Darth Sion. Status Different interpretations - would require a debate In context : [*](6) The exit of the Exile from the kolto tank, on Peragus The exit of the Exile from the kolto tank, on Peragus, remains a great mystery. How can she get out of the tank without breaking it or open it? How can we enter for treatment since this tank will not open? How did she get to the reawakening device, lying on the ground, in the middle of the room, around dozens of monitors embedded in the ground? This is all very "curious". If at least the tank was equipped with a door that opens and closes with the rising level of the kolto after the closing of the door and the lowering level of the kolto before opening the door, everything would have a little more consistency. Thread we discuss of that Status Pending In context : [*](7) The lost XP from T3-M4 When controlling T3 in the hangar, all XP are lost (1540 XP) and they are cruelly lacking a little later. Status Impossible to correct / fix In context : [*](8) Probable bug at the end of 102PER_dlg.erf\102atton.dlg (under TSLRCM 102PER.mod\102atton.dlg) Audio bug (French version only ?) Atton says 75893 : "There's got to be some central controller down there. See if you can find a terminal by the main access shaft: that'd be governing intelligence." The end of this conversation is brutal. The audio file of the last sentence is interrupted before completion. It also seems that something is missing: a classic end of the conversation from the Exile. Status Pending - Different interpretations - Would require a debate - This point (5) must be read in conjunction with the point (2) before. In context : [*](9) Repair of the droid in the underground of Peragus. Dialog options, those about the demolition skill, which are rarely shown because the demolition skill is rarely increased early in the game (which is an error of players about the progression of their character) are in English in the French version of K2. PC and XBox 102PER_dlg.erf\test_droid.dlg (under TSLRCM : 102PER.mod\test_droid.dlg) Status Done - Translated to French for PC In context : [*](10) Peragus Maintenance Console We are told that two hospital cameras are now controlled from this console. Where are they? 103PER_dlg.erf\drocon.dlg (103PER.mod\drocon.dlg) 76425 : Furthermore, it appears two cameras within the medical bay were linked to this terminal, then locked into place: the camera to the morgue, and the camera in the room with the kolto tanks. Status Pending In context : [*](11) Camera in the fuel line. We are told that the unit T3 we see could be ours. Which unit T3? We do not see it. 103PER_dlg.erf\drocon.dlg (103PER.mod\drocon.dlg) 124374 : There appears to be a damaged T3 unit dumped into the fuel line - it may be your missing T3 unit. Status Fixed in 1.8 In context : [*](12) References beyond the end of the dialog.tlk file 101PER_dlg.erf\101kreia.dlg AND 101PER.mod\101kreia.dlg : In this dialogue, one of the dialog options make a reference beyond the end of the dialogs file (dialog.tlk). dialog.tlk contains lines from 1 to 136320 (English and French versions) E72 call StrRef 136327 in vanilla (101PER_dlg.erf) as in TSLRCM (101PER.mod) In dialogs.bif\handmaiden.dlg, at E314, there is a call to StrRef 136326 Workaround: I have introduced blank lines in the French dialog.tlk (2011 updated version) Suggested : Replace 136327 by -1 as E72 is a "continue" clause Replace 136326 by -1 as E314 is a "continue" clause Status Pending In context : [*](13) StrRef 74396 in 101PER_dlg\hk50.dlg French only ? What Atton says (audio) does not match the subtitles on the screen. Status Done : I’ve replaced, in dialog.tlk, StrRef 74396 by what he says in the audio sentence. In context : [*](14) More than one passenger on the Harbinger 77867 : [static.] "We have taken on passengers to Telos..." 77836 : "As ordered, we've picked up the passengers from the Outer Rim, and have made quarters for them. Once aboard, we plotted a course for Telos.." This is false. The Admiralty has located the Exile through its network of spies sent throughout the Galaxy when Atris has released the data concerning her. The Admiralty (and the Republic) is looking for the Exile, nobody else. The Exile is alone on the Harbinger and she seem to always have traveled alone since 9 years. Moreover, a sentence later, there is no more than one passenger. 77837/77838 : "I've been ordered to give the passenger no special treatment, nor make any indication of his/her identity." And 77840 / 77841 : Whoever this passenger is… The good sentence would be : 77867 : [static.] "We have taken a passenger for Telos..." Status Require discussion. Cannot, in any case, be modified because of the audio file (or accept a difference between the written sentence and its audio version.) In context : [*](15) Number of spare parts to repair the medical droid of the Harbinger String Ref 126107 I do not remember if this has been fixed in 1.7 or after 1.7. Check that this correction is contained in 1.8 (English dialog.tlk). This is done in the 2011 French dialog.tlk Status Done / Fixed for English and French (must be fixed in each localized dialog.tlk file) in 1.7 In context : [*](16) 005EBO - use of the bench The Ebon Hawk is fully repaired. It is abnormal that one cannot use the bench during the attack of the Sith, before leaving Peragus, when you're not in combat mode. Status Will not be usable at the moment In context : [*](17) 005EBO - the laboratory of the infirmary The Ebon Hawk is fully repaired. Where is the laboratory of the infirmary. Status Will be there, in 1.8, but will not be usable at the moment In context : [*](18) 005EBO - the only time where security camera would be useful is the only time they are not there The Ebon Hawk is fully repaired. It's the only time of Kotor 2 where security camera would be useful. Why do not they operate? In the "Communications" room, the security system should provide access to security cameras. Status At the