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Showing content with the highest reputation on 08/16/2024 in all areas

  1. 1 point
    Thanks! I've played KOTOR many times, but I'm not the best at making RPG builds. And one thing I found odd in vanilla KOTOR is that Mission comes with a Vibroblade and Zaalbar comes with a Bowcaster despite them being optimized for ranged and melee combat respectively.
  2. 1 point
    I also want to fully repair HK-47, and yes, I plan to buy items to boost my Repair skill. I'm going for a 'Canonical Revan' build using the Scout as their starting class and Guardian as their Jedi Class.
  3. 1 point
    Dump Int to 8. Boost Cha to 14. It's really good for force power DCs too when you keep your Wis at 14 to go along with it. Your party members can pick up the skill slack.
  4. 1 point
    Oh and I looked at the recommended stats for all starting classes(Scout, Scoundrel, Soldier), and Charisma is at 10. Normally, I set it higher so I can pass all the Persuade checks on Taris. Are there recommended stats for that kind of build?
  5. 1 point
    Nice work. How does it handle stuff like the fingers? It's interesting that you are using Auto-Rig Pro. Is it the version they were giving away for free a month or two ago? I had been thinking about possibly importing TOR anims directly via an NPC-only TOR rig for stuff like the dancers and so forth. But retargeting would obviously be much more useful. The TOR Blender plugin(s) have evolved a lot in the last couple of years, so getting TOR anims in a usable state is much more viable. For example, in-built rig scaling, removing added orientations, etc.
  6. 1 point
    So after all this time I am back resurrecting this thread because I made a very interesting discovery! I was poking around with retargetting animations and I managed to port a mocap animation from Mixamo to the game! Thanks to the "Unapply object keyframes" feature that KotorBlender has, I could retarget the animation from the Mixamo armature to the Kotor armature. At first I used the Rokoko Blender plugin to retarget the animations and the results weren't half bad, but then I tried with Auto Rig Pro and the results were even better! Here's how it looks in Blender: And here's ingame: I will keep experimenting on this. I may try to retarget the TOR rig to the Kotor animations like @DarthParametric and @JCarter426 were doing a few years ago, although I don't know how that will turn out.