Edge Of Darkness 6.0.1_2025

   (1 review)

35 Screenshots

About This File





Bioware: For such an amazing game! Obsidian: For such an amazing sequel!

Feat. ThePal - Song For The Masses (Creative Commons Attribution)

Fractal Flame algorithm used created by Scott "Spot" Draves

Sound Effects by BlueZone Corporation

Opening Crawl made with MakerMoon

Fotor.com AI Reimaging and Editing

tk102: Scripting Knowledge

Stoffe: Scripting Knowledge

Darth333: Whereami Armband & Scripting Knowledge

90SK - Manager/Fixer

N-DReW25 – Setting/Manager

HARIII – Level Prototypes/Manager

Thor110 – Red GUI, Expanded Galaxy Project & Developer Adviser Guru

bead-v – Developer Adviser Guru & K-GFF Research

Fair Strides – Developer & Developer Programs, NPC Auto-Level, ModHex, K-GFF Research

Sithspecter – Sleheyron Model Developer

DarthParametric – Jal Shey Skirtless Model, TOR Sith Pureblood Head Port, Workbench Camera Tweak

VarsityPuppet – Armored Robes Model & Developer Adviser

Bullobrien – Talon/Yimille Original Skin

svösh – Mech Malak Original Texture

Malkior – Foliage Texture Guru

tjsase – M4-78 Movies Uncompressed 1.0.0

newbiemodder – GONK Droid

Darth_Sapiens – G0-T0 Overhaul

RGB – Cloth Texture Guru

NiuHaka – Dread Cyborg Skin

RedHawke – Sith Hood Model

Koolizz – A Closer View Camerastyles.2da

Quanon – Yavin IV Models and Level Modeler

Sith Holocron – Edge Of Darkness Logo, Upscaling

InSidious – K1 Lost Modules Pack

Stoney – Ebon Hawk Placeable

deathdisco – Meditate Script

Imptactular – Yoda Model Animation Fix

Marius Fett - Lightsaber TOR Hilts and Editing

Logan23 – Content Editor and Developer, Plot Editor

Based on Star Wars by George Lucas 


This mod replaces Knights Of The Old Republic II: The Sith Lords

It will totally reshape TSL into Knights Of The Old Republic Edge Of Darkness




Enter the console code "warp 091ebo"


Future content including additional side-quests, planets expanded, and party members.

You are welcome to inquire about addons, ideas, and mods for Edge Of Darkness.

Locations include: Thyferra, Raxus Prime, Dromund Kaas, Tatooine, Zeltros, and 6 other planets.


It was inspired by older text-based games

It is meant to be a throwback to 2004 gaming.

It was created over the course of 8 years by 90SK & Holowan Labs

Special Thanks: DeadlyStream.com & LucasForums.com


Launcher Confirmed for disc version / Disc version working.

Please start a new game to use the mod



This mod cannot be uninstalled.

I recommend you clone your TSL directory to install it, so you can swap back and forth.

V-Sync Setting is Required to be "On" In Edge Of Darkness

You must disable “Frame Buffer Effects” in your TSL Graphics Settings Menu In-Game.


  • Delete your previous Override out of your Edge Of Darkness directory before updating to most recent 

  • Please know that you will have to reinstall TSL to uninstall Edge Of Darkness.



Run Holopatcher at your preferred processor bit rate.

Select your installation directory and preferred version of EoD to Install.

Click Okay and allow installer to complete.


  • You must start a new game, and a fresh installation of KOTOR 2 is “required” to install, unless you're updating your version.

  • Please make a new OVERRIDE and MODULES Folder


Please do NOT claim credit for this mod and do not use assets from this mod!


Please reinstall your TSL if you want to Uninstall Edge Of Darkness.

Known Compatible Mods (Use the following mods for Edge Of Darkness):

  • TSL Vibro-Weapons HQ
  • High Quality Blasters for TSL by Sithspecter



warp 091ebo – Go back to the Ebon Hawk

giveitem killsaber – One Hit Kill Lightsaber

giveitem d3_location – WhereAmI Armband

giveitem cdx_co - Bypass Coruscant





After that, Copy/Install your downloaded mod archive into the Knights Of The Old Republic 2 directory containing Edge Of Darkness. Please consider this mod a WIP Concept Beta that is being shared for ideas and fun! Contact 90SK on ModDB.com or DeadlyStream.com for Questions/Comments/Ideas


Special thanks to Fred Tetra, author of KOTOR Tool, and Obsidian / Bioware for their original material.




What's New in Version 6.0.1_2025


  • Expertise and Research by Thor110
  • A Story by N-DReW25
  • Directed by 90sK

Visionaries HARIII & bead-v 

warp 091ebo (Open World section Only)

^ Use this code to escape sealed modules.


1.9 gb

Run the installer and select installation type and target directory for TSL.


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  • Dark Side Points 1

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3 hours ago, Chansta said:

so why's there no light side or dark side points? isnt that the whole point of the kotor games

Remember it's dialog based and yes everything has meaning and an in-game explanation. ;)


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Are there any optional romances in this mod?

Or/and an dark side route with evil cackle and moustache twirling?

