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Everything posted by SaltySoul

  1. Also flagged the mod. Added the caveat of suggesting he be banned from the workshop altogether for being a repeat offender. Stupid people will be stupid.
  2. Unless I can confirm that it is indeed the original author, I personally will refuse to download any mods. This being said, is there a general consensus now that the community is not going to use the workshop? Surely a presence on the workshop would reach more people
  3. I just ran as fast as I could towards the elevators and left Zaalbar and Carth for rancor bait. Was that unethical ... ?
  4. Yeah I had tried just deleting local content and reinstalling already but when I booted up K2 my widescreen fix and TSLCRM were still in place. I guess I'll just have to delete the game folders. Thanks everyone!
  5. Hello! So with the new update of TSL on steam I would like to try and use the workshop as much as possible. I have a slight problem in that I've manually downloaded so many mods and I'm a super forgetful person so my collection of backup files and folders just confuses me. Is there a way I can do a fresh install of the steam version of TSL? I've already verified game cache and just reinstalled but everything is still in my override folder and other folders that I've modified. Anyone know if I can do this or will I just have to slog through all my files?
  6. Oh really? Darn ok. It didn't instacrash though when I booted it up without the widescreen mod. Does that matter or no not really?
  7. Hello! I'm having a slight issue with my K1. With the release of the restoration I figure I'd do like I did to TSL and mod the bejesus out of my game. I have run into some sort of compatibility issue that I can't figure out. I'm using a widescreen patch through "Flawless Widescreen" that makes my resolution 1366 x 768. Upon starting up the game it instacrashes. I've tried loading without the widescreen mod running and it gets to the main menu fine. I switched around my modded override folder for my vanilla one and the widescreen mod itself works too. I'm not sure where the issue lies then. Here is my current list of K1 mods being used: I can't tell which one is interfering. Any help would be much appreciated!
  8. Sweet buttered toast Coruscant looks amazing. The stabbing of the statue feels a lot more of a powerful moment now (especially if done with a red saber).
  9. Oh I didn't even realise that porting things from one game to another wasn't allowed or was sorta frowned upon! Now that I think about it, it makes sense. I take it the same goes for sound files like dialogue? Thanks for the tips SIC! I'm not particularily skilled in modelling myself but I could attempt to make a custom HK model. I only really have experience using Blender as my high school did not favour tech classes so it was no Max for us. Right! Well off to the drawing board!
  10. Not sure if this is the right place for this topic as it's technically not a mod for KOTOR. I've had this idea to recreate the HK Factory as a quest in Fallout New Vegas with one of the rewards is HK47 becoming a full fledged companion. Now as I understand there is a mod that uses the SWTOR version of HK as a model but I'd like to try and get the original that we all know and love. So now for my question. Is there a way to import any character meshes into Blender (as that's the only 3D program I have)? Also if I posted in the wrong section feel free to move this.
  11. In comparing your landing pad outdoor section from the top of the page to the more recent one, I definitely would say the orange lighting gives it a more (for lack of better words) grimy and hutt-like environment. In terms of the Dxun skybox, I very much like the idea of a more prominent Onderon but in that screenshot it looked a little TOO sharp. You know what I mean? Otherwise all this stuff looks super awesome!! I very much like the subtlety of the changes.
  12. Wowza! Looks pretty awesome sic! Can't wait to see what you'll do with the other planets.
  13. Yeah I ended up just manually setting the height and width in the swkotor2.ini. Other than that the UI stuff works like a charm.
  14. Mine also isn't a hate per say. I do miss the music that plays during Sion's arrival at Peragus. I know it's probably not possible to put back in cause the whole scene is cut apart now but that's my little pet peeve.
  15. Thanks Boilpoint! Su'cuy Mandalore!
  16. Good day ladies and gents! I've been a lurker for a good few months and finally got an account. I've been a long time fan of the KOTOR series (in fact K1 was the first game I ever had on xbox) and quite recently someone showed me this site and TSLRCM. Suffice to say I've been mod hunting ever since. Hoping to work on modding skills of my own so I too can contribute to fine tuning these very well loved classics. -Salty
  17. Is anyone else not able to adjust their in-game resolution beyond 1024x768?