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Everything posted by DarthParametric

  1. I can see the similarity with Bastila's in-game clothes model. You could probably make a retexture of it pretty close to that. The head seems like it has some sort of topknot ponytail.
  2. The only problem with that - hence why I deleted it - is that the trial scene is from just after Malachor, before the events of K1. So Vandar would still be alive at that point regardless.
  3. According to Wookieepedia: and http://starwars.wikia.com/wiki/Attack_on_Dantooine_(Jedi_Civil_War) Although all that is irrelevant anyway I guess, as the Council recording took place before K1.
  4. It's reasonably straightforward to add a bit of alien variety if you want. Aside from the heads in JC's pack, I can probably dig into my garbage pile for something more exotic if you are willing to do some texturing.
  5. It's included as part of the TSL Holowan Plugin: http://www.jumpstationz.com/index.htm?http&&&www.jumpstationz.com/Darkkender/HolowanPlugin.htm Achilles also has his own site, although I don't see that particular mod on it: http://www.freewebs.com/achilles01/
  6. You don't need MDLOps to change textures. A hex edit will suffice. If the head is not working then you did something wrong. Btw, I would place a copy of the relevant MDX in the Override folder alongside the edited MDL. Sometimes the game can be a bit screwy if you don't. Of course if the character uses a unique texture then you don't even need to touch the model. Just put an edited copy of the texture in the Override and keep the name the same.
  7. The DS ending is interesting. Unlike the arena level, it doesn't actually have any sprites as part of the level that I can see. There is a model comprised of null/dummy objects in the layout of where the droids/people are standing. I gather that sprites are spawned at these locations, but I can't see a script or the like where this is done. Someone more familiar with levels than me might have to explain it. The module is STUNT_55a/stunt_unktemp. The level models are m44ad_01x (skydome), m44ad_01a (level geometry), stuntroom44ad (crowd dummy objects). Edit: To clarify, k_scene_start seems like the most promising source to spawn in the crowd, but it doesn't seem like it is doing so as far as I can make out. I can't decompile it, but looking at the pcode it seems like it is just spawning in Bastila and the PC, then starting the conversation. The other scripts control the Sith officers walking between waypoints, starting the end credits sequence playback, etc., but there's nothing apparent that spawns in the crowd.
  8. I figured using the Lite models would be the best approach, seeing as they are already a single full body mesh. This is exactly the sort of purpose they exist for. They are far enough away (and you are presumably busy enough fighting) that you wouldn't really notice the lower detail. They are certainly a hell of a lot better than the existing billboard approach. The problem is there aren't really any decent existing animations. Aside from "victory", which is the weird one arm pump thing, there's no cheering or celebrating animations that I can see.
  9. I saw mention of this over on Reddit and poked around in the level model. Part of the problem is that the crowd are midgets - they are only about 1/3 to 1/2 the height of a an actual NPC model, presumably to create an artificial sense of scale. And obviously the textures are horribly low res. The crowd are just textured planes, but they are set up in an odd fashion. They have a flipbook animation, but they are split between separate planes and textures for head/torso/right arm/left arm. I didn't actually see them moving when I did a quick in-game check at the start of a match. Do they only start moving at the end of a match? I saw a bunch of FX nodes in the level model so I would guess that is how it is controlled in that case. I figured the best approach would be to get rid of the planes and add some real NPCs. Because there are about 200 plane meshes, that's way too much work to hex edit the render flags, so the easiest approach is to replace the textures with alpha'd out ones. That gives a clean slate to work with: I also tried editing the grandstand meshes to flatten out the angle of the floor and give a bit more room height-wise, but Taina's Replacer choked on the MDX edit, so no luck with that atm. I'm unsure what the best way to go with adding NPCs is. Create a placeable maybe?
  10. I can't actually load the animation track (MDLOps ), but looking at the model without anims, it looks to me like they just swap between three static poses. The two not being used are hidden under the floor. I haven't played it for a while, so I can't remember exactly what happens, but they probably mask the transition with VFX.
  11. It's straightforward enough to edit UVs to allow for differently textured hands, I just figured it would be easier finding an existing model already mapped that way. Edit: Btw, the exact model the OP really wants is available, if anyone is willing to skin it for KOTOR.
  12. It's fine. The Canderous Idle 01 is just standing still breathing. Idle 02 he does a stretch. The only difference is the head doesn't move as much in idle 02 when paired with a player head. I doubt anyone would notice unless they knew what to look for (not to mention you have to sit there watching it for 5 minutes waiting for it to pop).
  13. There should be zero problems. It references the S_Female02 supermodel, just like all the other player bodies, it simply overrides the two idles from S_Male02. I was thinking of scaling it to the match S/M/L heights, but, you know, MDLOps.
  14. Ahah, that's it, thanks DeadMan. But yes, the hands are not mapped separately, as you say. I must have been thinking about a different model. Edit: For the Canderous clothes, that's a simple 2DA edit for Caucasian and Asian characters, with an additional texture tweak for black characters. Here you go: http://dpmods.wheb.org/files/kotor/k1/%5BK1%5D_Canderous_Player_Clothes.7z I did try switching the underwear model as well, but there is too much of an obvious mismatch in skin colouration without extensively tweaking the textures (probably for each individual head).
  15. Did Deadman (or anyone else) make a K1 port of those HapSlash Jedi Academy movie robes, or just TSL? They have separately mapped hands as I recall, so would be a good candidate for a hand reskin. Edit: I can see a reskin of the model I am talking about (ROTS Anakin I gather), so from the pics it seems a K1 version exists, but he doesn't link to the source mod (despite it being a requirement).
  16. Not completely. The PFBII03 texture I mentioned previously is close. You could rename some copies PMBI01 to PMBI04 and PFBI01 to PFBI04 and put them in K1's Override folder.
  17. Yeah I had a look, couldn't find him. All his mods appear via the Gamefront Archiver it would seem, and a search on the forums returned no member named Prime.
  18. Despite paying to keep the domain/hosting running, it doesn't look like he has been active on his site for a few years (and the main site going back to 2011), and I couldn't see signs of him being a member here.
  19. It looks to me like it might be the PFBII03 texture from the Movie Jedi Robes and Armours for TSL, but with the hands/forearms replaced with gloves/gauntlets from a different texture.
  20. Not seeing that specific texture at a quick glance. I wonder if it was something he cobbled together himself from multiple textures. It looks like the elements might be scattered across multiple Prime robe mods. Seems like a job for you admin types to fix then.
  21. I don't mind the look of that. If you are using Max, I'd advise turning on backface culling in the object properties of each mesh for renders though. Those robe/skirt bits look pretty nasty without it.
  22. I noticed that seph6 asked a question about it on the vibrosword mod's page that he got the image from. Dunno if there was also PMing going on.
  23. Hrm, looks like it has extended butt flaps, gauntlets, boots. I grabbed that Prime one I linked and had a look, and that is a different model (well different modification of the same source model) as Seikan said.
  24. That would be this one presumably: http://www.nexusmods.com/kotor/mods/673/ Edit: On closer inspection, it's not that one. Prime has some other robe mods as well: http://warpedproductions.echonetwork.net/gamemods.html#kotor
  25. In the meantime, one solution is a remap to try and hide the seams as much as possible, such as I have suggested previously: Assuming of course you are willing to deal with the destruction of the original skin weights that accompanies it.