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Everything posted by MrPhil

  1. MrPhil

    Not repairing HK

    If someone choose to completely ignore HK-47 and let him broken (which I wouldn't understand, as he's such a meatbag lover I'd expect nobody could ever get enough....), what would then happen? You wouldn't be able to get to HK manufacture, no? And if you cannot, is it not going to affect the end game (there was something about wether you join the 50's or the 51's...)?
  2. Love the song! This vid teases-us allright, it is going to be nice indeed to see the polished product!
  3. Is "The Battle of Telos Rewrite" going to be compatible with "Malachor VI"?
  4. These 2 are obviously not compatible, 1st because it is already in RCM 1.7, 2nd because it is too big a mod to not conflict with RCM. As for the 3rd, the author told me there shouldn't be any conflict though I haven't tested-it... As for It is wonderfully compatible
  5. Well, the difference is that by the time you are actually meeting with Visquis, you'll get a cinematic that will tell you for sure if you are getting Mira or Hanharr. At least, I think... I only took Hanharr one time and it's been a long time...
  6. I also have access, it seems.
  7. 1st, they are supposed to be expansion not to be added by purists. 2nd, this is in no way linked to what you state. This topic's goal is not to say what is good and what is bad. It is merely attempting to know what is the next step. By the way, if you are anxious as to what RCM's gonna become, maybe you should contemplate this option you have to keep previous versions as to not get "C. Changes, bad", as you put-it.
  8. Hassat, whereas you tought I was speaking about the actual meeting with visquis, I tought about the moment when you decided to go meet with him (while you are speaking with atton and he gives you a medpack, if you want to be precise...)
  9. Well, there are quite a few mods that don't really need installers. I'm speakind about some tga's and .mdl .mdx that replaces another. If they are the ones your speaking about (not all of them of course), that would be okay For the other ones... I don't think you'd be able to release them.
  10. I did get the same thing. However, I had no choice but to override, or else I would have kept the green tint. I'd just like to know if and how that might affect the game?
  11. Hello, could you tell us what's the RCM's team next step? Are there still a lot of bugs for correction? If so, are they going to require a 1.8 version? Are you working more one side projects (maybe on GenoHaradan if LoH's done with the script of is story?)? Do you still plan on working on M4-78 EP some day? Wow, that's a lotta questions
  12. Lol, seems like you found out but yes, this part seems included...
  13. Why 1.6 and not 1.7? This issue might have been fixed in 1.7, so it is generall y just plain better to restart from sratch than continue with an outdated version...
  14. Well, these issues are not related to your mods, but basically, when I try to load into a new area, I'm crashing back to windows without apparent reason, but always at the same place (entering Dantooine sublevel or entering Onderon Palace)
  15. Ah, VP, you know what's sad? I'd just love to test your mods. But Malachor and HK Factory.... I generally get a gamebreaker bug before I get there
  16. Thank you! I'd like to host-it in the download section of this site. How can we do so?
  17. So when you are getting to meet Visquis, if you are neutral or paragor aligned, you'll get Mira. If you are renegade, you'll get Hanharr.
  18. Remove Force Power Restrictions by Armors Works with TSL Patcher, you'll be able to make it work with HLFP and TSL FFM without losing 5 minutes each time (not to mention having to download Kotor Tool and all...)!
  19. Can we use this mod if we install just prior to going to Malachor or do we have to start a whole new game?
  20. The "High Level Force Powers 2.0" mod has been deemed compatible - by itself. Dont forget to patch it to 2.1, to correct bugs that were inside 2.0. Edit from Sith Holocron... Here is the link to the 2.1 update to the "High Level Force Powers 2.0" mod: High Level Force Powers Mod - 2.1 Update Patch You will need the original 2.0 version as well. The link above is only a patch. It corrects bugs and adds a few new force powers.
  21. Yeah, well sometimes it is hard to consider Anderson and Hambly to be canon as well... I think the whole superweapon subject should not have been pushed that far...
  22. Meh, I say lets not consider TFU canon and its way better... Throwing an ISD around is just childish...
  23. Nope, ain't gonna be: While TSL RCM aims to re-create the vision Obsidian had in mind in the begining (or something like that), RoR aims to create a whole new diffrent story. That is why they willn't be compatible.