moment, a not very satisfactory answer: “A lot of work for not much.” In context : [*](19) 005EBO - Where is HK-47 carcass? When you open the door of the "Storage Compartment", it is empty while HK-47 carcass should be there. During the Sith attack, before leaving Peragus. The HK-47 carcass is missing there. Status Pending In context : [*](20) 005EBO - Impossible to pick up the remains on the last sith killed It is impossible to pick up the remains on the last Sith killed (except to tinker a tip). It would be better to be able to do it and then to tell Atton "Let's go." even if we are in a hurry. And, as it is completely stupid to leave open the ramp of the Ebon Hawk, looking the Sith entering on board, while Atton immediately takes the Ebon Hawk in hand, it would be good for someone to develop a small mod that would make Atton seeking to close the ramp and the Exile who say to him something like "No, we must allow Kreia to get back and escape with us." Status Last Sith : Not important. One can live without. Forget. Leave open the ramp of the Ebon Hawk : if someone can develop a small mod, it would be welcome. In context : [*](21) Atton seeting in the c*ockpit See Status Unfixable In context : [*](22) The galactic map of the astronavigation system is false See (Open the hidden paragraph) at Status Use MOD In context : [*](23) The four bugs in the three cinematic files TelMov01.bik TelMov02.bik and TelMov03.bik See Status Pending In context : [*](24) Save a Sullustan on Citadel - Urban Module 081 This bug is no fun at all! A TSF is able to pass between the characters in full combat, without flinching, without taking a beating and not even notice what is happening! Status Done (26.07.2011 HH in ) In context : [*](25) Launch of the first cinematic of Nihilus during the fight to save a sullustan We talk of that at Status Pending : actual state is In context : [*](26) Citadel - Urban Module 081 A brave lady is stationary in a corner facing the wall. She will stay there for the rest of her life! She let me think at a child that you send to stand in the corner! Status Pending In context : [*](27) Transit system - Lift and space shuttle The transit system in Citadel consists of space shuttles, moving from one module to another. These shuttles can be compared, both in form and in their furniture design, in buses or planes. There sat trip. The transit system is made of shuttles A view of the landing dock with two levels (module 081). For all other modules, everything should be done from a landing dock with only one level. But there are those who argue that once the shuttle arrived somewhere, you take a lift from the "station" to one of the floors of the destination module. My response is that, in Kotor 2, only the entertainment module 081 is developed vertically and, coincidence, we directly lift off from this module in a space shuttle (we do not take an elevator to get to any spaceport). All the other Citadel modules are developed on one level only, so there is no question of lift! Furthermore, they are space shuttles, not trains on rails. They fly and have landing docks directly on the useful destination floor of the modules. Such similarities with lifts, in all modules, are errors and should be replaced by the interior view of the shuttle. Space Station Citadel. The whole is based on a tangle of pipes. There is no question to do landing a shuttle and to develop a elevator masonry. Citadel space station, landing module 126 - Module with no vertical development - all is full foot (in addition, the elevator is above the vacuum of space!) Status Pending In context : see many screenshots, from unusual perspective, outside of the modules. (Open the hidden paragraph) at [*](28) Czerka module It would be nice that people we are talking to (Czerka’s employees) stop moving when we speak to them and they respond and resume their wanderings after. The resumption of the walk is not to deploy for all promenaders of Kotor 2. There are times when it is good after talking to someone, it does not move (The case most obvious is the additional challenge "Save all ithoriens" : see ) Status Pending In context : [*](29) Magic Pazaak Backpack StrRef 79151 and 81996 See the thread in which we are talking of this Generate this bag in a hidden place. Really magic (exceptional) content: i.e. all golden cards in many copies. Status Pending In context : [*](30) Dialogue between Jana Lorso and the two murderers. The dialogue between Jana Lorso and the two murderers do not launch the first time you meet Jana Lorso, although you meet Grenn before about that but you “do” Czerka before Chodo Habat. Actual workaround: Go out of the module and, "Bullshit, I've forgot something!" Return in the Czerka module. The murderers are there. See Status Pending In context : [*](31) Escorting the Ithorien droid Arriving at the module 126 by the shuttle (or arriving by transit system and taking a step back toward the door of the shuttle), there is a scene where an officer of the Czerka, sent by Jana Lorso, tent, one last time, to buy us. It seems that TSLRCM has fixed a bug (a quite infinitely long waiting time when using the phrase ‘I will think about it’, (this is a PC and Xbox bug), and it seems to me that there are new cameras. However, there are two other bugs, not fixed: If this scene intervenes after we have already talked of this with Jana Lorso, this officer proposes a lower price than the one we have already negotiated with Jana Lorso. He tells us to go back to Jana Lorso to discuss with her but, if you go back to Jana Lorso, this topic is not addressed. Or this scene with the officer should intervene only if we have not discussed this with Jana Lorso or, by far much better, it should be possible to go back to Jana Lorso, discuss again, and raise the stakes over 300 credits. Status Pending In context : [*](32) Daraala Thread we discuss of that : Restore all the inventory management of Daraala. Daraala is a pure commercial, very