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On 12/31/2023 at 3:12 PM, Samriel said:

Are there any optional romances in this mod?

Or/and an dark side route with evil cackle and moustache twirling?

Yes. The romance with Yimille, the yellow twi'lek companion, is encouraged and possible. Also you can hug Kharaellle on the Ebon Hawk, no other KOTOR character can. Outside the Hawk, Kharaelle has alternate dialog options. She is recruited upon completing Zeltros. In the future I'll add more quests, expand on old quests, and add LS/DS. For the time being, it is all in the dialog and how you read the dialog. You'll be able to get an idea for what's going on if you understand the character IS somebody with free will in the game that you're directing and under the guise of.

In lieu of other options, there is in fact a secret alternative party member included in the build. Please follow this next direction carefully: To Access the secret companion, Do Not Talk to "Aeon" the albino character aboard the Ebon Hawk. Go to Raxus Prime, and complete the planet. The secret character will be added upon completion of the quest. You can talk to Aeon after that.




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On 12/31/2023 at 11:30 PM, 90SK said:

Yes. The romance with Yimille, the yellow twi'lek companion, is encouraged and possible. Also you can hug Kharaellle on the Ebon Hawk, no other KOTOR character can. Outside the Hawk, Kharaelle has alternate dialog options. She is recruited upon completing Zeltros. In the future I'll add more quests, expand on old quests, and add LS/DS. For the time being, it is all in the dialog and how you read the dialog. You'll be able to get an idea for what's going on if you understand the character IS somebody with free will in the game that you're directing and under he guise of.

In lieu of other options, there is in fact a secret alternative party member included in the build. Please follow this next direction carefully: To Access the secret companion, Do Not Talk to "Aeon" the albino character aboard the Ebon Hawk. Go to Raxus Prime, and complete the planet. The secret character will be added upon completion of the quest. You can talk to Aeon after that.




Interesting, is said romance with Yimille for male, female or both genders? I play as male so hoping for that one being awailable :)

Does it also include:

1) An ending or changes in the ending?

2) A chance to corrupt her to the dark side

3) Kissing and/or sex?

4) A unique quest or set of quests centered around her?

Btw what race Kharaelle happens to be?

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15 minutes ago, Samriel said:

Interesting, is said romance with Yimille for male, female or both genders? I play as male so hoping for that one being awailable :)

Does it also include:

1) An ending or changes in the ending?

2) A chance to corrupt her to the dark side

3) Kissing and/or sex?

4) A unique quest or set of quests centered around her?

Btw what race Kharaelle happens to be?

Yimille is interested in the player, regardless of gender or alignment.

A disclaimer: this is generally considered a foundation build, something that can be grown out exponentially. In motion, as a movie, or considered events with real people, the story has all the telling of a book or bonafide KOTOR chapter. In this skeletal form, the entirety of an explorable and fractally expandable 14 planets. The levels are brief, but each could be considered a two hour planet in the raw, in Override, as assets. I am a one- man team with advisors and shadow contributors. I also advise and help other modders. So, the YImille romance was the first thing done for Edge Of Darkness, and it was my condition for making the game under other guidelines. It had to be there.

 Now, fast foward to the present, YImille changes the player's perspective: in reality, she controls your identity. In-game, otherwise, one way, or the other.


The ending is inevitable in Edge.

She is corrupting you, but do not expect this to be fast/slow/what you want.

No sex or kissing.

Quests are really not there in Edge. Every planet has a quest. The Ebon Hawk's computer has a quest that is concluded by Octavion. 

On Zeltros, Kharaelle and her husband are both Chiss, like Grand Admiral Thrawn's species.

You can hug, kiss, or stand inside Kharaelle at all times.

Kharaelle teaches Shi'cho outside of the Ebon Hawk if I recall correctly.

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On 1/2/2024 at 9:59 PM, 90SK said:

Yimille is interested in the player, regardless of gender or alignment.

A disclaimer: this is generally considered a foundation build, something that can be grown out exponentially. In motion, as a movie, or considered events with real people, the story has all the telling of a book or bonafide KOTOR chapter. In this skeletal form, the entirety of an explorable and fractally expandable 14 planets. The levels are brief, but each could be considered a two hour planet in the raw, in Override, as assets. I am a one- man team with advisors and shadow contributors. I also advise and help other modders. So, the YImille romance was the first thing done for Edge Of Darkness, and it was my condition for making the game under other guidelines. It had to be there.

 Now, fast foward to the present, YImille changes the player's perspective: in reality, she controls your identity. In-game, otherwise, one way, or the other.


The ending is inevitable in Edge.

She is corrupting you, but do not expect this to be fast/slow/what you want.

No sex or kissing.

Quests are really not there in Edge. Every planet has a quest. The Ebon Hawk's computer has a quest that is concluded by Octavion. 

On Zeltros, Kharaelle and her husband are both Chiss, like Grand Admiral Thrawn's species.

You can hug, kiss, or stand inside Kharaelle at all times.

Kharaelle teaches Shi'cho outside of the Ebon Hawk if I recall correctly.

