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Everything posted by MrPhil

  1. Found that here:
  2. MrPhil

    Aliens Redetailed Mod

    Right now, both the skin part of the breast and the fabric look as if they were without texture. Kind of like if they blend with each other (particularly true if you look at pic #8). It would be great if some kind of texture could make the demarcation between more another more obvious. Something like a texture on the fabric. For example, a metal bra (with the metal effect) or maybe something else, I am not too sure. Right now, it feels to me as if the fabric was an extension to the skin: it is too flat. In my opinion, it needs a texture that improve the feeling of a depth between the both of em. Kind of like a bra does. Ever seen a perfectly flat bra? Anyway, there is also the matter of the skin shadows. The whole thing feels unnatural to me, exceptionnally at the cleavage and around the eyes. They look like they tried to put shadow around their eyes and dropped the whole pot there lol, especially the blue one.
  3. Shouldn't the eyes be red or something? And aren't the FENRIS the kind of dog droids? (You'd be working on LOKI Mech...)
  4. MrPhil

    Aliens Redetailed Mod

    If you could work on the Twin Sun's cleavage, which kind of look unnatural at the moment (always bothered me...), that would be a great addon!
  5. The novel was pretty good, actually. The only thing that was bad about the novel is the end. But then it makes sense to have a sith lord betray everything out of cowardice... But I do admit that to make such a shitty end just for the sake of a game was a bit disgusting. It does remind me of the end of the Mass Effect 4th book "Deception", where
  6. Didn't chainz.dll answer?
  7. Yeah, I've seen it always does that... I don't lurk as much as I used to. Too bad he did not have the time to finish-it up to compatible state. But at least, he allowed the others to modify-it!
  8. Any plans on making-it compatible some day? Because, most of us TSL lurkers are probably searching for the game at its "most restored" state. That means if we have to choose between this mod and TSL RCM, we'll probably stick with TSL RCM unless you make-it compatible. I know I did when I had the choice between TSL RCM and M4-78...
  9. After updating graphic driver, it works anew.
  10. I confirm that on windows 8 64-bit, the game is not working. Might have to do with graphic drivers no longer working under 8. Will update about that, but in the meantime, I hate windows 8 more and more
  11. So I'm about to buy-it, and their compatibility shitty program said TSL will NOT be compatible with W8. Anyone verified this?
  12. Can we overwrite the older version with that one?
  13. This and the teeth (Which you can also see)!
  14. Or rather, the G0-T0 Overhaul will have to make itself compatible with this one...
  15. If people are interested, JCCarter found the way to make this work: load the song into audacity, convert to mono and export as .wav. Get the right name to replace the proper wav and voilà!
  16. Yup, that's what I was doing. I'll try 32 bit and report back with results! Edit: no, that didn't cut-it
  17. Okay Zhaboka, so I tried without exporting and failed, so I took audacity, "made-it" a mono and began to import as a RAW, but I need to choose an encoding. Any clue what I should choose?
  18. I was more thinking about these: They'd fit better. And I believe JK 2 DF also had a nice cantina theme...
  19. So I'd like to change the song for myself, but unlike that of Izis, I can't find the .wav for the song, either in the StreamMusic or the sounds.bif. Anybody happens to know what .wav is playing when you get in the Telos cantina, where to find-it and how to modify-it?