unpleasant, that sells Jedi artifacts more expensive than all other vendors. If she buys the will of the dead salvagers, it's not for Light Side. It is to do business. To recover, to steal, what they had found, and that Zherron keeps now, and put it on sale. Make her disappear with the first inventory, for which we have not had time to buy anything, and with the second inventory, for which she paid the will, is to introduce a major bug in an attempt to correct a minor bug. We gave her the will, an action that earned us the mockery of Jorran (proof that OE has "thought" the stuff) that understands what Daraala will do: she will recover the whole stuff and just put everything on sale. Status Pending : I was not at all in agreement with the simple disappearance of Daraala and all of her inventories (the first and second). Forecast for 1.8: the return of Daraala, empty pockets! I am still vehemently opposed to this easy way (but I understand that this can be very difficult to fix). In context : [*](33) Leave Dxun to Onderon Delete this automatic liftoff to Onderon. In a non-linear game, it is absolutely irritating! Long ago, as I update TSLRCM to version 1.5 or 1.6 (I cannot remember), the first time that I run Kotor 2 under that new version, I meet a new behavior that corresponded exactly to one of my requests, made a long time (old forum). Here is what happened: After approaching the office of Mandalore, we are attacked, as usually, by this line of six Sith. Mandalore then appears and has his usual speech (let my men do the job) and then, new and wonderful, he crossed, very quietly, all the Mandalorian camp, to go to the shuttle and expect for me. The fight against the Sith resumes indefinitely, a great pleasure (one of the highlights of Kotor 2). When I got tired, I went to see the Ebon Hawk and Atton, for fun, then I return to the camp to pick the remains, and I finally went to Mandalore. Chek-list, the threat from Kreia, and departure for Onderon. If you remember, maybe it was on the old forum, I had covered you with thanks and shouted my joy. Then, replaying a new game, I perceived that this was a bug. I tried many times to reproduce it, but I did not find the conditions for a recurrence. Make sure that this absolutely genius situation becomes the rule. The fully automatic liftoff is one of the worst moments of that game. Status Pending In context : [*](34) When we go to escort the ithorian droid When we go to escort the ithorian droid, and that we are attacked by the 5 henchmen of the Czerka, according to the initial position of the player and companions, sometimes, one or the other or more (Exile, Kreia, Atton, a mercenary of the Czerka…) go for a full turn of the shuttle to attack an opponent which is, in reality, just next door. This is not the only place where such a thing occurs. Status Pending In context : [*](35) Opening the C1 apartment door, when we are looking for Batono. It would be good if the door opens and we discover Batono. For now, the animation is a bit truncated. Status Pending In context : [*](36) Attack by the two Czerka mercenaries when we go to the TFS with Batono. Passers are able to cross the battle without noticing anything. It would be good that passers, within 10 meters, runs away. It seems to me that this has been done about the attack of a squad of HK-50 in the module 126 (I've seen a passer running away.) Status Pending In context : [*](37) Masked Attacker When one begins to look too ready at the tampered blaster, a "Masked Attacker" attacks us. It's just a crappy rogue apprentice looking to get noticed for joining "the elders". But why he is called "Masked Assailant" while "working" openly? Status Pending In context : [*](38) Masked Attacker attack - TSF can pass between characters During the fighting against the Masked Attacker, one or two TSF can pass between characters without noticing anything. Status Pending In context : [*](39) Hacking the console ostensibly in front of Lt. Grenn. It is curious (completely abnormal) that one can hack the TSF console ostensibly in front of Lt. Grenn without he does anything. It would be good to find him a chance to miss a moment (taking Batano if he is with him). Status Pending In context : (Open (deploy) the paragraph on red background (bug) closed) [*](40) Is there something left in files about the handmaiden sisters and the TSF? The StrRef 79129 is currently: “The information does appear to have been sliced, but you are unable to retrieve any useful information.” However, the French version is quite different: “The information does appear to have been sliced, but you are able to retrieve some useful information, including THE HANDMAIDEN SISTERS.” (in uppercases). It is obvious that TSFs are unaware of the presence of the secret Jedi Academy on Telos, though aware of the existence of a community Echani girls. Status Pending In context : (Open (deploy) the paragraph on red background (bug) closed) [*](41) Doton Het: When you win Ramana, playing pazaak, Doton Het told her she is no longer his, but in saying this, he continues to watch the Exile. Status Being corrected (03.08 HH) In context : [*](42) Ramana goes When Ramana goes, free at last, Harra is supposed to run after her (StrRef 128743 {Harra runs after her}) – E 14 in 203TEL.mod\ramana.dlg. This whole final scene was poorly done. Ramana generally cannot bypass the Exile and his companions, which block his progress. We do not understand what Harra is making, moving, but without we have visual cues to see which way he moves... Status Pending In context : [*](43) Lopak Slusk office door When Lopak Slusk sends us his two droids "bodyguard" and that we have destroyed them, there is no reason why the Lopak Slusk office door open automatically. We should have to force it (as usual, using our expertise in security or by smashing it). Status Pending : According to HH, too much work to do this - Risk of technical errors (03.08 HH) In context : [*](44) First