Hmmm, so there is hugging (yay, those are rare in RPGs), kissing and sex in Kharaelle romance but focused on the corruption factor only (mainly?) with Ymille, do I get it right?

Is there at least a love declaration with Yimille or its mostly on the platonic side? Not even cuddling?

Maybe in a future update? The Star Wars games were IMO a bit too prude, even the kiss with Bastila was given a fade to black and the girls in KOTR2 mostly keep their feelings hidden as if embarassed by them.

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On 1/3/2024 at 5:25 PM, Samriel said:

Hmmm, so there is hugging (yay, those are rare in RPGs), kissing and sex in Kharaelle romance but focused on the corruption factor only (mainly?) with Ymille, do I get it right?

Is there at least a love declaration with Yimille or its mostly on the platonic side? Not even cuddling?

Maybe in a future update? The Star Wars games were IMO a bit too prude, even the kiss with Bastila was given a fade to black and the girls in KOTR2 mostly keep their feelings hidden as if embarassed by them.

Yes, absolutely on the table and going to be considered, and sure Yimille is absolutely loaded with romantic epithets, and it plays out significantly in the story. I won't spoil anything.

As far as standing inside or hugging characters, it's possible through using appearance.2da data

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On 3/5/2024 at 2:01 AM, Nm6k said:

So how much of the mod is done?

  • Level design and the progression of the plot is complete.
  • Beautiful levels and vast areas of beta combat.
  • Quest data for each planet is in beta form.
  • All 11 possible party members, including a secret character!
  • No cutscenes.
  • Lots of alien dialog but not English dialog.
  • It is a large game with foundation work only.
  • Also It's abstract art, and please play at your own risk.
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23 hours ago, Samriel said:

So what is the mod's status now? How close to completion it is now?

  • RIght now I've got everything the way it's supposed to be, but journal entries are not entirely done.
  • Planets are fully done but need more journal entries.
  • Workbench and Crafting system is fully done.
  • Some LS/DS points with Kharaelle, Yimille, and Rogue Zero exist.
  • The game is playable to completion. The game ends on Yavin IV and Manaan.
  • There may be subtle glitches once and a while, but I've got it where I want it nonetheless.
  • The arc of the story can be completed.
  • Be sure to visit planet Blenjeel before going to planet Chaehroth.

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On 1/4/2025 at 10:09 PM, 90SK said:
  • RIght now I've got everything the way it's supposed to be, but journal entries are not entirely done.
  • Planets are fully done but need more journal entries.
  • Workbench and Crafting system is fully done.
  • Some LS/DS points with Kharaelle, Yimille, and Rogue Zero exist.
  • The game is playable to completion. The game ends on Yavin IV and Manaan.
  • There may be subtle glitches once and a while, but I've got it where I want it nonetheless.
  • The arc of the story can be completed.
  • Be sure to visit planet Blenjeel before going to planet Chaehroth.

So the story can be played to completion...and are there already endings?

Also can romances be completed too?

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There are two endings.

Romances unlock XP, LS/DS, and Force Forms

LS/DS Points are on the Hawk with the party

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On 1/7/2025 at 8:03 PM, 90SK said:

There are two endings.

Romances unlock XP, LS/DS, and Force Forms

LS/DS Points are on the Hawk with the party

Speaking of which can one corrupt companions to the dark side either via romance, character quest or some influence system? And the opposite: redeem evil companions?

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4 hours ago, Samriel said:

Speaking of which can one corrupt companions to the dark side either via romance, character quest or some influence system? And the opposite: redeem evil companions?

Well, not exactly. The characters stay in their force-alignment (DS/LS) and there is limited DS/'LS points in Ebon Hawk party dialog.

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Weird question on installation for the LegacyPC version of the mod. The issue I'm running into is that for whatever reason it runs into an error in regards to the override folder. Upon switching my game to the more recent Steam version, and switching holopatcher to match the "Steam Edge of Darkness" rather than "Legacy PC" version, installation went off without a hitch. Any help is greatly appreciated.

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3 minutes ago, Squall Lionhart said:

Weird question on installation for the LegacyPC version of the mod. The issue I'm running into is that for whatever reason it runs into an error in regards to the override folder. Upon switching my game to the more recent Steam version, and switching holopatcher to match the "Steam Edge of Darkness" rather than "Legacy PC" version, installation went off without a hitch. Any help is greatly appreciated.

Thank you for your report. Try this new changes.ini for LegacyPC. Put in tslpatchdata and run the installer, etc. I may have missed some syntax with the new build in LegacyPC's changes.ini


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9 minutes ago, 90SK said:

Thank you for your report. Try this new changes.ini for LegacyPC. Put in tslpatchdata and run the installer, etc. I may have missed some syntax with the new build in LegacyPC's changes.ini

changes-legacypc.zip 93.93 kB · 1 download

Figured out the issue. The changes.ini file for LegacyPC has it where install_folder8=override at the beginning for the install list. That folder itself doesn't exist in the LegacyPC version since it deals with gamepad controls. Removing it fixed the installation for me. I've attached the ini I used. Let me know if you need any additional info.


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I would fix the main screen menu on the right.

Mechanical Malak would be a better choice for the main menu boss.



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