Entry#12: Rakatan "SWAG" Idle Animation VS ANIMATION_LOOPING_TALK_NORMAL
Rakatan "SWAG" idle animation has been in exposure lately, either for its attitude or a grieve to look at. For one that doesn't like it there's a good news which is partially possible to work around that by having something like this with their OUD [preferably with the idle ones, not that is roaming the area/having something like k_def_ambmob on their ScriptSpawn] and the relevant DLG's EndConverAbort/EndConversation -
//:: Rakatan Idle Animation Removal Workaround
Fired by Rakatan UTC's *ScriptUserDefine* and relevant DLG's
*EndConverAbort/EndConversation* to override their "SWAG" idle
P.S. Left-hand raising talking animation is to be expected
and kind of awkward to see as no one it refers to.
//:: Constructed By: ebmar
//:: Constructed On: December 08, 2019
void main()
/* Play the *talking* animation that lasts 1000 seconds/prac-
tically forever to permanently override the idle animation */
PlayAnimation(ANIMATION_LOOPING_TALK_NORMAL, 1.0f, 1000.0f);
// Subsequently calls the defined EUD
ActionDoCommand(SignalEvent(OBJECT_SELF, EventUserDefined(0)));
I recently using that to all the Elder Councillor in the Elder Settlement module, though, as commented above; the left-hand raising animation is to be expected while possibly no-one they talked to, which is kind of awkward to see sometimes. But that should do it in the meanwhile. Alternatively it could be fired with the creature's ScriptSpawn, though from what I tested with the Council it breaks the module's load, not sure with them commoners though.
Hope the information can be helpful to you, fellow Jedi. May the Force be with you.