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Everything posted by DarthKyber

  1. From the album: Work in progress

    Work in progress on tesselating the female NPC Twilek head. Less sharpness and more smooth lekku!
  2. DarthKyber

    Work in progress

    Screenshots of my work in progress.
  3. One thing that I think is an easy win in making KotOR more enjoyable is simply increasing the polycount on the different models. One click to tesselate the head model for the female NPC Twileks dulled the blade-like leeku on her head and made her look incredible. I hope to have a mod for it soon so everyone can enjoy this simple yet really effective mod in making KotOR a more modern looking game to be enjoyed by newcomers and old timers.
  4. Yuthura Ban HD View File With the help of mod creator, Cache71, I decided to finally take the plunge and made my first reskin mod: an HD version of Yuthura Ban. This resin is based on the HD Twilek reskin that Cache71 released earlier this year. I have repurposed one of the textures for my resin with his/her permission. The reskin basically takes one of the HD Twilek textures, changes with the colors, and adds an HD version of the Sith Tattoo that Yuthura has. Making the Sith Tattoo took some time and a lot tweaking to get right. One liberty I took was removing the ugly Darkside veins from her. It just never looked that good on her and was a bit distracting. You can tell from the before and after pics that there is a massive improvement. Submitter DarthKyber Submitted 03/11/2017 Category Skins K1R Compatible  
  5. That's great! I love the Taris mod so far but man.. yeah.. those doors stand out like sore thumb next to your HD textures. Can't wait to see what's next! Are you going to tackle Dantooine after this?
  6. DarthKyber

    Yuthura Ban HD

    Version version 1.0


    With the help of mod creator, Cache71, I decided to finally take the plunge and made my first reskin mod: an HD version of Yuthura Ban. This resin is based on the HD Twilek reskin that Cache71 released earlier this year. I have repurposed one of the textures for my resin with his/her permission. The reskin basically takes one of the HD Twilek textures, changes with the colors, and adds an HD version of the Sith Tattoo that Yuthura has. Making the Sith Tattoo took some time and a lot tweaking to get right. One liberty I took was removing the ugly Darkside veins from her. It just never looked that good on her and was a bit distracting. You can tell from the before and after pics that there is a massive improvement.
  7. I love the Endar spire mod and the pictures on the Taris mod are amazing! How's progress, Thunder3?
  8. Can you use the TSL Patcher for this so it doesn't override my other mods?
  9. Can you make this using the TSL Patcher because it will conflict with a lot of other mods out there.