part to make the first light saber No label nor description. Of memory, this small inconvenience does not exist in vanilla version. The wording should be "Energy cell for light saber". Under KSE, presence of a label in English that is not used in the game. In general, the use of any hardcoded text in scripts instead of being in dialog.tlk makes it very difficult to internationalize the game and make easy fixes. May be TSLRCM can inject a complete set of all texts used in dialog.tlk (and, before, submit this set to some of us for translation in every language). See images at (Open (deploy) the paragraph on red background (bug) closed) Status Pending In context : [*](45) Chodo conversation about the elimination of Czerka 204TEL.mod\204habat.dlg The last two sentences of Chodo repeat what he has said and are useless. They sound bad at that time there, as if OE, once more time, took the player to an idiot who may not have understood the need to go and see Corrun Falt. E94 (132518) repeat E96 (130156) The next sentence also seems to me too. Status Modified for 1.8 (03.08 HH) In context : [*](46) The two guards from the Czerka calculating center are called T1-N1 See screenshot : Status Pending - Look at the screen capture - Upload a save for HH In context : (Open (deploy) the paragraph on red background (bug) closed) [*](47) B-4D4 / Opo Chano 1 203TEL.mod\203chano.dlg Continue clause (E 59) between R 76 (StrRef 79680) and R 77 (StrRef 79681) Improper wait of 4 seconds (delay = 4) There is not this pose in the Vanilla version (delay = -1) Status Pending (see next) In context : [*](48) B-4D4 / Opo Chano 2 203TEL.mod\203chano.dlg Continue Clause (E 61) between R 78 (StrRef 79,682) and R 79 (StrRef 79,683) Laying of 4 seconds inappropriate. There is not this pose in the Vanilla version (delay = -1) In both cases, a delay (shorter) would be justified if B-4D4 had the opportunity to change of tone (or tapping fingers on the table, or if he could pose a silence etc ...), showing that B-4D4 is playing with the nerves of Opo Chano. However, this is not the case (that's a shame and the idea of that delay (quite sure, an HH idea) was good) and this 4 seconds delay, not staged, falls badly. Status Strange - the whole thing takes too long : According to HH “No, in vanilla it's a blank line that's voiced though. The pause instead is called a "bug-fix"... and was OE's intention (they just screwed up and added a voiced line) “ In context : [*](49) Citadel - Residential Module 082 East - Everyone in the hallway is motionless B-4D4 has just loot the Czerka computer center and is riding here and there but, for a while, (I have not noticed exactly when), everyone in the hallway of 082 East, is motionless (even if it is still possible to get them to talk). Status Pending : According to HH in “That's a vanilla issue. I was planning to try a way to fix that (IIRC Nar Shaddaa people do not have it, so use whatever script they use here and on Onderon), but it's still on the backburner of the "To Do" list. “ In context : [*](50) B-4D4 and the irascible occupant of the A2 apartment in 082 East If B-4D4 goes see the occupier of the A2 apartment, the occupier happens to mistake the Exile and a droid. It is very vexatious for a beautiful Exile! According to HH : “There are more instances of this (the Gammorean enforcers for instance, who should be gone actually by then! Not yet fixed) but really no VO. With the aliens something can be thought up (but that's not restoration) but for the humans it's otherwise silence. Would that be better? » Yes, there are plenty of similar situations. In fact, is it possible for a NPC to know who is his interlocutor and script conditions according to the interlocutor? Status Pending In context : [*](51) B-4D4 and the disappearance of the Exile and Kreia From the moment B-4D4 is the only playable character, Kreia and the Exile totally disappear to only to reappear after the departure of B-4D4. Only Atton stay, not playable. These disappearances / reappearances are extremely curious, incomprehensible, and erroneous. If this is of realm of possibility (not a big technical difficulty), it is preferable that these characters stay there, not playable, like Atton. Status Pending : According to HH, “The Mandalore issue on Dantooine probably made Stoney say "NOOOOOO" to this. Although maybe the experience with fixing it can make this possible. Ask him. “ In context : [*](52) Cut scenes (or never developed) with B-4D4? With the fraud tense by B-4D4 to the protocol droid in module 126 (202drdp.dlg), one would expect some harvests of credits that would allow B-4D4 to pay for his ticket to Nar Shaddaa. Is there anything in this regard lying around in the files? Otherwise, this is an idea for a small MOD filling this gap and bringing a moment of smiles in this adventure deliberately and necessarily dark. Status Nothing left. This remains an idea for a MOD. In context : [*](53) Ramble for scams from B-4D4 - Cut scenes (or never developed) with B-4D4? The dialog option 81542 (the lying of B-4D4 to Chodo Habat : "[Lie] I assure you that I will cause no trouble, Master Habat.") does not result in any consequence. One might have expected a few funny scenes with each other, confirming the feeling of Atton about the liar droids. This is another idea for a small additional MOD that would be welcome. I cannot imagine B-4D4 with criminal activity and becoming subject to prosecution by Grenn. I think more at a "Ramble for scams" as a garland of small comical scenes, as with Opo Chano or with the protocol droid. For example, selling fake discount cards (that he would manufacture by Opo Chano or Dobo) to passers-by that complain about the rising of prices and so on. ... Status Nothing. This remain an idea for a MOD. In context : [*](54) Chodo Habat talking about Bao-Dur to the Exile (204habat.dlg) The flatness of that moment of this conversation is disturbing. The Exile is a Jedi and emotions do not filter