Consular Sentinel Class Skill Swap 1.0.0

   (7 reviews)

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This mod swaps the class skills for the Jedi Sentinel and Jedi Consular, giving the Sentinel the Computer Use, Demolitions and Repair Class skills, and removing them from the Consular.


It always bothered me that the Jedi Consular had 6 class skills, more than the Scoundrel or the Scout, while the Jedi Sentinel had 3, the same number as the Jedi Guardian. It was also highly inconsistent with the other design decisions made towards the Jedi classes, and inconsistent with KotOR 2. It always felt like a mistake.


Every other progression decision is based around the idea that the Guardian is the melee class, the Consular is the Force class, and the Sentinel is the Skill class. Feat gain, Skill gain, and Power Gain are all based around this. Guardians get more feats, while Consulars and Sentinels get the same number. Consulars get more powers, while Guardians and Sentinels get the same number. Sentinels get more skills, while Consulars and Guardians get the same number.


While I wouldn't classify this mod as a bugfix, it does fix an inconsistency within the game, that left the Sentinel as the least viable Jedi class, considering that skill progression is substantially less useful, especially in KotOR 1, than base attack, force saves, feat gain, and power gain, all of which it lags behind both other classes in. This makes the Sentinel somewhat more viable as a class, especially for skill focused runs, and makes the Jedi Consular slightly less effective, considering it already has a lot going for it, due to the increased number of force power and better saving throws.



  • Swaps the Class Skills of the Jedi Consular and Sentinel

Requirements & Compatibility

  • To install, run the Installer.exe file. It will automatically install the mod for you

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Thank you for reading, enjoy!

What's New in Version 1.0.0   See changelog


No changelog available for this version.

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A simple but highly effective change that I feel should have been implemented in the base game as well for the sake of balance. It never made sense to me as to why (especially in Bastila's case) Sentinels get such great returns with their INT modifier but have such a limited pool of class skills, while Consulars get so much skill diversity along with their bonus Force Powers. With this change, Bastila will be usable now and the Soldier/Sentinel will be a lot more viable. Well done!

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I wish this mod wasn't a forced part of the Community Patch. I understand the desire to improve Sentinels' lot, but IMO this goes about it in a completely misguided way and certainly isn't closer to the vanilla intent.

"It always bothered me that the Jedi Consular had 6 class skills, more than the Scoundrel or the Scout, while the Jedi Sentinel had 3, the same number as the Jedi Guardian. It was also highly inconsistent with the other design decisions made towards the Jedi classes, and inconsistent with KotOR 2. It always felt like a mistake."

It is a mistake, but so is swapping them. And swapping them isn't exactly consistent with KotOR 2 either. It comes off as a clumsy hotfix, and I think in some ways it actually makes things worse than vanilla - at least with vanilla, things are somewhat offset by the size of the classes' skill point pools (Consulars may have six class skills, but they only have so many points to pay into them; Sentinels meanwhile can more freely invest in cross-class skills due to having a lot of skill points). It kinda misses what the true problem is.

Notice how the Jedi Sentinel not only has the same number of skills as the Jedi Guardian, they're the exact same three skills (the same three common to all Jedi)? Bioware screwed up (gee, there's a shock) and forgot to give Sentinels their own unique skill list! That's the real mistake: Sentinels didn't get their list swapped with Consulars, they got a redundant copy of the Guardian list. Every other class has a unique class skill list, yet here we have an identical pair - one of them has to change, and we know which. Swapping the Sentinel and Consular lists is effectively just trading having one messed-up class for having two messed-up classes (Even if Sentinels get some benefit from it); instead, it would be better to reconstruct what Sentinels' skill list should have been.

Consulars having the skills they do makes sense, although balance-wise they do have one too many. They're not just the Force class - as shown by the class choice lesson and aptitude quiz on Dantooine, they're also the "alternatives to fighting" class. Computer Use fits because one of the main reasons to hack is to kill enemies from afar with room traps rather than directly engaging them, Repair fits because the whole point for non-droid characters is to fix up droids to fight enemies for you, and Demolitions fits because it's setting traps.

Anyway, based on that same quiz we can also determine what one of Sentinels' skills should be: Security (which, weirdly and very conspicuously, isn't a class skill for any Jedi class in vanilla). The Sentinel-coded answer to one of the quiz questions is literally "Pick the lock," after all. Stealth is also a logical choice - it's the other missing class skill as far as Jedi classes go, and thematically fits with Sentinels. Obsidian noticed both of these things, and gave Sentinels both of these skills in TSL. They also fixed Security to run on Intelligence instead of (of all things) Wisdom, although idk how hard that would be for a mod to change in K1.

That still leaves the matter of Consulars having one skill too many balance-wise. Obsidian fixed this by taking Computer Use away from Consulars and giving it to Sentinels instead. I would likewise make a transfer of one singular skill between the two classes, but I would choose Demolitions instead - I think it has better synergy with Sentinels gaining Stealth as a class skill. Which do you think would be better?

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