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Everything posted by jjo

  1. LoH did mention that he wrote a script for the plot and recruited (is recruiting?) voice actors. He never really mentioned how extensive his script was, I don't think. But I think I read somewhere on here that there's only about 30% of the Genoharadan plot in the game files.
  2. A little heads-up: killing innocent people in front of Handmaiden does cause you to lose influence with her unless you have Kreia in your party. If that's the case, you'll lose influence with Kreia and instead of being angry, Brianna will be confused and you'll actually gain influence with her. Someone had similar experiences and referred to it as the "Kreia effect". I never really put much stock into it until my last playthrough because I'm pretty sure I tried testing it with Bao-Dur and Kreia after reading about it, but I just ended up losing influence with both of them. My first couple of playthroughs, I wouldn't give the Disciple a lightsaber and equipped him with two pistols instead. But I love lightsabers and think Star Wars just wouldn't be Star Wars without them. When a Jedi wields one, it inspires hope because they use lightsabers to protect. When a Sith wields one, it creates terror because they use lightsabers for destruction. In both instances, they represent power - for Jedi, the power to save life and for Sith, the power to destroy it. Also, lightsabers make cool noises. And can be colorful. I never like equipping HK with pistols for some reason. I always give him a rifle. But maybe I'll break away from my traditions and try him with dual blaster pistols next playthrough. But after I find the Multispectral Emitter in the HK factory, I don't use the ranged weapon(s) at all. I love that thing. It's like Force Lightning for droids.
  3. You're welcome. Also, I don't think you have to start a new game if you have a save from before you fought the Handmaiden sisters. If you don't, though, you probably do have to start over.
  4. I know for sure they're not both bronze lightsabers. I didn't realize the .uti files were needed since I thought those were associated with cyan. I'll go try again! As an aside, Oldflash has a g_w_lghtsbr06.uti file that I've got in my Override. Would that conflict with this mod in any way? EDIT: Installing those .uti files and switching out the crystals worked. Thanks for your help.
  5. Thanks, but it didn't work. But I'm pretty sure that's due to the fact that I tried to use parts of your mod and parts of Oldf'lash's replacement hilts at the same time. Even though I removed all of the files associated with the orange and bronze lightsabers from his mod and put yours in instead, the two colors stayed the same. Bummer.
  6. Did you start a second fight with the Handmaiden sisters after you had been defeated one time? I think doing that can cause this bug to happen.
  7. Oh man, I remember that. Brianna has a fit even if you lie and say you'll help Azkul. I enjoyed her rage. Kreia, meanwhile, will praise you for being manipulative (of course). Haha, I'm kind of a dummy. I never really thought about setting any of my companions on Ranged since I mainly have them use melee weapons or lightsabers once they become Jedi. I like the in-your-face style of fighting (which is a big reason why I don't use droids super often since they can only used ranged weapons). But I do usually set Disciple, Visas, and Kreia on Jedi Support. I had a real hard time the first time I sent HK-47 into the HK factory. I hadn't leveled him up very well because I didn't realize he'd go into the factory by himself and I used every single grenade, shield, and repair kit before I was halfway through. I ended up changing the difficulty level to easy and just running out of the factory without destroying any of the reactivated HK-51s. Ah, good times. Have fun! Also, I never noticed that devil smiley before. It's kind of unsettling.
  8. Not sure if I did something wrong, but bronze and orange still look the same to me. Now they're both just changed to the color I assume is supposed to be bronze.
  9. Droids always got the short end of the stick in the KOTOR games (with the exception of HK-47, maybe, but I'm not sure how many people actually like using him in combat). Even I favor my human companions over my droid ones. But T3-M4 is actually a pretty good fighter with the right upgrades and equipment for both games. TSL even more so than KOTOR since he gets the unlimited shield and regeneration unit. In KOTOR, T3-M4 would be good once he leveled up enough and had a sufficiently high dexterity. It's kind of the same in TSL; I wouldn't recommend using him to shoot anything until he levels up quite a bit. But if you keep him in the back of your party while your two human companions rush to meet enemies in melee combat and use his shock arm, he's super useful. I almost always used HK-47 in my party when I played DS in KOTOR, but I didn't use him much in TSL until I downloaded the Droid Enhancement Mod. And I basically never use G0-T0 except for very briefly in Onderon because I'm not a big fan of his. I always feel like he's basically just an asshat version of T3. He has kind of a cool back story, but... Kind of random, but were there any female droids in KOTOR? No, right? I know in TSL there's that one Pazaak-playing droid that's female, but I think that's it...
  10. You realize that the Exile's lightsaber is canonically cyan, right? So colors outside of the "traditional" ones aren't just "idiot colours for anime."
  11. I like taking T3-M4 into Freedon Nadd's tomb. Used the shock arm to attack enemies and he basically went through the whole tomb unscathed. And that was before I downloaded the Droid Enhancement Mod. I think G0-T0 is the only party member I've never sent into the tomb (outside of Kreia, who has to go with you to Onderon). Hm. Maybe I'll try that next playthrough.
  12. I don't know much about modding, but I know .mdx and .mdl are model files. I've mostly noticed them in lightsaber mods and various appearance mods (if you want to investigate, I remember off the top of my head that there's .md* files in Oldflash's Lightsaber Replacement Hilts and Marius Fett's Cyan Lightsaber Fix; there's also Shem's Invisible Headgear for TSL). Achilles discusses them a little in his Saber Tutorial. Sorry I couldn't be of more help.
  13. Sorry, man. But I guess no one can complain that TSL doesn't have replay value. I know I've played it at least 10 times within the last 3 months. I have over 60 save games. For me, the Handmaiden/Visas cutscenes weren't as fun as the Atton/Mical cutscenes on the Ebon Hawk. But that may be because I like Brianna better than I like Mical (but Visas is one of my favorite characters, so...). Actually, I think Handmaiden and Visas only have one cutscene, which I enjoyed. There's more Handmaiden/Kreia scenes. I did, however, really like the conversation in which Brianna got mad at me. And afterward, you can talk to Atton about it.
  14. Hmm...I dunno. I think I'm the only TSL player who actually doesn't have much interest in USM (perfectly happy with Oldflash's replacement hilts). But it'd be cool for Kaah to have his own distinct lightsaber as long as USM wasn't required to play M4-78. I hope that made sense.
  15. I believe there has to be a huge disparity again. My influence with Visas was at 100 whereas my influence with Handmaiden was at 0. Like the Atton/Disciple fight, you should have seen cutscenes on the Ebon Hawk between Visas and Handmaiden as well as Handmaiden and Kreia. Additionally, I had a conversation on the Ebon Hawk with Handmaiden after a couple of those cutscenes and she was veritably pissed off at me for being nicer to Visas than her. After that, she refused to talk to me for the rest of the game. As a result, I couldn't Jedify her (I could be wrong but I believe you can only Jedify Brianna if you have high influence with her, not low). I think all that has to happen to trigger the fight on Malachor.
  16. Hmm. I can't remember if this is exclusive to the restored content or not, but the fact that HK-47 states he is built after the Mandalorian Wars bothers me. I remember in KOTOR that his final story (unlocked after repairing his memory core several times) pertained to him being sent into space to assassinate Mandalore who reprogrammed HK. But if he was constructed after the Mandalorian Wars, there wouldn't have been a Mandalore to assassinate. Ah, a video.So yeah. That doesn't add up to me.
  17. I think I read somewhere that Bastila will have a rather sizable role if Revan is set as male in RoR. Is Carth Onasi going to have a large role if Revan is set to LSF? Is he going to show up in the game at all if Revan is set to male?
  18. Probably either Darth Vader or R2-D2, primarily for nostalgic reasons. They were my favorites as a kid. Darth Vader was always the ultimate badass (largely thanks to James Earl Jones' voice) who could still ultimately be redeemed. And I always wanted R2 to be my robot buddy. He knew what was up. Also, he set those other droids on fire in Revenge of the Sith. And flew. That was (and still is, to me) super awesome.
  19. My game crashes pretty frequently when I visit Onderon for the first time. It always crashes when I try to enter the Merchant Quarter. Having only 2 members (Exile and Mandalore) usually helps me get past it.
  20. Ah, bummer. Hope everything goes well with your reinstall.
  21. Oh haha, okay. I thought T3 scared HK-47 into submission somehow and HK was just pretending not to know anything about the navicomputer. But it makes more sense that T3 modified him. As for plotholes, the reason why the Exile returned from known space bothered me as well. I know Atris leaked out information of her return to the Sith, but that doesn't explain why the Exile returned. She was somehow lured back by Atris? How? What would possibly lure the Exile back? And as mentioned above, how are Kreia and Brianna able to leave Dantooine without the Ebon Hawk? This isn't really a plothole, but it kind of bothered me how the Exile was frequently clueless. But I guess super powerful =/= most astute.
  22. jjo

