Except that this document is older than Skywing. It was created by Torlack, together with code, his compiler, which was released under the OpenKnights banner.
Skywing build upon the documentation and code, creating, among other things, an NWScript JIT environment.
The docs are also not without errors. SAVEBP, for example, does modify the SP, because that's where the BP is push onto. In German, we have a saying: "Papier ist geduldig", meaning you can write down a lot of things, none of which have to be true. Cicero knew it as "epistula non erubescit", a letter doesn't blush.
The rest of your post is more hot air, because you have nothing to show for yourself except unsupported claims. Even if your documentation materilized some day, which I find doubtful, I don't expect it to contain more than those sorts of half-wrong claims with no proof.
We're done here. Good day, Sir.