Brotherhood of Shadow: Solomon's Revenge 1.5

   (28 reviews)

70 Screenshots

About This File

You must download all seven (7) parts of the BoS 1.0 before trying to unpack them. The unpacker should unpack them all in a row if you start unpacking the .part01.rar file!!!


A note about the 1.5 bundled release:


The 1.5 bundled release has some bugs fixed, but it is also in preparation for an eventual 2.0 release that will only have 1 installer. This 1.5 release still has both the 1.0 and the 1.1 downloads, so you will need to download both files.


Bugs fixed by this bundled release are listed below.


This pack includes several fixes for BoS:SR, done by LiliArch. Source files included.




  • Removed a couple of things that looked like leftovers from some other mod, because they actually
    didn't seem to have any meaning in the actual BoS:SR:
    * envmaptexture CM_BareMetal to every selectable head (causing issues with one male head that had
    alpha channel in head to make a part of hair transparent; also, potential compatibility issues)
    * appearance-change of Ajunta Pall; perfectly irrelevant for the BoS:SR storyline, and not
    mentioned in mod's readme file - personal preference of course, but there's a mod out there
    that makes the very same appearance change (which caused the feeling that it's really a leftover)
  • Fixed all the appearance issues I could find; one of them is actually set via script, that's why
    the file "rsp_kob.nss" is included


  • Removed edits that were unnecessary (because they actually did nothing the way edits were set up),
    or fixing issues that my modified scripts hopefully fix a bit differently
  • Daemon Drexl spawns lying on the floor when you return from Shadow's Bane now, even if you
    decide to spare his life; as the mechanic seems to have difficulties to believe Drexl is alive,
    it really doesn't make sense if he spawns there standing sharp as a battle droid (only to be
    stunned later when you return to Orion) while you lay on the floor like you're dead
  • Fixed the dancing quest giving you wrong journal entry because of various reasons
  • A sort-of-a fix for the Administrator's Office cutscenes
  • Fixed the "no fade-in at bos_orion2" game-breaking bug that the patch did not fix
  • Added 2 missing textures to Korriban Wastes (actually re-used 2 existing textures

Original 1.0 Review from Filefront:

Silveredge9. A name that you, as a member of the community here at KotORFiles and maybe of the KotOR section of LucasForums should be very familiar with. In 2007, Silveredge9 won the LucasForums Mod of the Year Competition with Brotherhood of Shadow. Brotherhood of Shadow has since gone on to be one of the most popular and successful KotOR mods ever to have been released.


After releasing the original Brotherhood of Shadow, Silveredge found that his urge for modding still hadn't gone away, so he began the production of a second Brotherhood of Shadow. Therefore, it is my pleasure to present to you here today, the sequel to the 2007 Mod of the Year, Brotherhood of Shadow: Solomon's Revenge.


I was one of the few people lucky enough to be a Beta Tester for this mod, meaning I had a chance to play through it a few times before it was released publically for the community to download. This mod really does prove what can be achieved if you have the determination. This mod is extremely professionally done, and has been put together very well. It has taken the storyline of the original Botherhood of Shadow and revamped it, as well as adding the Solomon's Revenge portion. This essentially means you're getting two mods in one. This download contains the Brotherhood of Shadow, as well as all of its patches and updates, with the storyline alterations, as well as obviously, Solomon's Revenge.


This mod has two things that the original didn't have. Voice Overs for main characters, and custom modelled area's. These two parts of the mod seem like as good a place as any to start describing, so here we go!


The Voice Overs are very professionaly done, and are mostly of excellent quality. Kobayashi's voice in particular is very well done in my opinion, as it is done very professionally, and you could realy believe the performance that the actor was giving. Silveredge stated previously that Kobayashi would have a similar personality to Atton Rand, in Knights of the Old Republic II: The Sith Lords, and I have to say the Voice Actor really did achieve that, along with Silver's dialogs. The other voice actors also did a wonderful job, and coupled with Silver's writing skills they produced a very professional and believeable set of performances. Kobayashi's as I said was the main one that caught my attention as being one of the best. That's not to say the others were inferior in any way, as all the voice actors did a wonderful job.