through, it would be a weakness (there are no emotions), but what she lived and shared with Bao-Dur is of an incredible intensity. This led to her departure in wandering for 9 years, far more than her exile from the Jedi Order, and this caused the departure in wandering of Bao-Dur for 9 years. She saved his life by raising instinctively a wall of light that has cut off her from the Force, while Bao-Dur was standing at her side. Since 9 years, one as the other live with the remorse of this barbaric act, though necessary and salutary. The Exile knows very well Bao-Dur and they will talk together of these moments, later, each one seeking to bring the blame, to ease the conscience of the other. I would have liked to see here something reflected in the Exile, a little emotion or a little excitement, or, at least, something, but certainly not the indifference of a casual conversation. Only the dialog option 81458 (Bao-Dur? Where is he?) goes in this direction. Would it be possible to accompany that moment of this conversation with a facial expression showing a sudden interest or a feeling going in that direction. Status Pending In context : [*](55) 204TEL.mod \ 204habat.dlg - Chodo gives the data block to Moza E 19 (StrRef 81267) Chodo gives the data block to Moza. Moza takes it, answers and leaves. Add a change of camera. Chodo turns to Moza. Moza approaches. Chodo hands him an object (data block). Moza takes it, answers and leaves. Chodo turns back to the Exile. E 21 (StrRef 81269). Return to a local camera instead of an objective camera of the stage (which should have been used in E 19). Chodo seems to talk to Moza even though, in truth, he is speaking again (StrRef 81269) to the Exile. R 20 (StrRef 81455) would require, for French spelling reasons, a test on the sex of the Exile (male / female). R 42, E 41, R 43, E 42, R 44, E 43; personal curiosity: I do not see how Chodo turns to Kreia as the area "Listener", in the dlg script, is empty. The script c_con_kreiapm only verify that Kreia is in the active group and is less than 10 meters. Why does he turn to The Exile to speak to her and he does not turn to Moza to speak to him? How is designated the listener? E 51 (Chodo heals the Exile): visually, nothing happens. It would be good to give some substance to this task: make a small animation and give a little time. Status Pending In context : [*](56) Jana Lorso before the Ithoriens attack. If, after the Moza call for help, and before you come to the aid of Ithoriens, you go to see Jana Lorso, the scene is of a crass banality. It should be something going on here. For example, Jana Lorso should be in a rage - the Exile ordered her to immediately recall her troops and, when she refused, the Exile executes Jana Lorso. Currently, at this point, if you go to see Jana Lorso, everything is "normal" in your mouth like in hers! And do not think asking for help to Grenn or the TSF! Status According to HH : “Nothing that can be done here. “ This remain an idea for a MOD. In context : [*](57) Jana Lorso after the attack of the Ithoriens Worse than the previous case. After the attack of the Ithoriens, Jana Lorso, seeing the Exile, should get away or try to negotiate something and, above all, do not get out free. The attitude of the Exile is also incredibly "normal". If we return to Citadel at any time whatsoever in the rest of the adventure, it seems that the approach of Moza with the authorities has not changed anything. Lorso remains at her post and Czerka remains on Citadel. You can also hear the employees and the survivors mercenaries of the Czerka speak as if nothing had happened! Status According to HH : “Nothing that can be done here. “ This remain an idea for a MOD. In context : [*](58) Frustration During the attack of the Ithoriens by the Czerka's mercenaries, in the vivarium, there is always a mercenary or a droid who is in the middle of the plants. How does he get there since we cannot go? Sometimes, there is on his body, a remain that cannot be pick up (and, of course, one cannot help but be certain that this is the best remain that cannot be pick up!). Would it be possible to change the coordinates of the appearance of this one? More generally, could we not have random positions of appearance of characters? Status According to HH “the droid can be moved (although Zbyl, VP and Stoney are much better in coordinates than me, so ask them). Random positions is impossible. “ In context : [*](59) Passers-by motionless in 082 West 082 West (Ithoriens). After the attack of the Ithoriens, all passersby in the corridor of the module 082 West are immobile (not fixed, but motionless - as in 082 East, mentioned earlier). Status Pending : According to HH in “That's a vanilla issue. I was planning to try a way to fix that (IIRC Nar Shaddaa people do not have it, so use whatever script they use here and on Onderon), but it's still on the backburner of the "To Do" list. “ In context : [*](60) Lieutenant Grenn after the attack of the Ithorians After the attack of the Ithoriens by the Czerka, Grenn has not a word about this attack. A brief MOD to develop is expected and would permit at Grenn to take news of what happened because Ithoriens had called him for help and he could not help them (for whatever reason). On the other hand, we no more hear Grenn about the investigation into the arms trafficking while it is underway. He should inquire about the progress of this investigation. Status Pending In context : [*](61) Secured Goods Case 202TEL_dlg.erf\202grenn.dlg (under TSLRCM, 202TEL.mod\202grenn.dlg) After a conversation with Lt. Grenn, a message indicates that you receive a "Secured Goods Case" and then, when we put all this to Samhan Dobo, a message indicates that we gave him a "Secured Goods Case". I doubt very much that Grenn gives the Exile, for transmission to Dobo, à "Secured Goods Case" (ie a TSF sealed case) to derail the entire operation - (StrRef 135277). A simple cardboard box, milk carton type