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About This File

The opening act of The Sith Lords gets a bad rap. It's actually very atmospheric and gives a great introduction to the themes of the game (especially if you install a skin like A Darker Peragus). It only has one real problem: it's too long and repetitive. Especially since TSL rewards replaying to try different paths, it can be a chore to get through at the beginning of a new game.

This cuts out about a quarter of the length without sacrificing any plot points, by removing a large section that doesn't reveal anything new, and changing some frustrating level design decisions that add delays and backtracking without adding meaningful choices. This should give new players a better opening experience to the game, as well as letting experienced players get through the first segment faster. The full list of changes is below, if you want spoilers:


1. Removes the Dormitory level, and updates dialogue and console output to stop implying that it can be reached. The spacewalk section now connects to the Admin level, and the turbolift is fully locked down. The player's goal is now to get back to the Admin level, instead of to get to the Dormitory level.

  • Why? Ultimately the Dormitory is a big shaggy dog story. The motivation to go there is to get a code to unlock the turbolift to get to other levels. But once you reach the Dormitory, you only use the code to get back to the Admin level - which was reachable just fine, until you cut yourself from it by going to the Dormitory. The only thing you find in the Dormitory is confirmation of how the miners died, which was pretty obvious before that. (Also, the additional Light Side motivation - to rescue any miners that are still alive - makes a Light Side PC seem naive, since it's very clear by that point that they're all dead.)


  • Locking down all the turbolifts is just simpler. The original has a confusing explanation that the turbolifts are locked down to prevent escape, EXCEPT to the Admin level for complicated reasons. But this also muddies the motivation for going to the Dormitory, which becomes circular: going to the Dormitory will "unlock the turbolifts", but is counter-productive because it cuts off access to the Admin level, which can only be restored by... unlocking the turbolifts. This only makes sense if there are other levels to unlock, but it turns out there aren't. The only actual reason to go to the Dormitory level is to fix a problem caused by going to the Dormitory level. (True, in character the PC doesn't know that until afterwards, but it's still frustrating to be led around by the nose.)


  • In both the original and streamlined version, the real benefit of going outside to try to get to the Dormitory (original) or Admin level (streamlined) is to trigger the Harbinger's arrival, which isn't actually related to anything the PC does in-character. From that point of view I find the streamlined storyline more satisfying - the PC goes into the Mining Tunnels HOPING to find a way to escape (they don't, just a dead end in the Fuel Depot), and then they return to the Admin level HOPING to find another way out now that they know more about the situation - and that hope is rewarded, because they witness the Harbinger docking and see that it opens another way forward. In the original, after their first hope in the Mining Tunnels dead-ends, they go to the Dormitory HOPING to find a turbolift to somewhere useful, but witness the Harbinger docking and realize that another way off the Admin level has just opened up BEHIND them, which they can no longer reach until they slog through the Dormitory's fights and puzzles. The streamlined version has a setback and then a success, while the original has several similar failures in a row, which gets tedious.

2. Adds items to the Admin level security locker to let the player to solve the "med bay murders" side quest without going back and forth between the Fuel Depot and the Admin Level.

  • As a side effect, requires 2 computer spikes for T3-M4 to open the Fuel Depot doors. This prevents the player from skipping T3's spike-finding quest by keeping one from the Admin level. (The quest now gives out 2 spikes to match the requirement.)


3. Adds a new commconsole to the Fuel Depot level, in the room with a broken door. This holds a log of a conversation from the Admin level (from the other participant's point-of-view), which lets the player get a voiceprint without backtracking there.

  • The console also has some logs from the Dormitory level that give extra backstory.

4. A few cosmetic additions:

  • While tweaking dialogue options that formerly gave Light Side and Dark Side reasons to go to the Dormitory (now giving reasons to return to the Admin level), adds a third, neutral option that doesn't give Light Side or Dark Side points.
  • Updates the logs recorded by the Maintenance Officer to show him standing in front of the Maintenance Console instead of in the turbolift. (Since that's the way the new Break Room Console works, I added the same effect to the Maintenance Console, since I think it looks better.)

I recommend also installing my Harbinger Arrival: Free Cam mod, which speeds up a long unskippable animation sequence. It's separate so that it can be installed on its own for people who don't want the more drastic changes in Streamlined Peragus.


  • Requires TSLRCM.
  • Tested with the KOTOR2 Spoiler-Free Mod Build, but it should work with the Full Mod Build too. Install this after them.
  • Also compatible with my Harbinger Arrival Tweaks. Install them in any order.

Known Bugs (spoilers)

  • In the cutscene on the waterlogged datapad, the door isn't rendered.
  • HK-50's recorded lines still say that the player can reach the Dormitory. I tried to paper over this by making the player's responses and journal entries skeptical that anyone could be alive there and that the trip would be worth it.


What's New in Version 1.1.0   See changelog


  • Added a datapad to the Admin security locker, which can be viewed on a commconsole for a cutscene.
  • Fixed a bug where log options with and without the Sonic Sensor can both appear at the same time.
  • Tweaked wording of dialogue about returning to the Admin level, and added a neutral branch.
  • Tweaked the positioning of holos in front of commconsoles. 
  • Added a full spoiler list to the module description.
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