The custom modelled areas in this mod were made by one of the most talented 3D Modellers that this community has ever had. He is someone you are no doubt as familiar with as you are Silveredge. His name is as you have probably guessed, Quanon. Quanon will probably embarassed to see me say this, but he really has done a superb job on these areas, and really does deserve his reputation as one of the most talented modders the community has. As you will see from both the quality of the area models, and the content that Silver has filled them with, Quanon and Silver really do make a formidable team. The modelled areas are of a superb quality, and look very professional. Quanon spent a lot of time on each one, working very hard to get them to look as nice as they do. Many was the time when Quanon and I would be having a chat via IM and he'd be saying how he was working on an area for Silver. Even before the areas were all textured and lit properly, you could tell just by looking at the models on their own how much work has been put into them. Quanon would send me a batch of renders every so often throughout the project, and I would give him my opinions. More often than not my response would be 'wow'. :P


On top of the area's, there have also been a number of weapons modelled and textured by Quanon in this mod. You'll tell which ones they are as you come across them. ;) Inyri Forge also deserves a mention here, as she also modelled one of the weapons included in this mod. This weapon being Mandalore's Battle Axe. Incidentally, Inyri is also one of the people who leant her voice to this mod. She may not be active in the community here any more, but it's nice to know she'll still lend her skills to projects that other people are producing.


The attention to detail in the areas is extremely good, as you can tell just by looking at them. 3D Modelling is an incredibly skilled job, especially to the quality that Quanon works to. Both Quanon and Silveredge worked a great deal on these areas and the content included in them. It's nice to see that people really will pull out all the stops to get the best result possible. Well done to the two of them!


In addition to the custom modelled area's, this mod also contains a lot of reskins of existing area models, which were done by Silveredge himself. Skinning and texturing is one of Silveredges strongest skills, I feel. The reskins he has created for the areas are very professional looking, and have been worked on very hard, as is evident by the screenshots. He has obviously gone to a great deal of effort to produce these reskins and you can tell by looking at the screenshots just how much.


Silveredge has also produced several item skins for this mod, mainly Jedi Robes and various armours. Some of these, such as the Republic Shock Armour, (which is one of my favourite skins from this mod) are not obtainable through the course of the mod, so unless you have a little knowledge of how textures relate to the models in the game, you're stuck with having to watch other people wear them. One of the first things I did upon completing the mod was set the Republic Shock Trooper armour texture to replace the texture of the default male soldier outfit, however. ;)


I really don't want to say much about the storyline, as I don't want to spoil it for anyone, so i'll just say this. The dialogs have been very well written, and are mostly skippable for those among you who read quicker than the VO's speak. They are very professional, and have had as much effort put into them as the other parts of the mod, if not more, as dialog is the most important part of the mod, I think. Along with the main quest, there are also a few side-quests you can play, for a little extra fun. There may even be something nice waiting for you when you complete all the quests included in the mod. ;)


The storyline of the mod has been well implemented, and the mod fits in damn near seamlessly with the rest of the game. The original Brotherhood of Shadow quest has been revamped, as I mentioned earlier, and is included in this mod release. I don't want to spoil anything for you, so I won't talk about any features of the storyline, apart from that it is very interesting, well put together, and well thought out. Without Silveredges imagination and creativity, this mod really wouldn't be as good as it is. To play the entire mod, side quests and all, you're looking at something like 6 hours game play. When I tested the mod, I took just over 5 hours, and that was with the turbo cheat on, to speed up the pace ast which my PC was walking. Without that, you're definitely looking at about 6 hours, possibly longer. You'll definitely need to set some time aside if you plan on playing through the entire thing, especially if you do it in one sitting, as I did.


One of the features that impressed me most, was the fact that you get a lot of new Party Members throughout the course of the mod. They're only temporary, but its nice to see that Silver went to the effort to do it, to make the experience feel more whole. He could have just had the NPC's follow you around and fight on your side, which would have been a lot easier, but no, he went the full distance and had them actually recruited to your Party.


To begin this mod, you must go to Korriban, after you have completed the Leviathan, and speak to the Rodian Drix Kellwit in the Dreshdae Cantina. He will start everything off.


