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About vorynsdagoth

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    Jedi Initiate

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    Love this mod. I've a penchant for playing as Twi'lek characters, and I greatly enjoy the variety of choices. No issues in-game for me and, as a little treat, it seems the author even tweaked the dancing so that, when you're helping Lyn in the Lower City, as least as a female, your character dances like a Twi'lek instead of doing the awkward teenage shuffle. It's the little details that make my day like that sometimes.
    I've hated the canon appearance of these armours since I first played the game upon its release, and I've also always loved the appearance of the Onderon clothing, so this mod was perfect for me. Thank you!
  1. I'm honestly not sure. I don't think I clicked on anything the first time, but I think I must have, because it worked when I reloaded and ensured I didn't click on anything. I've been playing this game for decades though, and this wasn't my first playthrough with the K1 Community Patch, so perhaps it is just a fluke.
  2. I know this is two years later, but I encountered this issue as well. I'm a chronic over-saver, though, and after reading through the patch notes linked here, I reloaded and ensured I didn't click anything before the door's scripted opening, which seemed to work. I didn't think I'd clicked on anything the first time, but who knows; regardless, reloading the save and waiting for the door to open on its own successfully triggered the cutscene. If anyone else encounters this issue, I hope this response helps.