or laundry, ordinary and all-purpose, would be more appropriate! This detail bother me since the first time I played at Kotor 2. To be credible to Samhan Dobo, the Exile would do better to have, for example, leaves of Bachani in his pockets and the rest in unmarked packaging. Status Pending : If Dobo sees a box from TSF, it will immediately smell the trap. In context : [*](62) I have some preparations to make first. After giving the "Secured Goods Case" to Dobo and telling him that we have some preparation to do, if you go to see Grenn, it has nothing to say to you and you have nothing to say to him! It's annoying. There is a lack there. Status Pending : According to HH : “Not much to be done here.” This remain an idea for a MOD. In context : [*](63) I have some preparations to make first. (bis) After giving the "Secured Goods Case" to Dobo and telling him that we have to make some preparations, the next conversation with Dobo begins anew. 202TEL.mod \ samhan.dlg Status According to HH “OE forget to assign a value for "a_local_set"... fixed. “ In context : [*](64) Czerka docking bay – Samham arrest - Animation (TSLRCM 202TEL.mod\samhan.dlg) After talking to Samhan Dobo, Grenn speaks to the Exile. Both dialog options enchainment without a pose. It would be a good idea to introduce a movement of Grenn turning to the Exile (and use another camera, i.e. bird's eye view, showing the movement). between: E 79 (StrRef 108725) E 80 (StrRef 108726) Status Pending In context : [*](65) Protocol droid of module 126 after the B-4D4 scam If we request information at the protocol droid of the module 126, after that B-4D4 has expressed for the establishment of a tax, nothing special happens. Does it remain something to that effect in the files? Status According to HH : “Nothing. “ This remains an idea for a MOD. In context : [*](66) Character controlled and gender (male / female) I think it could, but with a lot of work, be corrected: If the player takes control of a person of the opposite sex of the main character, dialogue scripts, throughout the game, ignore it. Atton, Mandalore, Bao-Dur or Mical can be welcomed with a "Bonjour Madame" when the Exile is a female, and Visas, Mira, Kreia or the Servant can be welcomed with a "Bonjour Monsieur" when the Exile is a male. In general, whatever the character controlled, it is the main character who is speaking. Status Pending In context : [*](67) Bao-Dur cannot wears Jedi Robes As I have already written, I consider it an anomaly that Bao-Dur cannot wear Jedi Robes. First, in an historical perspective, many famous Zabrak wear Jedi Robes, for example: Darth Maul, Agen Kolar, Eeth Koth. etc. ... I even consider as a bug that Bao-Dur can wear armor because his arm, his mechanical prosthesis, should ban the wearing of armor and only allow the port of Jedi Robes. I therefore recommend the use of the MOD "Bao-Dur Wears Jedi Robes" that should be part of any Kotor 2 installation and even be part of TSLRCM. I note, for against, a bug in this MOD: appearance, when Bao-Dur joins the group, of two identical entries without wording or description, in the armor inventory (probably the two versions of the Jedi and Sith Jedi Robe introduced by this MOD). Another bug in this MOD is that the two Jedi Robes are introduced in the inventory: the description of this mod announces that this introduction must be called using the console: giveitem baodurjedi giveitem baodursith Status Pending : According to HH : “Engine-issues. That's why OE didn't do it. And since we can't even modify that. Not to mention if OE even couldn't... “ In context : [*](68) Bao-Dur and the wearing of two armbands Bao-Dur should not be able to equip with two armbands but only one. It should not be possible to equip Bao-Dur with two armbands. His mechanical arm prohibited it. The image proposed clearly shows that the left hand, left wrist, left arm and much of the left forearm are mechanical and do not allow any armband. To be complete, it should not be allowed, either, wear a pair of gloves but only one. Status Pending In context : (Open (deploy) the paragraph on red background (bug) closed) See image [*](69) Bao-Dur at the console of the Czerka site on the surface of Telos 203TEL_dlg.erf\233bdur.dlg Between E14 (103474) and E15 (103475) would require that Bao-Dur turns to the console. It is exasperating that he analyzes the defects of the energy supply of his shields, looking for an abnormality on the screen, without ever looking at the screen! Except when walking to the console, before work, Bao-Dur do not look once the console on which he is supposed to work with great concentration! Status According to HH : “Implemented in 1.8” In context : [*](70) Bao-Dur - The bug of the repulsor fist 232TEL_dlg.erf\sectrma.dlg We made a great fuss about the ability of Bao-Dur to penetrate the force field with his repulsor fist. Except at the opening of the first force field, of which the movie is just "correct" (and Bao-Dur do not use his repulsor fist), Bao-Dur will never use his repulsor fist but will shoot on the fields (or attack with a sword) and, even worse, he starts shooting in any position, including his friends or his back turned to the door or on his feet! ... Note that before TSLRCM, Bao-Dur opened the first force field using his repulsor arm. And note that Bao-Dur do not have a repulsor fist but a repulsor arm. Status Pending In context : [*](71) Bug - First console of the underground base of Czerka This console allows you to disable all the turrets of the underground base. For this, there are two ways: 1 / Have an adequate computer skill to hack the console or 2 / Solving a very simple enigma: find and use an "administrative identity card" (there is always is one on a corpse, a little later in the base). It turns out that ultimately, the "identity administrative card" is "enigmatic" and very little players, six years after the release of the game, have find at what it's used. It would be good to