///// 00. Disclaimer /////
Yeah, another side-project. Get over it.
///// 01. Background /////
Pazaak! The game whose name I misspell nearly every time I type it. Anyway, the cards are looking pretty dated these days and I've always had a small niche admiration for playing card design. Not to mention, this is a good way to practice with .guis. (Noticing a trend?) Here's the basic layout:
///// 02. Planning /////
I grabbed every pazaak thing I could find in KotOR Tool, including the boards, cards, their variants, etc.
I then was able to locate the .gui for the board itself and holy flarksnorzen is that complicated. Everything you see has a height, width, x, and y. The names, the icons, the cards, the numbers on the cards, the scoring, EVERYTHING. Layers of .tgas and a font. I started mapping out the location of everything, and well, if you can decipher this, here's my rough translation of component locations and well as their dimensions:
Note: The npc name game the with the save download. 😛
///// 03. Work Thus Far /////
Here's what I have thus far. I'm happy at this point with the card design. There are some touch ups to be done here and there for sure.
///// 04. Next Steps /////
I need to build out the rest of the assets of course. There's the back of the cards, revamp the icons and the board, and a few other things. One thing I noted while grabbing all of these assets, is that there are boards for different screen sizes AND there's the side deck selection and wager windows as well. At the very least though, new cards.
P.S. I can make green cards too for those who want them.
///// 05. Future Plans /////
Play around with the positioning, size, and color of the numbers. Some really cool things in general can be done with the whole board, but that'll take a lot of time and a lot of work. (I mean, I have to finish the star maps at some point, yeah?)
///// 06. Final Remarks /////
I'm always open to comments, critiques, and suggestions. Thanks for taking a look.