This is a very well put together, and well thought out mod, which has been carefully implemented, and constructed. Silveredge9 has worked very hard on this, as he did with the original Brotherhood of Shadow, and who knows, maybe he'll win Mod of the Year again this year? :P


I'd just like to thank Silveredge, and of course Quanon, Inyri, and the various other contributors all of which were very well chosen by Silver, for making this such a fun mod to play through. I thank Silver for making this mod what it is, for inventing it, constructing it, and obviously for releasing it to the community to play. Silver has also said that with this mod, he is retiring from modding, which is obviously sad for the community, but in a way it's a positive thing, as he has achieved what he set out to do here. He has said he will be supporting this mod, and making and releasing patches and fixes as necessary just as he did with the first mod. Congatulations Silver for making it through it all. :P


That's the main part over, the only thing left is a little bit of technical info related to the mod.


The mod uses the TSL Patcher obviously, as there are a lot of files here which need to be edited/replaced/merged. However, due to the sheer size and magnitude of this mod, I recommend installing this mod in to a clean Override folder. I might even suggest going as far as a clean install of KotOR, just to be sure. Yes, that's a little bit of hassle, but it's worth it to play through this mod. If you have a save after completing the original BoS, there will be a few problems of you use it to play this mod. It would be best to use a new save, where the original BoS hasn't been played, so as to get the full experience. You do not need the original mod installed to install this one. In fact, it's preferrable that you don't have it installed.


Well, that's it from me. Now it's just up to you guys to download the mod and play. Make sure to post back here and give Silveredge some feedback, it's the least he deserves for all his hard work.




Note: Please leave the author feedback, especially if you download this mod and use it. It really helps encourage the author to make more mods in the future.





Original 1.1 Review from Filefront:

Silveredge9 is back with a 1.1 update to his hit mod Brotherhood of Shadow: Solomons Revenge for the first Knights of the Old Republic game. This update makes the following changes:


- Adds a workaround for the cutscene bug where the player would sometimes not enter the Administrator's office.
- Adds a workaround for the cutscene bug where the Administrator's droids would sometimes not enter his office.
- Fixes a bug where sometimes the screen would not fade in at the beginning of bos_orion2.mod.
- Makes it possible to freely travel to the Residential Level and beyond following the completion of the main questline.
- Disables "Mass Transit to Ebon Hawk" feature on some modules.
- Revises difficulty of the 4 final vision battles.
- Tweaks difficulty of bos_chamber.mod Solomon boss fight.
- Revises the strength of Mandalore's Axes.
- Revises the difficulty of the Mandalore boss fight.
- Fixes a bug where Nat Koh would teleport outside of the Leisure Officer's appartment upon loading from a save created during the climax of the Backwater Entertainment quest.
- Removes South Beach area transition in bos_sintem.mod.
- Adds alignment scripts to certain dialogue choices in vision1.mod.
- Fixes a bug where the journal would be updated with a blank quest entry after Shadow is added to the party.
- Fixes a bug where it was possible for the corrupted messenger to spawn when you enter Korriban with Shadow in the party after the original confrontation.
- Fixes a bug where it was possible to open certain plot specific locked doors with a really high security skill.
- Fixes a bug where Shadow would respond with her standard dialogue if spoken to during the bos_chamber.mod Solomon boss fight.
- Corrects reported spelling/gramatical errors.


Given the size of this mod, it has remarkably few bugs in it even without this update, so this is definitely the icing on the cake. :P


Make sure to download and install the mod before installing this.


Note: Please leave the author feedback, especially if you download this mod and use it. It really helps encourage the author to make more mods in the future.




What's New in Version 1.5


  • 12/13/2015 ~=~ 1.5 bundled release
  • 08/17/2009 ~=~ 1.1 release
  • 05/30/2009 ~=~ 1.0 release
  • Like 5
  • Thanks 1
  • Dark Side Points 1

User Feedback

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I keep trying to install it, but it keeps saying, "Cannot create file C:\Users\Evan\AppData\Local\Temp\Rar$EXa0.133\backup\modules\ship.mod. The system cannot find the path specified (0)" Any ideas?