promote research and resolution of this micro enigma (there are so few enigmas in Kotor 2 and they are so simple). But ... for some reason, this enigma is annihilated by the fact that the other way, the minimum skill in computer science, is set at 8. So, it is quite never necessary to find and use the "administrative identity card." I recommend raising the minimum level of skill in computer science to something quite high (7 or 8 only because of Guardian). The search and use of the "identity administrative card" becomes an alternative explored and used by cowards who want to disable turrets (and impose the necessity to face the first four turrets). That said, I recommend to never turn off the turrets but to face them all! For reasons of XP to win and for your chance to find some additional remains. Status Pending In context : [*](72) BUG - First conversation with Bao-Dur The Exile should not be able to ask Bao-Dur if she has all the necessary parts to make her light saber as long as Bao-Dur has not said he is able to help her for this (as long as dialogue 003EBO \ baosaber.dlg has not been used). Status According to HH, will be fixed in 1.8 In context : [*](73) Exile to Bao-Dur : “Where did you pick up that remote, anyways?” The Exile is able to ask this to Bao-Dur since their first meeting at the surface of Telos. This is at Reply 81 in dialogs.bif\baodur.dlg Because of the next sentence in this dialog, this dialog should not happen before Bao-Dur has discovered the Ebon Hawk : StrRef 118179 : “I've been thinking about doing some other work on him, but I barely have time. Too busy fixing up the ship.” Perhaps it is possible to introduce a condition to reach this dialog option, in order to avoid it as long as the Ebon Hawk has not been retrieved (something like “Off of Telos”). Status Pending. Accordind to HH : “There's also one for Kreia ("leave me here on this ship?") which can be triggered outside of the EH, which doesn't make much sense either. Haven't heard back from the other guys wheter we should make it unavailable till then though. Ask them... ” In context : [*](74) A better sense in a Bao-Dur conversation Dialogs.bif\baodur.dlg Entry 169 Actual : BaoDur 120090 I remembered when word of the Mandalorian attacks arrived on Iridonia. BaoDur 120092 My people had colonies across the Outer Rim. Many of them were among the first systems to fall. Exile 120187 As good a reason as any for joining OR 120186 So you wanted revenge? OR 120185 Unlike many of the Jedi, I could not stand by and watch. Bao-Dur 120094 {"Mercy" is said ruefully}I did not join because I wanted to protect, though. I hated them. I wanted to destroy them - to give them the mercy they gave the people they conquered. Suggested : Give a better sense at the three cases of reply of the Exile BaoDur 120090 I remembered when word of the Mandalorian attacks arrived on Iridonia. BaoDur 120092 My people had colonies across the Outer Rim. Many of them were among the first systems to fall. Bao-Dur 120094 {"Mercy" is said ruefully}I did not join because I wanted to protect, though. I hated them. I wanted to destroy them - to give them the mercy they gave the people they conquered. Exile 120187 As good a reason as any for joining OR 120186 So you wanted revenge? OR 120185 Unlike many of the Jedi, I could not stand by and watch. Status Pending In context : [*](75) Activate a self-destruction sequence that does not work and activate a minefield that does not exist Polar mesa - First meeting of a squadron of HK-50 TSLRCM has restored the StrRef 117987 : “Field Assessment: I have picked up the heat forms of the Jedi and his allies. Activate the mines, and prime the self-destruct sequences.” This sentence seems to be interpreted as: The HK-50 begin their systems of self-destruction. These are systems that equip them all and make them explode, causing massive damage around them, when they are about to be defeated in a fight. This does not work for them on the mesa. Besides, this does not work for any HK-50 that we will meet. "Enable mines" could be interpreted as "Activate a minefield." It should exist, for this sentence to be meaningful, a minefield between the HK-50 and the active group, activated by the end of this sentence. This minefield could either protect the HK-50 (in front of them) or, better, surround the group, ejected from the shuttle, and unconscious, leaving time for HK-50 to confine them in a minefield. This minefield does not exist. This would fit perfectly with the situation, forcing the active group to attack the HK-50s with ranged weapons or circumvent the minefield while being shot at. This would, quite rightly, upset my recommendation to attack the HK-50 in close-combat because at ranged weapons, they are better than us. Status Pending : According to HH : Fixed in 1.8 though not how you imagine it. In context: [*](76) Arrival of the HK-50 squad on the polar mesa They left late from somewhere to get in advance on the mesa. It would be good to see their vehicle properly landed on the mesa. They are not those of the underground base. A squadron, nearest the mesa, was sent on the mesa. My idea is that they did not come on foot because there is nothing of interest for them in this region (as they say), therefore, they were nearer than others but not very close. Therefore, they rushed with a speeder or something like that, even with another shuttle. If a vehicle, their vehicle, was showed lying in the snow, on the mesa, this would explain their presence on the mesa before the Exile. The shooter to rocket, on the mesa, has even had time to set up and take its supports. Currently, without justification by this vehicle, their presence is incongruous. Notwithstanding the fact that we cannot reach the platform of a mesa with vertical sides without get there from above or be equipped with a heavy equipment. Status Pending In context : [*](77) 262TEL.mod\Atris.dlg - Audio files does not match sentences - Audio editing