About This File
Feel free to edit and reuse the textures. No need to contact me for any permissions (for distributing or editing these files).
HDTP will provide a huge boost in visual quality in-game but it does have some missing details here and there. Some details were intentionally removed because I wanted EbonHawk to have a smooth metallic look like the droids do in SW universe (but the ships don't, so yeah).
There are also some color/glass tweaks for computer display panels (obvious in screenshots) to make them look like LCD panels and increased specularity on ship surface to give the ship a droid-like metallic look compared to the vanilla textures (you can remove the increased specularity for vanilla look).
What's New in Version R1
- - This HDTP will NOT change the color scheme for Ebon Hawk drastically.
- - This HDTP will NOT turn the textures into uber-realistic versions.
- - This HDTP will NOT turn the textures into some cartoony otherworldy.. things.
- - This HDTP is NOT a simple resize of textures with sharpness and grain applied.
- - This HDTP, at the moment, does NOT change the exterior texture for the ship.
- - This HDTP 'tries' to preserve the original art style by Obsidian.