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About Yoohoovoice

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  1. modsync is amazing, I highly recommend it. I have a 150ish mod build. It just allows me to fresh install so easily if there is an incompatibility. I updated the changes.ini for remove orange tint. It works now. It is how install folder and modules is referenced in the changes.ini. changes.ini
  2. I get an odd error when I attempt to install Cathalann Improvement Project. Tried tsl patcher and holopatcher setting and modsync and swapping the actual .exe. Same reference error. Not sure if it originates with the mod or modsync so posted comment there also. https://deadlystream.com/files/file/2570-cathalan-improvement-project
  3. Getting a weird error when I try to install this mod with ModSync. I am not sure if the error originates with the mod or Modsync, so I am commenting on Modsync page also. As a work around I have just been making Modsync run or execute, but it should just auto install the mod. For now I have to point the mod at tslpatchdata and game directory. https://deadlystream.com/files/file/2317-kotormodsync
  4. I was hoping to edit the changes.ini to make it so that Kreia is not allowed to change from this default outfit. I believe that is set in the .utc file just like Mandalore cannot change armor. I tried to utilize Kreia's assorted robe mod, but it appears that Kreia is hardcoded to have only one appearance. The scripts used in that mod to change her models and appearance in game are rather buggy. I would rather just swap out .tga files if I want to change her appearance. I would like something built in game that makes it so I cannot fit Kreia with a bunch of different robes so that it actually fits with the game. I am not sure why Obsidian did not design it this way by default because they already did that with Mandalore. I feel like your mod is essential to that idea though because it makes it so the default clothing is not useless so it is reasonable for her to be stuck in something. Perhaps if you make the change you can release it as an addon for your mod. I think it is only one line the changes.ini that makes it so Kreia is stuck in the clothing you set for her. Then if people want to change the stats of Kreia's default clothing, they can change the .uti file. Not sure what I would change Kreia's permanent clothing stats to. I never felt she was very charismatic, but that is my personal opinion.
  5. 3 Features I would like added if they are not added already. If they are already added I would appreciate support finding them. 1. A setting to tell HoloPatcher to not make Backup and Uninstall Folders. With ModSync, I do not really need Backup and Unistall Folders. I wrote some simple .bat scripts to delete them in my mod directory and subdirectories as a temporary solution to save space, but I would prefer not to do the read/write in the first place. Backup and Uninstall folder is essential when manually installing the mods, but with mod sync I just do a full re-install so easily. It would also make the process faster because now those folders do not need to be created and files do not need to be backed up. I have tried the original method of editing change.ini that TSLPatcher used, but HoloPatcher appears to be set to do this by default. This may be something more to address with the HoloPatcher.exe so I am going to reach out to the developer too to see if he can release an alternative version of Holopatcher that does not backup/unistall or can add the feature to read the change.ini. 2. Make defined windows borders if possible. The program works fine without them, but sometimes when I am in the thick of managing a bunch of mods the window slides around. 3. I have been managing the mod install order by numbering my mod folder then adding them to modsync. I realize there are a bunch of features in Modsync so that the actual add numbered order is irrelevant, but I just find it confusing to manage that way. I prefer it in the numbered order that I install it in. When I press "add a mod" the mod is added to the end of the list creating a new entry in the toml file at the end/bottom. I would like the feature that inserts the entry based on what mod I have currently selected. I suppose beneath the mod I have selected makes the most sense but either insert the new mod addition above or below the mod I have currently selected. Perhaps a separate insert button or just make this the default way to add mods. My temporary workaround has been editing the toml file in Notepad++. It is easier to copy and paste the entries than it is to move them up or down with the arrows in ModSync unless it is only a few spaces needed to move.