    Droid Planet 2011

    Oooooh. I like it so far, besides the red/blue light thing on the console. Looks like it'll match your Visual Enhancement 2011 well (one of my favorite mods). Good work!
  23. This is kind of an old topic, but I'd kind of like to contribute my two cents. I've never been a big fan of the Disciple. He's grown on me a bit, but I didn't care for him at all the first time I played through TSL. He kind of creeps me out, actually. I could be wrong, but I got the feeling that the Disciple had a crush on the (female) Exile since before the Mandalorian Wars. And I felt like he left the Jedi Order primarily because the girl he had a crush on left to go fight and he decided to go off and mope. Nearly a decade later, he meets the Exile again and just invites himself to join her while not being too helpful. All he does is talk about how the Republic is in bad shape and how the Jedi aren't always considered "right" since they're separated from the vast majority. Gee, thank you for telling me what I already know! He mostly creeps me out because he follows the Exile around like a puppy, eternally devoted to her. Except he's not really devoted to her, he's devoted to his idea of her that he's built up over the past decade. That was something I took issue with in TSL in general: how your companions of opposite gender just kind of instantly fell in love with you. I believe that's due to the fact that the Exile is siphoning off of his or her companions' Force connection and it creates a sort of Force bond (which in turn causes a greater feeling of intimacy). But it still bugs me. I loved the romance sidequests in KOTOR (Carth more than Bastila...she always kind of annoyed me with her hoity-toity attitude), but you had to work to get them going and actually have regular conversations with them. I liked how Carth (or Bastila) got to know Revan well and fell in love gradually instead of instantly latching onto Revan and acting like a pathetic puppy following every order due to some sense of "love". I'm not exactly sure how he could be "improved" without drastically changing his character, though. Mical is supposed to be a naive, doe-eyed innocent. I just wish he was less creepy and had more of an independent personality or something.