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Status Updates posted by Mephiles550

  1. They're remaking Kotor and it's a PS5 exclusive?

    That's wonderful news. Ain't getting it.

    It's a pain in the ass just trying to find a PS5 to buy anyway.

    Hopefully it'll be brought to PC quickly after launch. 

    1. bendarby24


      Its also coming to PC.

  2. Did the Ancient Sith Species have any hair at all before the arrival of the Dark Jedi exiles on Korriban? "Sith purebloods" is a concept that I keep seeing both with and without hair on their head, but I usually see it referring only to members of the Sith species who are bald. IDK the lore of TOR, so how does this work?

    1. Nevrius


      If I remember correctly, the very ancient Sith Purebloods - prior to Ajunta&co arriving - didn't have any hair. The hair only came thanks to interspecies relationships.

      These ancient Sith for the most part also only had three fingers on each hand, if memory serves right, but don't take my word on that one.

  3. Question about Kotor 2 for Switch and TSLRCM:
    I believe that the Jedi Padawan (Kaevee) you find in the Dantooine sublevel controlling the laegreks has her lines recorded by a fan and was not content technically restored.

    If this is going to be included in the Kotor 2 "DLC", how will crediting work? Is the voice actress aware of this situation? 

    And if this is not a problem, would it be too far fetched to then say that M478 could have been added to the Switch game despite the quantity of fan recorded dialogue? 

    1. zbyl2


      m478 will never be added to switch 

  4. It's been a while since I did a full light side playthrough on Kotor 2, but I was wondering how feasible it would be to make a mod where the cutscene showing Traya being thrown into the Trayus pit would play at the end of the light side ending? IIRC it's only shown on the dark ending

    I always thought it was fitting for both endings.

    1. DarthParametric


      Should be a simple script edit, though you may also need some DLG editing to have it make sense. Although from memory even in the DS ending the tossing her into the pit thing kind of comes out of nowhere.

  5. I remember seeing a Kotor 1 mod that gave you several force points for your very first level up as a Jedi on Dantooine, but kept point progression regular after that. It wasn't that it just gave you a bunch of points to use for each level up, just the one time.
    Was such a mod ever made or am I losing my mind

    1. ShayOrdo


      Not sure. I mean, there is a 3 feats, 3 Force points mod. 

  6. I miss before Disney took over Star Wars. I do enjoy much of the new content coming out (minus the new trilogy) and I like how Star Wars is considerably more "organized" now if that's the right way to word it, but some of the magic is gone. Besides the Clone Wars being cancelled, I liked the chaotic nature of the Expanded universe. What was canon? What was the timeline? Hell, idk but I loved all of it. It was a mess full of wondrous creativity to explore and Disney will never give us that because they're plans are much more strict.

  7. Thanks to Toasty Fresh's TSL weapons overhaul beta and a couple of weapon models from kotorfiles, I'm pretty close to having every single weapon model in TSL being replaced with a higher quality model. All that's left are a few swords and the Sonic rifles.

  8. Sleheyron's music really is a masterpiece and it fits the area it's used in, the mysterious box, perfectly. It took me by surprise to see that the track belonged to Sleheyron, but I can slowly see why it fits. I also love how it's named "The Unknown World" as a reference to how it was meant to be played for a planet no one saw in the game and never knew the history about until years later.

  9. There's a texture in Kotor called "LKA_Lightbeam666". It goes from 1-5 and then just 666. I laughed.

  10. After a full year of multiple sequels, the only game I enjoy in the Five Nights at Freddy's series is the first one. That one is actually scary, somewhat. The rest just try to hard. FNaF does have a good story though, I'll give it that.

  11. LMAO I just came across this old TSL video. It's something else. I haven't seen this in nearly 5 years. The laughs. XD

  12. Still heavily anticipating Jorak's Taris texture overhaul mod. That'll probably be my mod of the year. I've been yearning for a Taris overhaul that feels similar to the original but still feels different enough to be unique as well.

  13. Well, that definitely eliminates a good chunk of the theories regarding the season pass. I'm betting we're getting Bespin and Dagobah, maybe the Death Star. They don't have much left in the OT.
  14. 2DA files... so messy. Ugh

  15. Lol, Happy Birthday Darth Nihilus!

  16. Really nice of Battlefront to provide a large bonus in credits today. Gave me an excuse to waste time racking up points on a video game instead of working on my finals. Don't know if I regret that or not.

  17. So in Kotor 1 Restoration, when you convince Hurka to take you past the guards after opening the bridge door, are you supposed to be teleported directly behind the airlock next to the room with the Dark Jedi or is my game glitching on me?

  18. Even though I dislike the stories of the newer movies, I absolutely adore the visual aesthetics they're going with these movies now. They're doing Ralph Mcquarrie a great service. The New Order has my favorite designs out of all Star Wars factions.

  19. Oh wow, I didn't expect Kotor II to ever be re-released for Xbox One. That's interesting. I wonder how that'll turn out.

  20. What I think is pretty funny is how the modding community was porting from Kotor 2 to Kotor 1 since the games first came out. I've seen images of HK-47 with his dirty TSL textures ported to Kotor 1 that are over a decade old lol.

  21. It's interesting how the Vertex Objects lightsaber glitch in the TSL Steam update only happens on some maps, and on some maps it can be triggered just from looking at the camera at a different angle, the Onderon Palace is one example.

  22. Could someone port the full Ubese Assassin model from TSL to Kotor 1?

  23. Is it possible to somehow keep the stealth field effect and force vision effect with Frame Buffer Effects disabled? Using my handy dandy override folder perhaps?