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Files posted by Pwener

  1. Upgraded Implants

    When first playing Kotor 1 not too long ago I considered that the implants in the game were lacking some punch. They're rare, can be very expensive and on top of that they require spending feat points to even equip. So I went in and "upgraded" all but two (including the ones added by Yavin Station).
    The two left out are the implants that make the user immune to poison and mind-affecting. These two bonuses are good enough as they are without adding more on top of them.
    These are not meant to be "cheat" items. I consider them to be properly balanced within the vanilla game. Hope they are enjoyed.
    Credits: Kotor Tool by Fred Tetra


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  2. Vandar Silent Dialog Fix (Android)

    During a certain conversation with the Jedi Masters on Dantooine, Master Vandar can speak a line of dialog that is not voiced.
    This is an Android-only bug. It seems whomever was in charge of making each line of voice acting work only with the Android port left this particular line in its PC state which is incompatible with the port, resulting in silence.
    Luckily the line by Vandar is pure fluff and it is the proceeding line by Vrook that moves the conversation forward. My fix? Remove Vandar's silent line. Nothing is lost in the conversation as it will skip Vandar and jump to Master Vrook instead.
    This mod is compatible with "Jedi From The Start" as even though that mod changes a lot of dialog on Dantooine with the Jedi Masters, this particular dialog file for Vandar is not used.
    Credits: Kotor Tool by Fred Tetra, DLG Editor by tk102


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  3. Improved Galaxy Map (Android)

    I present to you one of the few Android-only compatible mods for Kotor 1. You may be thinking one of two things after that statement; what makes this mod only compatible with the Android port or the fact that an improved galaxy map made by Kexikus already exists which places the planets in their Star Wars canon locations. Well as it turns out that mod is incompatible with the Android port because Aspyr used a scaled down version of the "galaxymap.gui" which results in that mod not working properly in the port. Also, the settings on that mod's TSL Patcher have to be changed even if the Aspyr galaxy map is used in that mod's installation. Bottom line; that mod would have to be reworked to function properly with Android Kotor.
    Now that I've covered my bases to avoid any claims of mod theft, I'll proceed to explain the mod.
    First, I don't care much for "canon" placement of the planets. I could have placed them canonically, but I didn't like how most were bunched together on only one side of the map and in a version of the game where most use touch controls it's better to have them neatly separated throught the galaxy map as to avoid touching the wrong one. 
    This mod comes as is and I will most likely not upload a TSL Patcher version. The reason being that many Kotor Android players have no access to a computer and it makes it difficult for them to access some mods.
    Warning: This mod as stated above is meant to be used with the Android port of Kotor 1. Using it on the PC version may result in damage that I cannot be held responsible for.
    Credits: TSL Patcher by Stoffe


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  4. Better Genoharadan Items

    Knights of the Old Republic 1 suffers from an issue where unique items and equipment don't really stack up when compared to generic variants in their class. A waste for items that tend to have unique appearances and icons. The items given by Hulas for the assassinations are a perfect example.
    The Genoharadan items have been upgraded and kept reasonably balanced. But make no mistake, they are some of the best equipment in the game - as they should be. Also, all instances of "GenoHaradan" have been changed to "Genoharadan" and the datapad given to contact Hulas is now called "Shady Datapad."
    If you use the "High Quality Blasters" mod by Sithspecter (and why wouldn't you be) then only use the "geno_blaster.uti" file inside the "High Quality Blasters" folder. Otherwise the Genoharadan Blaster will not appear with its unique appearance.
    Credits: Kotor Tool by Fred Tetra


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  5. Nicer Lower City Puzzle Rewards

    There are two puzzles in the two apartment complexes located in the lower city of Taris. Each complex contains a puzzle the player can figure out to gain some basic rewards. Too basic if you ask me. This mod changes these rewards to be more substantial and worth the hassle, especially on repeat playthroughs where the solution has been memorized.
    The trivia puzzle contains a breathing mask only available at the end of the game, and then only in one of two ending paths. The mask is not even that great when compared to equipment available in the midgame. The Twisted Rancor Trio puzzle now contains the rare Yusanis Dueling Shield, perfect for use in the arena. Both also contain the armors that are originally granted for completing the puzzles along with stacks of credits. The credits are of special note if using the "Tougher Merchants" mod by koaandl.
    As an added bonus I also removed the 'quest item' tag from "The Twisted Rancor Trio" datapad. Normally the game removes all quest items obtained on Taris after leaving the planet with the exception of this datapad. An oversight by the original developers no doubt. Without the tag you can take it, read it and then be rid of it.
    This mod had to be implemented through modification of the module files directly because of file name sharing. This mod also comes as is and not in TSL Patcher form for the benefit of Android users. It would likely be incompatible with K1R so there really is no point for a patcher version.
    Installation: Drop both module files into the "modules" folder and overwrite (I recommend making backups) the originals inside if prompted to. For Android users you must create a folder named "modules" in the same directory as your mod override folder on your device if you don't already have said folder.
    Credits: Kotor Tool by Fred Tetra, TSL Patcher by Stoffe


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  6. Korriban Sith Uniform Fixes

    There are some mods out there that change the uniforms of the Sith on Korriban to robes, but I myself like this incarnation of the Sith being a bit more "modern-looking." But there are some inconsistencies. Mainly, some students wearing uniforms that would only be worn by higher ranked Sith. The same goes for some masters like Uthar and Jorak which are wearing uniforms identical to the students when met even though Uthar later wears much more flashy attire appropriate to his station as head of the academy.
    My fixes correct certain students wearing uniforms they should not, keeping Yuthura in the unique uniform she wears when first meeting her in the cantina and giving Uthar the same treatment for when you first meet him. I also went ahead and gave Uthar's unique uniform to Jorak, the former head of the academy as he too should not be wearing the common male variant.
    Minor Spoiler: Both of my files for Yuthura are compatible with the mod "Yuthura Sith Eyes with Light Side Transition" as all that mod does is change the alignment of the Yuthura file for Dantooine so she has non-Sith eyes. My Dantooine Yuthura file has her appear with her unique outfit and also has the alignment modification for the mod compatibility. Just prioritize my "dan13_yuthura.utc" file above the one added by that mod.
    Credits: Kotor Tool by Fred Tetra


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