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  1. Unfortunately this appears to break a few items used in Brotherhood of Shadow: Solomon's Revenge, namely the Jedi Crusader Robes and Telana's robes. Unfortunate, but I like this too much to stop using it.
  2. Please do! i havent tested this on a completely fresh playthrough yet as I created right before star map #3 and accidently locked myself out of getting the boolean for IJuhaniR to properly set to True, but when I manually went in and set that right after completing leviathan the appropriate dialogue did play. As for what changes I made to make this function, well basicslly Juhani’s DLG file and the Dantooine File I included, I went in an alrered every check made by her dialogue to look for a male character instead of a female one when determining whether or not to play her flirty dialogue. Then I went into her script (the hjuh_p17 file) and altered that from looking for = GENDER_FEMALE to GENDER_MALE and that script controls whether Juhani’s romance can activate near as I can tell theres no reason it shouldnt work as I compared rhe syntax against other scripts that make use of the GENDER flag. I included two versions of the script, one which has been compiled and one which hasnt since I’m not sure which one is needed. Anyway, if you find any planetary unique dialogue that I missed, please inform me so I can try to fix it.
  3. View File Juhani Male Romance A simple mod that goes in and tweaks the character flags for Juhani's dialogue file, her section of the Dantooine Grove dialogue file, and her scipt that allows a male PC to romance her. She'll still refer to the PC as female since splicing audio is far beyond my capabilities, but I took the time to do this, and as far as I'm aware, the only other file that ever attempted to do this is broken. Installation is simple and just requires moving the files to the Override folder. The only mods that might conflict would be those that edit Juhani's dialogue, her scripts, or one particular file for Dantooine (though I'm not aware of any mods that also alter this file.) Maybe one day I'll be good enough to make use of the TSLPatcher. Many thanks to @ebmar and @DarthParametric for answering a couple questions I had that without which this mod would have not been possible. Submitter LordCybot Submitted 01/03/2022 Category Mods K1R Compatible Yes  
  4. Version 1.0.0


    A simple mod that goes in and tweaks the character flags for Juhani's dialogue file, her section of the Dantooine Grove dialogue file, and her scipt that allows a male PC to romance her. She'll still refer to the PC as female since splicing audio is far beyond my capabilities, but I took the time to do this, and as far as I'm aware, the only other file that ever attempted to do this is broken. Installation is simple and just requires moving the files to the Override folder. The only mods that might conflict would be those that edit Juhani's dialogue, her scripts, or one particular file for Dantooine (though I'm not aware of any mods that also alter this file.) Maybe one day I'll be good enough to make use of the TSLPatcher. Many thanks to @ebmar and @DarthParametric for answering a couple questions I had that without which this mod would have not been possible.
  5. I dont think Kreia would spoil the Revelation to Revan for two main reasons. Kreia is much more the type of person to watch something play out than actively interfere. I could see her dropping vague cryptic comments that in retrospect upon the Revelation would make sense, but never outright telling Revan who he truly is. The second reason is because as Kreia says, the mindwipe allowed the True Revan to once again resurface, the one that was untainted by all that he had experienced in the Mandalorian Wars and out in the Unknown Regions, and I cant really see her doing something to jeopardize what she views as the true self of her most prized pupil.
  6. Thankyou, I'm looking through the file and it makes many references to a script called k_hjuh_p16 for determining conversation eligiblity. It looks to be the script that determines whether Juhani's romance has actually been activated, do you know of how I could find this script? Apologies for bothering you. Nevermind, I figured it out. Its been nearly two years since I've touched KOTOR tool and it been an experience relearning things.
  7. I'm trying to crack open the k_hjuh_dialog.dlg file to flip the script that checks the player character gender when allowing/disabling her romance subplot, but I cant seem to get it to open, I've tried using the conversation editor and nothing comes up when I open the file. I'm not sure what I'm doing wrong, does anyone know what I'm doing wrong or a tutorial for doing so? Attached below is the file. Maybe someone can tell me if the file is busted somehow or something? k_hjuh_dialog.dlg
  8. Man, cant believe its been two years already. Ah well, continuing to hope that we'll see a release. Do you have any more information or previews on the mod's scope/content you can share?
  9. this is VERY VERY cool, and I'll definitely be using it when its released.
  10. I've recently got back intor KOTOR1 but have decided that short of using various Revan's Robes mods, there are no solid Sith apparel in the game, so I decided to simply backport a mod I made for TSL into KOTOR, which uses the Sith Lord from Dxun model. Unfortunately the armor currently disguises me as a Bith (which while hilarious is unintended.) Is there any thorough guides on porting armor/models from TSL into KOTOR or anyone who could help me with it? I understand this is probably an unusual request but I would appreciate the help nonetheless!
  11. Apologies, but is there a detailed tutorial on how to do this anywehere? Also, since I'm trying to create a new armor and not edit an existing appearence do I need to make new entries in the appearance.2da?
  12. Apologies, but is there a detailed tutorial on how to do this anywehere? Also, since I'm trying to create a new armor and not edit an existing appearence do I need to make new entries in the appearance.2da?
  13. Hey everyone, I was just curious if it would be possible for me to port an armor I made for K2back to K1. And if it is, if there's any steps I have to take to make sure animations and physics models transfer properly.
  14. SUCCESS!! I set the item's base type as Disguise in the KOTOR Tool and it works now!! Thanks for the help everyone
  15. Hm. Through further experimentation, I've learned that the crash only occurs when the disguise is applied and I attempt to put on armor/clothing. As I test I attached the disguise property to an armband and a rebreather mask, both of those work fine (though the rebreather mask variant will have the disguise on andthe breath mask over it so it looks weird.) so long as I do not equip armor. I can even have both of them equipped at the same time. Weapons and other things work fine as well. My working theory now is that, I believe the crash occurs because when I attempt to put on the armor with a disguise property the game is attempting to load both the disguise model and the base player model at the same time, and basically cant figure out what to do so it strokes out. I figure you're probably not trying to actively help with this anymore and thats fine but I would appreciate it if you could atleaast tell me your thoughts and if that sounds plausible. So yeah.