21 Screenshots

About This File

Using the techniques pioneered by the great modder Canderis, I have created my own version of the Darker Peragus formula.


However, when working with the darker areas, I noticed that no matter what I did, all of the Plasteel Canisters and Footlockers were much too bright.


And so, with the help of my modding compatriots, I have darkened all of the placeable items in the Peragus, Peragus Spacewalk, and Harbinger portions to match the darker lightmaps.


To Install:
Choose from either the full REDUX (WIth all of my customized lightmaps), or from the compatibility option (For those using Canderis' A Darker Peragus mod)


(Note: There are two versions available to download. Use the A_Darker_Peragus_REDUX_TSLRCM if you have TSLRCM installed, and A_Darker_Peragus_REDUX_Vanilla if you don't)


To Uninstall:
1) Replace the .mod files in your Modules folder with the .mod files found in the Backup folder
created by the TSLPatcher,
2) Replace the placeables.2DA in your Override with the placeables.2DA from the Backup folder, and
3) Copy all of the TGA MDX and TXI files from the TSLPatchdata folder to your Override
(let them overwrite files if they’re already there), and then delete them all from it


Permissions: Please inform me if you would like to use this mod or its assets in your own projects.


Credits: Canderis for his permission in making a compatibility for his mod and for teaching me how to
edit lightmaps to darken levels with his own mod A Darker Peragus;
FairStrides for his endless insight, his BGR-RGB Converter,
and for packaging this mod’s install as well as walking me through the process,
LiliArch for her research into editing assets within the GIT
and teaching me what a ColorTweak variable is; Darth Sapiens for his resource Cubemap Pack to make the
Spacesuit snazzy; The rest of the Deadlystream community for their continued support and enthusiasm;
TK102’s KGFF for its easy to use interface and raw GIT editing power;
Fred Tetra for making KOTORTool which is still my favorite modding utility;
Adobe for their Photoshop; Obsidian for making KOTOR2 in the first place;
Bioware for starting the KOTOR craze in the first place;
and George Lucas for starting all of the Star Wars insanity.

What's New in Version 1.0   See changelog


  • v1.0 First Official Release
  • ...Added Screenshots comparing my edits with the original A Darker Peragus (They are incredibly subtle)
  • V1.1
  • Fixed issue with Harbinger not docking in the animation. Now there are two versions to download, so it can still be TSLRCM compatible.
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Nope, @ Canderis. I just made it compatible with yours by not overwriting your Lightmaps. I am perfectly fine with adding them, if you want. :)

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New Version Uploaded:


Choose either the TSLRCM version if you have TSLRCM, or the Vanilla version if you don't.


 Many thanks to Hassat Hunter and Zbyl2 for figuring out what was causing the issue and FairStrides for his timely fix. :)


If there are any further bugs, please let me know.

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After downloading this mod I have encountered an issue. I made a new character and when it gets to the movie sequence where your character exits the kolto tank, the screen is just black. The movie never begins. My cursor is moveable on the black screen and I have some water sounds but that is it. I can access the menu system. But like I said that movie never begins and i cannot start the game. 

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@Tayrace Hmm. Firstly, what other mods do you have installed on your game? (Every single mod type including cosmetic mods can be the culprit since UTI files can cause the crash you described)


Also, have you been able to successfully run your game before installing my mod?


What OS are you using, and is this the Steam or 4 Disc version?


Does uninstalling my mod fix your crashing problem?


Lastly, did you use the TSLPatcher executable to install A Darker Peragus Redux as the instructions state?


Unfortunately, there's no way to determine what is causing your game to crash like that without this information.

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10 hours ago, TheRealBatuRem said:

It's Probably not compatible with Peragus OTE?

Should be. I noticed that OTE uses an exe installer, so there's no way to be certain exactly what it does, but the mod page says that as long as the files don't have the same name then there should be no problems. Since Darker Peragus just changes the lightmaps and GIT, this should still be compatible as long as OTE doesn't edit the lightmap textures for some reason. (Which I really doubt since it seems more aimed at area textures)

Even so, please let me know if you have issues.

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10 hours ago, Malkior said:

Should be. I noticed that OTE uses an exe installer, so there's no way to be certain exactly what it does, but the mod page says that as long as the files don't have the same name then there should be no problems. Since Darker Peragus just changes the lightmaps and GIT, this should still be compatible as long as OTE doesn't edit the lightmap textures for some reason. (Which I really doubt since it seems more aimed at area textures)

Even so, please let me know if you have issues.

Thank you for the quick reply, I will definitely check that out and let you know if i face any problems!

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Just now, Daemonjax said:

Just a heads up... Not compatible with the following mods:

K2 Community Patch

Fixed Hologram Models and Admiralty Redux

Alright. Thanks for the heads up. 

I will look into both of those mods and try to parse what's interfering. Hopefully it's an easy enough fix.

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21 hours ago, Malkior said:

Alright. Thanks for the heads up...

Hey, that was my bad -- I very quickly edited my post after I made that, but I guess you got my post via an email notification.   

My quick testing so far seems to indicate it works fine --  the tslpatcher seems to make the necessary modifications just fine and the warnings I got were erroneous (or tlspatcher being paranoid about the existance of the .mod files from those two mods).

Unless I come back and post otherwise, please assume THIS MOD WORKS FINE with Fixed Hologram Models and Admiralty Redux and latest K2 Community Patch. :D 

I have like 90 mods installed (yours is the last one) and yours seems to work fine with all of them so. 

I like how your lightmaps aren't quite as dark as the original mod so that the placeables don't seem as out of place (even though I went ahead and darkened all footlockers and plasteel containers myself).

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4 minutes ago, Daemonjax said:

Hey, that was my bad -- I very quickly edited my post after I made that, but I guess you got my post via an email notification.   

My quick testing so far seems to indicate it works fine --  the tslpatcher seems to make the necessary modifications just fine and the warnings I got were erroneous (or tlspatcher being paranoid about the existance of the .mod files).

Unless I come back and post otherwise, please assume THIS MOD WORKS FINE with Fixed Hologram Models and Admiralty Redux and latest K2 Community Patch. :D 

Awesome. That is great to hear. 

Yeah, I must have missed the edit, but it's good to know everything's working.

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I just noticed that the Community Patch adds a lightmap file in TPC format -- which would take precedence over your tga (I'm 99% sure that's how it works).


So I removed that tpc and also added a txi for your tga version of it (just in case, but I'm not sure if its needed) -- the same txi I extracted from the community patch's TPC file:


islightmap 1
compresstexture 0
mipmap 0
downsamplemax 0

ALSO, the community patch adds 104pera .mdl and .mtx files to my override.  I think it'll be fine for me to continue using those files.

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I think your version is overall better than Canderis'. Your Peragus is dark enough to be atmospheric, but still bright enough to keep preserve the intent of "The lights are on... why is nobody home?" (and fit with the fact that, mere hours ago, people were still alive). And the Harbinger is dark without being so dark that the bridge floor loses some of its definition.

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