Same here. 

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Guest chrispap


This problem starts bacause i made wrong turn with game starts with i installed the installed the patch 1.03 of and then i saw corrent add-on or mod of the game does not work wiith this patch, and so i uninstall the game and i run that add-on 

will work perfectly, and so i wanna to at a big to creators.


Thanks a lot you guys

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Guest chrispap


Thanks a lot you guys about this mod,  works great with the steam version of the game.


Best regards  .: chrispap :.

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Guest chrispap


Same here. 


@ Tharr if you trying to  install this on appdata you connot install, because the correct intall of this,  is to install,  whan you have the from the

cd version of the game click on to installed and drive on your game installation 


[ from cd ]

first drive the installer of mod on to you c:\programfiles\swkotor

or [ steam ]

2sd drive the installer on c:\programfiles\steam\steamapps\common\swkotor


1. warning do not install update  1.03 of the game because the mod doesn't work properly.

2. warning do not install 1.1 patch pf the mod.


If had any problem send a private message

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Can someone tell me how to properly install please? I put the folders in the override folder and it won't let me do anything else, and it's not working.

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Also am i suppose to extract this all at once or separately? Because with 7 zip extracting this separately isn't working. I keep having to have files replace files and I get errors. I already downloaded the original BoS:SR and 1.1 patch. Why isn't there just a 1.5 patch?

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Having some trouble, i'll try not to spoil anything but when you finish fighting the warden you get the cut scene between you and the mechanic, after that Sera is supposed to walk through the door and more dialogue should happen. She never appears but the door opens and the mechanic starts talking as if she's there, then the game just lets me walk around without being able to do anything! Has this happened to anyone before? 


Please bare in mind that I am using the mobile phone version of kotor but modding it is working just fine. 



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As many people seem to struggle with this:

-Install this as your very first mod, most importantly before K1R, it'll work with K1R if you install it before K1R

-Extract the content of the bos_sr_1.0 files. Extracting one will extract the content of each part

-Extract the patch into a seperate folder

-Go to the tslpatch data folder of the main mod and open changes.ini with your favorite editor

-Replace all / with \

-Do the same for the changes.ini in the tslpatchdata folder of the patch

-run the installer for the main mod, it should run through without throwing any exceptions

-do the same for the patch

-install k1r and all your other mods


Generally speaking your should always backup your swkotor folder before installing mods so you won't have to reinstall the game all the time.

  • Light Side Points 1

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Is anyone aware of an existing mod that replaces the loading screens from this expansion with colored ones? I have downloaded and enjoyed a mod that does this for the main game, so it would be great to maintain a consistent experience.

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When I run the TSL patcher it's say "WARNING! Cannot locate the INI file "changes.ini" with work instructions!" and "Unable to load the instructions text! Make sure the "tslpatcher" folder containing the "info.rtf" is located in the same folder as this application!" What does that mean and how do I solve the problem?

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I am stuck in the Administator's office after speaking with the Hutt and his droids. The 1.1 patch says it added a workaround for this bug - what should I do?

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Spoilers ahead:
I'm having a problem further than most of you, I installed Bos:SR few times, because of ship.mod and similar errors. Finally I managed to use TSLpatcher without warnings or errors. Then, I installed patch 1.1 to BoS:SR and K1R after that. I started playing and there were 3 problems:
1. The artifact looked like fountain after I destroyed it, and lockers appear in place of force cages in Temple of Shadow - not much of an issue to me.

2. In the place of some red-black thing at the entrance to Czerka Sewers and later at the center of the ring in Temple of Shadow appears a speeder - because of it, I wasn't able to access sewers normally, I had to warp myself into them through cheats, but I exited normally.
3. The last one is game-breaking or at least mod-breaking - After dealing with Akirakon Sin's challenges and spawning back into Temple of Shadow, I think Mec Hanic was supposed to say something to me about Verbal not wanting to set off charges. Instead, I get a short cutscene of my character getting back to normal and then nothing - I only see Verbal in the room and I can't talk to him. Tried KSE, resetting saves and leaving area.
Any ideas what might have caused that?

