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About ViktoriaLanders

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    Jedi Initiate

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  1. i_mask_011.mdl/mdx have been causing the game to crash on Telos. Deleting them seems to have fixed the problem. I will report if others problems occur later in the walkthrough. AR_ERROR.LOG
  2. View File Name White Crystal Fix Restricts the level 3 White crystal to Light Side users only, as is the case with the other 8 variations of the Name White Crystal. For those wondering, this is not fixed by the TSLRCM or the reddit Full K2 Build. Installation: Unzip the download, then copy & paste the .uti file inside your Override folder. Uninstallation: Delete this .uti file from your Override folder. Submitter ViktoriaLanders Submitted 03/19/2023 Category Mods TSLRCM Compatible Yes  
  3. Version 1.0.0


    Restricts the level 3 White crystal to Light Side users only, as is the case with the other 8 variations of the Name White Crystal. For those wondering, this is not fixed by the TSLRCM or the reddit Full K2 Build. Installation: Unzip the download, then copy & paste the .uti file inside your Override folder. Uninstallation: Delete this .uti file from your Override folder.
  4. It's a shame that this mod is mutually exclusive with everything else because of pfbam.mdl/mdx, including Effix's other underwear mods. It would had been interesting to mix & match. Is it possible to get a pfbam.mdl/mdx-compatible version of the vanilla underwear?