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Showing content with the highest reputation on 03/12/2021 in all areas

  1. 3 points

    Version 2.0.0


    -Cay Qel-Droma's Robes based on the expanded lore and comics. -HD 1024x1024 texture and HD icon. Alpha layer adds reflective element to the metallic portions in the robe. -Male and Female version. -Updated item description with additional lore (Metallic plates made from Cay Qel-Droma's cybernetic arm provides additional armor, while his brother's Wisdom explains the bonus this robe gives to light-side jedis).
  2. 1 point

    Version 1.0.0


    ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Knights of the Old Republic - The Sith Lords ---------------------------------------------------------------------- TITLE: Effixian's Atris as Jedi Librarian AUTHOR: Effix CONTACT: PM me on the forums or find me on Steam ------------------------ INSTALLATION ------------------------ Unzip somewhere and copy the file (P_AtrisBA.tga) from the sub folder to your override folder. ----------------------- DESCRIPTION ----------------------- Atris's robe was inspired by Chief Librarian Jocasta Nu from Episode 2, this mod makes her robe look like Jocasta's. Jocasta doesn't have the Jedi belt, but I thought it would be a nice addition. This is a simple reskin that shouldn't cause any conflicts with other mods. --------- BUGS --------- None known. ------------------------- UNINSTALLING ------------------------- Remove the following file from your override folder: P_AtrisBA.tga ------------------------------------ DISTRIBUTION NOTES ------------------------------------ You may NOT: Use the material from this mod in your own mod without giving me credit, implying it was your creation. You might: Use the material from this mod in your own mods if you simply ask me. ---------------- Thanks to ---------------- Stoffe and Fred Tetra for the needed tools and tutorials ------------------- THIS MODIFICATION IS NOT MADE, DISTRIBUTED, OR SUPPORTED BY BIOWARE, OBSIDIAN, OR LUCASARTS ENTERTAINMENT COMPANY LLC. ELEMENTS TM & © LUCASARTS ENTERTAINMENT COMPANY LLC AND/OR ITS LICENSORS. --------------------------------- My mods are free. If you would like to show your support then you can buy me a coffee at ko-fi.com/effix
  3. 1 point
    Hi! I have a mod request, if I may... Pretty much what the title says - if possible, I'd like a mod that lets the player attack and kill that a****** head of security guy that stops you when you travel out of the Landing Pad zone on Kashyyyk, and throws his racist attitude in your face when you're traveling with Zaalbar, along with threatening you. It always struck me as strange that you're forced to either back down or just stand there and take his crap, when you're able to kill any number of other NPCs with an attitude. I wouldn't even mind if it turns every other Czerka guard hostile (in fact it would help immersion). And if it gives Dark Side points, even better! Anyway, that's just one of the NPCs I can't stand (the Czerka Protocol Officer chick on Tatooine is another, but that's a different story). For now, that guy is the No1 mark on my s**t list. Thanks in advance
  4. 1 point
    It's definitely finicky. I'd gladly take a look at it if needed, you can send me the file by PM.
  5. 1 point
    3 more variations added to my Lore Keeper's Robe mod.
  6. 0 points
    An (overdue) update for those that want to know: Have I ceased work on the "mod": no, not exactly. Will I release anything new anytime soon: probably not, I have other priorities. I gotta say that having a look at some of the development tool-wise that there's a lot to be positive about. For a long time it seemed that tools were stagnant, and all that we had were old ones made in Perl that did only half the job. Then we had new people come into the community that changed all that. Anyway, to explain with the state of the mod, I just don't have the time to spare to spend on it, or even the motivation. Usually what brings me back to the project, is some new Star Wars thing to get me excited. And I don't want to get into it, but I just haven't had anything get me excited enough about Star Wars of late to do that. I guess The Mandalorian kinda did, but then that kinda changed recently. That said, I have other projects that I spend my time on as these have a commercial intent -- meaning: I can potentially make money from them unlike modding. And this other project: I'm looking to release something on Steam by the end of the year. Regarding the mod, I stopped working on it early 2018 when I was forced to buy a new dev laptop. I installed the games, but didn't install the mod along with my saves -- just backed these up. If I play TSL again I may be compelled to do work on new areas. Also, I may take a completed area and make it available as a standalone. These would just be the edited models and textures. Probably Korriban. I hope that is enough explanation for those that are curious about this mod.