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Is there anyone still active that could help me in regards to why the game keeps crashing during the Ender Spire? Compatibility mode with XP (check) Buffer at 0 or disabled (check) Soft Shadows disabled (check) Iv'e fiddled with just about everything.  It is an original disk copy on Windows 10. 


Thank you,

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Hello guys.I cannot find this rodian anywhere in the cantina of Dreshae thus,I cannot begin the extension!I am running the latest version of the game and past the Leviathan part of the game(I am always leaving Korriban for last,I enjoy it more this way).Am I doing sth wrong on the installation?I am upzipping all 7 parts of the mod plus the patch one and use the 1st tsl patch 1st and then the one for the 1.1 patch.Also,I encounter many errors in the very 1st installation but cannot figure out what is the problem(I am replacing every file the mod installed from previous parts with the ones that are being unzipped from the next part ,perhaps I shouldn't doing it?)

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I just finished the story and want to return to Dreshdae and since I don't know better, I simply wanted to take the route I came backwarts. The problem is after I entered the catacombs my game keeps on crashing and I can't reenter the czerka facility, it's really frustrating.

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I just finished the story and want to return to Dreshdae and since I don't know better, I simply wanted to take the route I came backwarts. The problem is after I entered the catacombs my game keeps on crashing and I can't reenter the czerka facility, it's really frustrating.

Sorry for the double post but I'm new here and there doesn't seem to be an editing function. I just found the solution by pure accident. For anyone experiencing the same issue, you have to completly turn off shadows in the game options

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When I run the TSL patcher it's say "WARNING! Cannot locate the INI file "changes.ini" with work instructions!" and "Unable to load the instructions text! Make sure the "tslpatcher" folder containing the "info.rtf" is located in the same folder as this application!" What does that mean and how do I solve the problem?

Wow no one? Seriously?

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Wow no one? Seriously?

For starters, have you looked inside your tslpatchdata folder if there is a changes.ini? Did you make sure that that folder and the EXE are in the same folder? Are youre sure you downloaded every archive needed? If one of those isn't the source for the error have you tried to re-download everything?

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Spoilers ahead:

I'm having a problem further than most of you, I installed Bos:SR few times, because of ship.mod and similar errors. Finally I managed to use TSLpatcher without warnings or errors. Then, I installed patch 1.1 to BoS:SR and K1R after that. I started playing and there were 3 problems:

1. The artifact looked like fountain after I destroyed it, and lockers appear in place of force cages in Temple of Shadow - not much of an issue to me.

2. In the place of some red-black thing at the entrance to Czerka Sewers and later at the center of the ring in Temple of Shadow appears a speeder - because of it, I wasn't able to access sewers normally, I had to warp myself into them through cheats, but I exited normally.

3. The last one is game-breaking or at least mod-breaking - After dealing with Akirakon Sin's challenges and spawning back into Temple of Shadow, I think Mec Hanic was supposed to say something to me about Verbal not wanting to set off charges. Instead, I get a short cutscene of my character getting back to normal and then nothing - I only see Verbal in the room and I can't talk to him. Tried KSE, resetting saves and leaving area.

Any ideas what might have caused that?

I have just experienced number 3 myself. It's a terrible bug, since it's literally at the very end of the mod and it won't let you continue to the main part of the game. If someone has any ideas it would be greaty appreciated.

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For starters, have you looked inside your tslpatchdata folder if there is a changes.ini? Did you make sure that that folder and the EXE are in the same folder? Are youre sure you downloaded every archive needed? If one of those isn't the source for the error have you tried to re-download everything?


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I believe I am having an old issue where after the opening movie plays  to introduce the story, the opening crawl also plays and the mod's first cutscene never triggers unless I walk through the front of the Orion. Has anyone found a fix for this?

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I believe I am having an old issue where after the opening movie plays  to introduce the story, the opening crawl also plays and the mod's first cutscene never triggers unless I walk through the front of the Orion. Has anyone found a fix for this?

I really hate double posting, but since there is no edit feature on comments, I wish to say I found the issue causing this, and have fixed it. My latest issue is when returning through the mining tunnels, my game will suddenly crash. Anyone know the reason for this?

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