error This happen for the French version. I do not know if something happen here for other languages. TSLRCM : 262TEL.mod\Atris.dlg This is StrRef 83595 then 83559 then 83560 But the VOs are 83595 then 83559 then 83560 then second part of 83570 (It can awaken feelings, ignite passions, hate, anger, fear - where none existed before.) The problem begins with the first VO E178 (StrRef 83595) : VO 262atris021 is StrRef 83595 + StrRef 83559 E142 (StrRef 83559) : VO 262atris022 is StrRef 83560 E143 (StrRef 83560) : VO 262atris023 is StrRef 83570 Later in the dialog, at E153, (StrRef 83570) : VO 262atris029 is only the first part of 83570 (Every choice we make, whether we know it or not, sends echoes through the Force.) The subtitling is good (except for the corrections made to dialog.tlk) I must confess that I do not have the tools to cut and assemble audio files. A partial workaround would consist in removing the VO reference for E143 (E153 will lack the end of the sentence). Status Pending (Zbyl2 looking at - 08.08.2011) In context : [*](78) “Handmaiden Sister” instead of « Sœur Servante Echani » Once more time, something that was in the dialog.tlk file, and in the correct language, has been moved to a hard coded thing, only in English. Polar Academy – First entrance, at the beginning of the game - After the dialog with Atris, when meeting “Handmaiden Sister”, they are, all of them, in French, called “Handmaiden Sister” instead of « Sœur Servante Echani ». This did not happen before. Brianna is correctly called in French “Servante Echani” Status Fixed (Zbyl2 08.08.2011) In context : [*](79) Handmaiden StrRef and VOs mismatch It is, perhaps, an only French version problem. Override\handmaidem.dlg (vanilla Dialog.bif\handmaiden.dlg) E394 StrRef 49289 but VO gblhandmaiden012 is only second part of StrRef 49308 E413 StrRef 49308 but VO gblhandmaiden011 is only first part of StrRef 49308 I think that audio files give a better sense than subtitles. It would then be necessary to edit the subtitles. Details Actually, the subtitles do not match the VOs. The VOs have a better sense than the subtitle. I suggest aligning the subtitle to the content of the VOs. StrRef 49289 <=> VO gblhandmaiden012 This StrRef says : "It was to the Jedi traitor Malak. It was to the Jedi traitor Revan." This is stupid at that point and has no sense. The VO for the same StrRef 49289 says: “When you risk pain or death, there is no truer sacrifice or strength.” The VO's content fit well in the dialog and has sense. I suggest replacing the content of subtitle 49289, in dialog.tlk, to be the same than the content of the VO attached to it, the VO being right and the subtitle being false. Regarding the content "It was to the Jedi traitor Malak. It was to the Jedi traitor Revan.", it is used at the right place latter. It has nothing to do in 49289. StrRef 49308 <=> VO gblhandmaiden011 This StrRef says: “Yes. The methods you use to meet your opponent speak truer than any words can express. When you risk pain or death, there is no truer sacrifice or strength.” The second part of this subtitle is already part of the previous suggest and is useless. The VO for the same StrRef 49308 says: “Yes. The methods you use to meet your opponent speak truer than any words can express." This fit well in the dialog and has sense. I suggest replacing the content of 49308, in dialog.tlk, to be the same than the content of the VO attached to it. ___________________________ Anyway, that's exactly the problem with the French. I do not have the English VOs to test but, I have the English dialog.tlk and the English StrRef 49289 starts with "It was to the Jedi traitor Malak. It was to the Jedi traitor Revan." wich is false. Suggested English 49308 = “Yes. The methods you use to meet your opponent speak truer than any words can express.” Instead of “Yes. The methods you use to meet your opponent speak truer than any words can express. When you risk pain or death, there is no truer sacrifice or strength.” 49289 = “When you risk pain or death, there is no truer sacrifice or strength.” Instead of “It was to the Jedi traitor Malak. It was to the Jedi traitor Revan.” (This last sentence, as a good subtitle used at the right place, is 117149 at E66) Suggested French 49308 = “Oui. Les méthodes que vous utilisez pour affronter vos adversaires sont plus révélatrices que vos paroles.” Au lieu de “Oui. Les méthodes que vous utilisez pour affronter vos adversaires sont plus révélatrices que vos paroles. Il n'existe pas de force, pas de sacrifice qui soit plus grand que le fait de risquer la mort.” 49289 = “Il n'existe pas de force, pas de sacrifice qui soit plus grand que le fait de risquer la mort.” Au lieu de “Si, pour Malak et Revan, tous deux traîtres à l'Ordre Jedi.” (Cette dernière phrase, en tant que bon soutitre utilisé au bon endroit, est 117149 à E66). Status Pending In context : [*](80) Unused dialog options in dialogs.bif\handmaiden.dlg (With TSLRCM Override\handmaiden.dlg) R220 and R555 seem to never be reached. 49394 “If I fought Atris, then that might make the truth come out?” 49249 “Perhaps. It may prove truer than conversing with words.” 49250 “In battle, the words are swept away, giving way to actions - mercy, sacrifice, anger, fear. These are pure moments of expression.” Status Pending In context : [*](81) Status Pending In context : A list, in several parts. Points 1 to 80 Points 81 to 186 Points 187 to ... TTLan
  21. Yes. The gesture of putting on head the hoods of robes. And, why not, the oposite gesture : remove the hood.
  22. Is there something feasible? I think it's a too hard job but... Four bugs in three cinematics TelMov01.bik Dock 2 instead of 1 Someone walking there while magcon field open TelMov02.bik Dock 2 instead of 1 TelMov03.bik Someone walking there while magcon field open
  23. The question is in the title : putting the hood of robes. I've been asked many times for that. Is there something done? Is there something feasible?