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Showing content with the highest reputation on 06/16/2024 in Posts

  1. 1 point
    Does anyone know how to make custom feats that would either create a couple feats for me or teach me how to do it? What I need are 3 separate feats that essentially mimic Toughness except that they add 4, 6, and 8 FP (instead of VP) per level. This would make for an absolutely huge change in my Balance in the Force Mod. Edit: I've since realized that unless there's already a script that adds FP per level, that this request will be impossible.
  2. 1 point
    This is how mods like the repeating blasters fix or the weapon finesse mod work right? I would be okay with it not being compatible with other mods that do this stuff so long as it's compatible with graphics mods, the community mod, and k1r (even if those mods aren't compatible with one another as long as it "behaved normally". Meaning that it the characters that had those feats (or hides or whatever) had normally functioning force point pools that were indistinguishable from the three normal Jedi classes.
  3. 1 point
    It's not possible to create new feats that do much of anything. Most feat mechanics are hard-coded in the engine, and the feat itself is just a signal to the engine that whether a character has the feat. There is a script function to grant the player permanent bonus Force Points in KOTOR 2, but not KOTOR 1. There is no script which is fired whenever a character levels up, but there are scripts that run every few seconds (e.g. the player's heartbeat script) which could be edited to replicate such an effect. There would be compatibility issues with other mods, though.
  4. 1 point
    This is something that's bothered me since K2 came out. In K2, the crew actually seem to be occupied. T3 is rolling around tinkering and repairing, Bao-Dur is repairing, Kreia and Visas are in deep meditation, disciple is tinkering in the medical room, Atton is messing with the cockpit controls, etc etc. Replaying through K1 and seeing everyone just standing there, blankly staring just kinda takes me out of it. I think having them doing something, even if standing still, would help with immersion. Here are a few examples/ideas: Carth sitting in his pilot seat similarly to Atton, or perhaps Carth could be standing by one of the computer panels doing the "typing" animation. Bastila in the cockpit or alone in the computer room next to it doing the kneeling/meditating pose/animation. Mission in her same room doing the meditating animation or perhaps doing the conversation animation with Zaalbar. Canderous tinkering with the swoop bike. T3 working in the engine room or tinkering in the center room on one of the computer panels. Juhani in her same room meditating. Jolee in the medical room tinkering with the panels like the disciple, or meditating. HK47 would probably just hangout where he normally is, or even be in 'low power mode' (is that animation/pose even in K1?) until he's spoken to. These are all just ideas, but I'm sure you get the point. I think having them in a static position would be better than them wandering around the Ebon Hawk like several were in K2. A seemingly simple concept of a mod request, but one that I do think would be pretty neat in terms of immersion.
  5. 1 point
    I assume you're referring to the "disabled" animation. No, that was only added in TSL. Fortunately though HK uses standard human animation names, so that means you could go with the old standby hack of adding the anim to his model renamed to "dance" or "dance1" (or one of the other anims he doesn't use).
  6. 1 point
    https://starwars.fandom.com/wiki/Kalatosh_Zavros My personal head canon is that he was the Master of the Sith Governor, based on the quote he says. "This meeting is a stroke of luck for me - my master will surely reward me with my lightsaber once I kill you!" Any mod that adds him in would probably have to retcon the Sith Governor by replacing him with Kalatosh.