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About ShazzyZang21

  • Rank
    Jedi Initiate
  • Birthday 01/31/1992

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    Music and Star Wars. That's about it.

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  1. That definitely gives me a path forward. An alternate supermodel set would help a lot. I've done some model editing before but I'm certainly no expert. I'll follow the mod resource too, in case you upload that. In the meantime, I'll probably see if I can figure out how to create that myself. If nothing else, I may learn from it. Thank you both. I should comment on things more often rather than just trying to lone-wolf everything. XD
  2. I see. I'm definitely in over my head then. lol I also just learned something else that makes this task more complicated too though. I'm using DarthParametric's Revan Flowing Robes mod, which uses Sithspecter's Flowing Cape and Belt Fix mod, and it seems to completely bypass the supermodels and still uses the old run animations. I guess it's tied into the models from the Flowing Fix mod. That's definitely not something I'm capable of doing myself. I might have to scrap most of this idea altogether.
  3. Understood. I just realized that myself. I don't know why I never noticed before. I guess how well Juhani's clothes were functioning just made it far more obvious. I'm trying to see if I can find a way to combine this mod (or more specifically the modder's resource one), Kainzorous Prime's Prequel Robes and the vanilla ones to give the game multiple robe models. Initially I wanted to try to attach these animations to just these robes and try to use the original animations for everything else, simply because I prefer the movement animations from the first game over the second, but 1. I'm not sure if that's even possible and 2. seeing how well this mod works with Juhani's clothes kinda has me liking it better. I'm still trying to figure out how I want to approach this. Prime's Robes seemed to function fine with these supermodels, they don't have flaps so I don't see any reason why they wouldn't, but I haven't tested the vanilla ones. Considering the fact that Sith officers have a different stance than everyone else, I'd find it strange if the animations for different clothes can't be made unique, but I might be in over my head on this one. Regardless, I'm going to keep watch of this in case you ever work on Bastila again and whatever I accomplish through combination, nothing will be released without permissions.
  4. Bastila's clothing model doesn't seem to function properly with these supermodels. Similar to Juhani's clothes without their fix, the robe flaps are stiff.
  5. Nicolas Cage Approves.

  6. These look really good. The Geonosian Electrostaff looks great. I might download. Side-note: Where did you get that armour? It looks awesome! Side-note of a side-note: I totally posted this comment to ask about the armour. Though this mod does still look good.